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Schizophrenia and using X


Jul 24, 2017
I have schizophrenia and I really want to try ecstasy.. But I'm very reserved about it and I'm doing a lot of research on it. I plan on getting a test kit so I know I have pure MDMA.
I'm curious about people who have used Ecstasy and have schizophrenia and how it effected them. Also did you try it while on meds? I plan on telling my Doctor about it before I take it. I'm thinking about goin off meds just to take it safely. I understand the risks for goin off meds.
I think this is playing with fire personally. You already have a severe mental illness and it is certainly possible for it to get worse. My life has been ruined due to MDMA use and Id do anything to go back and never take it.

Most people can take it and be fine, but if you have schizophrenia you are not most people.

I really think this is a bad idea and nothing good will come of this. Even if youre fine the first time, its very likely you'll want to try it again since the first time is usually an amazing experience for most and many want to relive it again. It may be on your 3rd or 4th time that it starts to have an impact on you, or it could always be on your 1st time.
I have had Schizophrenia for 25 years now.. I've taken Acid and Spoked pot without any complications.. (Not that I know how MDMA will effect me yet) I'm well aware of how my disease effects me. When I smoked pot it would induce a slight psychotic episode that I used to help me deal with my psychosis. I quit using pot 6 years ago.. I took acid once in 1994 (While having Schiz) and it didnt effect me negatively at all.

I'm not looking for the answer that I have been reading by people who are both not a doctor or a person with the disease.. That is If you have Schizophrenia dont do drugs. I assure I'm being very careful about this and doing a lot of research. My question goes out to people who have schizophrenia and what kind of result did they face? Please dont tell me to not take it because I have Shiz.. I've already read that response like a 100 times by people who dont have the disease and is not a doctor.
I found this article for anyone interested in this subject.

Quote "[SIZE=+1]Because MDMA acutely raises levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, this may prevent an increase in psychotic symptoms in schizohrenics.[/SIZE] "

This was written by a Doctor. If you are schizophrenic and thinking of taking MDMA I strongly advise to not take it with antipsychotics. Antipsychotics tend to dull th eeffects and can have very negative effects. It's best to do it clean from antipsychotic. And dont just stop cold turkey.. these meds take time to get out of the system safely.. You need to be tapered off..
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It was an interesting read but it doesnt say anything of significance. Its all anecdotal and not evidence from a study so you can only take it with a pinch of salt. Like I said, it MAY help some schizophrenics on the first use but it also MAY do the opposite. Its still playing with fire.

Look unless you can find a heap of scientific data that supports it I dont think its a good idea, and whilst articles like these are interesting it doesnt really show enough.

As always though its up to you and it sounds like youve already made your choice.
I have had Schizophrenia for 25 years now.. I've taken Acid and Spoked pot without any complications.. (Not that I know how MDMA will effect me yet) I'm well aware of how my disease effects me. When I smoked pot it would induce a slight psychotic episode that I used to help me deal with my psychosis. I quit using pot 6 years ago.. I took acid once in 1994 (While having Schiz) and it didnt effect me negatively at all.

I'm not looking for the answer that I have been reading by people who are both not a doctor or a person with the disease.. That is If you have Schizophrenia dont do drugs. I assure I'm being very careful about this and doing a lot of research. My question goes out to people who have schizophrenia and what kind of result did they face? Please dont tell me to not take it because I have Shiz.. I've already read that response like a 100 times by people who dont have the disease and is not a doctor.

I may not have schizophrenia but I have severe and chronic depersonilisation/derealisation disorder as a result of MDMA use so im saying it from that perspective. You're more than welcome to ignore my advice but seeing as this is a harm reduction forum it should be expected.
Actually I havent really made up my mind just yet. Still not enough research done on my part.
Schizophrenic here and I've taken ecstasy a few times alone the past few months. I had a great time but the slightest negative stimuli would send me into a panic attack. The first time when I took too much I had a paranoid psychotic episode and cut the electricity to my house. Right now the long term effects have been a destabilization of my mood. I'm getting slow swings every now and then. I never had mood swings before. It's also making me desire to socialize more which I have mixed feelings about.