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scared to try LSD again.


May 22, 2015
So this is my very first post so I apologize if I am not in the right section. But I'll share a little background, I have experimented with shrooms a few times and each time has been fairly positive and an overall good experience. I had always wanted to try LSD and a few months ago I was able to take a tab of 125ug, things started out great but slowly turned as my surroundings were not great because I was with friends who were not responsible people who can't take care of themselves. This really put me into a bad place for which I was unable to return from as the trip got stronger and stronger. It felt like a 12 hour panic attack that I just wished would end, it was hell on earth. It was so bad that I swore I would never do drugs again.. but of course after being sober I've decided I really want to give lsd one last chance because I've heard such great thing about the drug. I have an opportunity to take a tab of 150 ug and I will be in a much safer environment most likely by myself (which I almost feel more comfortable about). My question or problem is that I have this fear of that last trip in my head and even if I don't think about it I know it's there and I fear that if I take LSD again it will emerge and ruin the trip for me. I have waited for a long time to get into the right mindset but i cant forget that trip, and probably never will. So do you think I'm asking for a bad trip since I'm already scared about it, and if it does emerge while I'm tripping how should I deal with it? Since last time no matter what I did i couldn't get back to a happy place. I appreciate any thoughts or advice on the matter.
If you are worried about a trip going sour then it does have more potential to turn so, but it does sound like it was the lack of control of set and setting that caused the issue. Probably not an option but simply having benzos on hand means that you probably wont have a bad trip just knowing they are about. I would personally find a solo trip slightly harder as you don't have that reality anchor.
set and setting is number one priority.
I could be on weed and bad trip if in the bad setting (and I smoke weed often).

lsd was likely not the cause of the bad trip but the set and setting imo!
Set and setting as I am sure you know is key. When I took LSD for the first time I took one hit by myself. It was amazing :) Try not to dwell too much on your experience. I have had a lot of incredible, mind opening trips. I have also had several nightmare trips. It's all about perspective. LSD is a therapeutic drug, and sometimes it can show us things that we are not prepared for. The lesson to be learned from this particular trip may have been the fact that you knew you shouldn't have been hanging out with these people, and the LSD just made you even more aware of this fact.

Benzos could be a nice security blanket, but I don't think I would recommend a friend to take this route. You say you feel comfortable by yourself. I say go for it :) If you find yourself slipping into a bad trip, listen to your favorite music, put on your favorite movie. Try to recognize what is causing you to feel the bad vibe and learn something from it. It all comes from within.
Ask yourself: why do I want to do LSD again?

You said it was like a 12 hour panic attack, what did LSD try to tell you? What do you mean by ruin the trip for you and what does a "trip" mean to you? What are you expecting from the trip?

LSD can be and is fun. But I wouldn't trip just to have fun. If you are looking to experience this substance, and are not very comfortable dealing with people, I would take it in the company of a good friend. A friend who wouldn't judge me for getting emotional. Put on some good music, music that is designed for tripping to.

Don't forget, your expectations can influence the trip. Try and learn from the trip, ask yourself why you are feeling bad... try and learn from the chain of emotions that have led you to feel this way and break that chain. You do know that you don't necessarily have to feel bad. It's just a feeling, it can't physically hurt you.

One thing that I take great comfort in is the Buddhist principle of "you are not your thoughts". It has helped me immensely and not only while I'm tripping.

I hope you make the decision that helps you the most.
What you have said is noted and I can't honestly tell you what lsd was trying to tell me. I'm an overly anxious person I was lied too by another friend who gave me 25i which I took for lsd when it wasn't kicking in I took another tab to which the "friend" told me it was 25i so I started to freak out and ever since then even weed can give me a "panic attack". I want to take lsd to have an introspective look into myself. The problem is that I've never really explored myself all that much my mind gets in the way with worry thoughts. The initial thing that sent my trip bad was the set and setting but once I went there I worried about everything I had a cut on my hand and I legitimately thought I was going to lose my finger every little physical thing just got flung out of wack after that. I couldnt rationalize anything if I felt even slight pain anywhere I was sure I was dying. I've never had a bad trip to where I was confronted by my inner demons this is because I'm always destracted with the outside world having to talk to my friends and always hiding what I'm truly feeling from them, or having to take care of them while I'm also trying to take care of myself. So I suppose lsd was telling me these arnt true friends and you need to get away from them. I just know what this drug or other psychedelics could do to impact my life in a positive way and I'd like to experience this, shrooms showed me how lucky I really am and it changed my relationship for the better with my family. So I would like a positive experience with lsd even if that comes from a bad trip although I'd rather not take this route.
LSD is not for everyone, people prone to anxiety may never enjoy its effects. However that being said, maybe you just took too much man, halfing or even quartering doses is not uncommon practice. Good to soothe a trip with beer and cigs (pot intensifies anxiety/paranoia for some), but a good set and setting is crucial.
This thought has gone through my head and it makes me sad. I really truly want to enjoy it. Just wish I wasn't so anxiety prone... never was until the 25i.
That's why I'm thinking of giving it one last chance by myself, since a lot of stress/anxiety arises from situations I'm put in with my friends while under some sort of psychedelic.
I feel that, 25i tore me a new one too, swore off all RCs after. LSD is all about set, setting, and having a couple valium to fall back on hahah
What you have said is noted and I can't honestly tell you what lsd was trying to tell me. I'm an overly anxious person I was lied too by another friend who gave me 25i which I took for lsd when it wasn't kicking in I took another tab to which the "friend" told me it was 25i so I started to freak out and ever since then even weed can give me a "panic attack". I want to take lsd to have an introspective look into myself. The problem is that I've never really explored myself all that much my mind gets in the way with worry thoughts. The initial thing that sent my trip bad was the set and setting but once I went there I worried about everything I had a cut on my hand and I legitimately thought I was going to lose my finger every little physical thing just got flung out of wack after that. I couldnt rationalize anything if I felt even slight pain anywhere I was sure I was dying. I've never had a bad trip to where I was confronted by my inner demons this is because I'm always destracted with the outside world having to talk to my friends and always hiding what I'm truly feeling from them, or having to take care of them while I'm also trying to take care of myself. So I suppose lsd was telling me these arnt true friends and you need to get away from them. I just know what this drug or other psychedelics could do to impact my life in a positive way and I'd like to experience this, shrooms showed me how lucky I really am and it changed my relationship for the better with my family. So I would like a positive experience with lsd even if that comes from a bad trip although I'd rather not take this route.

That person who gave you 25i is not your friend, especially if they tricked you into taking it knowing fully well it wasn't LSD. Fuck people like that, stay away from them.

Try and have some fun man, don't expect anything from the trip. As for the "outer world" and being "distracted by it", accept it. I mean, things happen around you, that's the natural course of life. Don't take it personally and move on, especially if a situation or person is making you feel bad/ iffy. Remember, you don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to and you don't have to do anything you don't want to.

Now, from what I've read you are looking for some answers, perhaps? Remember that LSD is not the only way of getting your answers. You seem rather anxious and almost decided about having a bad trip. Why don't you try to meditate a bit? Get over these bad feelings for a while and then try dosing again? I mean, from what I've gathered you are young (or youngish) you'll have plenty of time to do LSD. Don't feel rushed, let things flow for a while. If you have some tabs on you try storing them properly :)

And yes, you are lucky! You are alive, aren't you? You get to go out another day, and have the potential of changing things! I'm happy that the mushrooms showed you how lucky you truly are.

Nobody can tell you to dose or not, but please report back on what happens regardless of what you decide to do.
My advice would be to take it again but this time do it on your own or with someone you respect and trust. You might want to have a sedative at your disposal (preferably a benzo) to kill the anxiety if shit goes south.
Why not take a "light" trip to dip your toe into the waters of psychedlics again and get rid of your fear of LSD? For me a full trip is always mentally exhausting. It needs quite some time to mentally prepare and find the right time. But a light trip (half a tab or so) is always a joyful time with virtually zero risk of turning arround and many (although not all) of the "benefits" of a full-dose trip.
If you've only taken LSD once in a bad set/setting, and have done other psychedelics with good results, then you should absolutely try again. Just be sure you have a good set/setting this time... and perhaps a sitter or buddy who you'd actually trust to hang out around.

Just because you've had one bad trip on LSD does not predispose you to always having bad trips in future. In fact, if you have a good idea why you had a bad trip in the first place, you can use that knowledge to help prevent it from happening again.

It's kind of like getting back on your bike after you've fallen off and scraped your hands up or whatever... it doesn't mean you'll keep crashing, you just have to get back on the road and put that behind you. Learning to cope with stressful memories is an important life skill. You don't need to let the bad memories define the present, y'know?

Some people find that LSD, in a quiet and relatively non-stimulating environment and at lower doses, can help them reflect on their fears, goals, desires, etc. in a more abstract and analytical way, which is sort of the opposite of popular myths (LSD causes you to wage a holy war versus giant animated demon hallucinations!!1). Remember, it was used for treatment of alcoholism to a better degree of success than 12-steps or placebo. So, me personally at least, I think it's well worth trying again, just away from your "friends".

Remember, you don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to and you don't have to do anything you don't want to.

This is pretty important to remember, too. If you feel confident that you're not going to have to run around putting out metaphorical fires, and have a good chunk of time - maybe 8 to 12 hours - to yourself, there's absolutely no reason that you can't take it on your own. (In event of freakouts, as long as you can read a computer screen or have a Skype chat going, there's places like Bluelight Tinychat or tripsit.me that can help you out.) I find doing LSD "on your own terms" makes your setting a little easier to control. If you wanna lay down and trip out, you can. If you want to go walk around, you can do that too. Make weird sandwiches or eat whole raw vegetables from the fridge. Doodle aimlessly with colorful markers on paper or cardboard. Don't forget some music and maybe a movie or some MilkDrop visuals :)

Oh, by the way, some people find that cannabis combined with psychedelics makes the high quite a bit stronger. Some people find that their LSD trips go well until they get too stoned or the weed makes 'em anxious. Just consider that if you're not a high-tolerance individual you may want to only have little bits of THC and not smoke huge bong chops or anything.
The set and setting is just as important as the substance you take. Many times i've made the mistake of tripping either in a bad location or under bad circumstances (with people I didn't necessarily trust, other obligations encroaching on my trip time, etc) and these have been the only difficult trips I've had.

The necessity of a "trip sitter" or at least one other person with you that is either sober or more experienced in tripping than you is something that is always a topic of discussion. But really, if you categorize yourself as introverted you'll probably be much better off tripping by yourself, in an empty house where you're not afraid anyone will "catch" you for your first few trips.

Its just like any other drug really, you gotta get some experience before you can function under the influence in unfamiliar settings. I remember crying for no reason a few times when I first started drinking heavily and also having extreme anxiety when being high in public when I first started smoking weed. Same thing with psychs, only less forgiving.
Wait until you are not afraid to trip. Then trip when you are ready. Identify the fears that are causing this anxiety. I can see how the trip you had would make you weary of going back. You have your whole life to trip though. And time alone helps us get over things. I have had hundreds of LSD trips, and if I were to tell you they are all heavenly I would be lying. I had some ego shattering true life showing me all my faults and weaknesses. But the good times outweigh the bad. It was all worth it. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

If you feel that you are ready, then there is nothing to fear :) It's all about confidence and being comfortable with yourself.
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If its something you really want to try again but are just scared then id certainly try again but change your setting. LSD in the right setting is mindblowing and most people hold that opinion but some people also just don't like LSD or their bodies don't take to it very well.

Ive had acid trips that were incredibly awkward the entire time and also ones where ive been around drunk people during a party at my house and I felt like a prisoner in my own home. But the trips that have gone properly have been some of the most fun, eye opening, mind-expanding experiences that have surely played a part in shaping who I am today which I have no problem with. A good trip will be something you will never be able to fully explain to other people. I suggest just you and 2 other people your trust with your life, take however much you feel comfortable with and set up a trip-den beforehand because ive made the mistake of trying to do things like set an area up or cook food and it becomes very difficult to do things that are usually easy. Make sure you have comfortable seats, appropriate music i.e Shpongle, Infected Mushroom, Psytrance(which is a lot more versatile and individual than what a lot of people realise, each DJ often has their own style like hard dark stuff, relaxing mystical sounding stuff, intense trance or chill out trance. You just have to explore the genre. For me, Psytrance is all about manipulating closed and open eye visuals, it doesn't really help with the more introspective, thoughtful side of LSD but that's just me.

A lot of psych users are starting to like Glitch and Glitch-Hop which is a very interesting and twisted genre that can be very fun to listen to. But just make sure you have everything set up before you drop the tabs, your with your best friends, you have music you enjoy and that you try to think of what you would do if you began freaking out. Its always better to think of these things beforehand because it can be very distressing having to try to clear my mind to do something simple but that I should have done before. And it dulls the trip when you have to sober yourself up then let go again.......... Sorry for such a long post!

P.S If you enjoy mushrooms then I think you can handle acid and that you'll like it. I think you just made a vital mistake by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mushrooms are much more visually and psychologically intense for me than LSD, LSD just causes the well known "mindfuck" which can be barely felt sometimes yet others its hard to put a sentence together. And LSD lasts about twice the duration of mushrooms and feel very synthetic sometimes as opposed to the natural feeling of mushrooms so that can put people off. But ont ever think that you wont come down because you will always come down, you cant get stuck like that.
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Thanks for all the responses guys! So I decided to take half a tab just to feel it and work my way up. It was great I went for a walk I was super happy. But I don't think lsd is for me Atleast not right now. It's the body high that doesn't agree with my like an electric feeling that makes me feel tense, at first I was fine with it but eventually it was too strong to be enjoyable. I am very glad I didn't take the whole tab and I think shrooms might be better for me, just because the duration is much more manageable and from what I remember the body high was more heavy rather than "explosive" I guess would be a way to describe it.
Good for you man, listening to your body is an extremely important skill that will serve you well throughout your life. If it's not beneficial to you there's no benefit in forcing it.