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scared and confused


I had the same problem and I found that drinking a lot of fluids with electrolytes helped me.
It took about a week to come right.
As advised eat well, drink fluids and a bit of exercise will help.
Hope you feel better soon
I don't do drugs much, I've never heard of ppl weighing or testing and I have a lot of friends who do drugs. Why are you convinced that I did ampetamine ? Is it because I was up for all those days? Should I buy more from the guy and test it? Also, the small amount of times hubby and I have done mdma wealways spilt a gram between both of us and it was fine. We dont do it in one shot we do it through the course of the night which was 7-8 hours.

Like I said love, take a break from the internet for a while and just see what happens. I know (literally I know) that you feel like you should be asking 'when will this end' but no one can really answer that. I think you'll be okay, just be prepared for it to take up to a month or so. But go easy on yourself and try not to get worked up. And from personal experience dont mess about with supplements such as 5htp, they only made things worse for me. Just carry on life as you were before that night and everything will resolve its self in time Im sure of it :)

Best wishes
Actually the LD50 for mdma in humans is estimated to be between 10-20 mg. per kg. Obviously no one knows if what their substance is without testing it and 500 mg. of MDMA is way too high of a dose, but I don't see where you're getting your info of "many have died from much less than that."???

There was a girl fairly recently who died at a local festival when she took two tabs of MDMA (because cops started searching people).

This study illustrates it quite well

They showed that oral administration of 50 mg, 75 mg and 125 mg to healthy human volunteers produced peak blood concentrations of 106 ng/mL, 131 ng/mL and 236 ng/mL respectively.

Case studies of serious toxicity or fatality have involved blood levels ranging from 0.5 mg/L to 10 mg/L, that is, up to 40 times higher than the usual recreational range. However, some have had levels as low as 0.11–0.55 mg/L, that is, overlapping the “normal” range and a little above it.

If doses of only 125mg produced peak plasma levels of .236mg/L and there are reports of fatalities in the range of .110-550mg/L, then I think it's reasonable to say that 500mg could easily push you into the fatal range depending on genetic and environmental factors.
I think the LD50 is irrelavant at this point. Just give the girl some advice about her current issues. And to be fair she said she did ~500mg over the course of the night which Ive seen done countless times before which has led to nothing but a horrible comedown for a few days. Sure 500mg in one go is potentially lethal and albeit a large dose and not advised, over the course of a night I dont think its worth having this arugement.
I had something similar happen to me after using too much mephedrone and methylone a few years ago. I took a year off from any drugs that have an effect on serotonin and became really into vitamins and excercising. The anxiety slowly faded and I only rarely use empathogens any more due to this situation.
It's Day 11 and I'm starting to feel a lot better. I just wish the foggy brain/vision would go away already, that's what's giving me the anxiety. I keep thinking I'm going to stay like that forever :( I def agree that my anxiety is the main reason why I haven't been able to relax, so I'm trying to keep busy so I don't think about anything negative. I don't think I'll ever touch another drug again but if I do, I will def test it. I'm so dumb, I have a baby, I can't just swallow things and not know what I'm putting in my body. Lesson learned! Thank you for your response :)
Thank you, it's Day 11 and today I'm feeling much better. Hope I'm back to normal sooner than later. I will get some Gatorade today :)
How long did it last for you and how much did u take martainmm? Why do think 5htp made things worse? I was going to buy it and said to myself "let things go away naturally" so that's what I've been doing.
Sleep deprivation can cause a lot of the brain fog type stuff, as you pay your sleep debt you'll feel better and better.

Try to tackle anxiety with mindfulness, learn with an app called Headspace