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Satanic Aliens


Jul 11, 2014
There is a dark side to extraterrestrials and interdimensional entities. And we would be unwise to not acknowledge it or to try and avoid it using the notion of “positive thinking”. The truth is that there is polarity on many levels of reality. Not just our dimension. Therefore it is not unreasonable to assume that these metaphysical beings are influencing us in a negative way one way or another by taking advantage of our ignorance and inability to become conscious and embody our free will.

Many people speak of the grays and the reptilians and such. But in reality, it is unclear whether or not these beings are even subjected to one single form. That might just be how we are interpreting them based on our own limited understanding of reality or they can be shapeshifters and take on many forms. Perhaps both. In any case, they do have influence on our lives and our realities and some seek to bring civilization to an end and some desire for the progression of human consciousness into higher dimensions and unity and love.

The ones who seek to destroy us are systematic and they take careful consideration of a vast variety of deterministic behaviors that are prevalent within our modern day society as well as the societies and civilizations that existed before us. So, if you have deterministic or habitual behaviors and you live your life by structure and continuity, rest assured you are being manipulated by satanic extraterrestrial forces.

Obviously the humble approach would be to say that we are responsible for our own actions and that we have accumulated traumas that cause us to exhibit these behaviors, but that is only the 3 dimensional explanation. There is many energies and frequencies that are present within the multidimensional infrastructure of reality so to speak. Therefore there are different causes to things that we are completely unaware of. We would not be in the situation we are in now if we chose not to worship false gods and entities that posed as having our best interests at heart but instead desired to dominate and control us and received pleasure from our unconscious reverence of them.

The same programs that were implemented then are the same programs that are being put in place now in our current generation. It is only a continuation that has taken on a different form and, in many respects, has become more sophisticated and strategic. Many people today are in league with these satanic forces and go along with the programs that have been implemented. Although many aren’t conscious of it; it’s not your typical elite person or politician. They are among us average people and among our family and friends and they are the ones who usually become cult leaders. They are possessed by these entities and give off energetic frequencies that attract low consciousness people who have been damaged by trauma and they try to imitate the same domineering characteristics as the early false gods that were responsible for the fall of humanity.

It is possible that the physical universe as we know it was created by a false god in order to eventually trap us into an inescapable existence where our consciousness is governed by a demonic oversoul that knows all of our thoughts and desires and dreams and aspirations. At that point, such an existence can be indistinguishable from what we would consider to be “hell”. Which is, in essence, an ultimate fate for consciousness itself more so than an individual fate that we experience when we die which is the common misconception.

That being said, it is possible that these so called “grays” or “reptilians” or “insectoids” are actually perpetuators of this grand plan to trap consciousness and keep it from expanding and escaping its karma. But like I said, these entities are not what they appear to be. Many are seen in the dmt world and there have been many psychedelic accounts of these beings who are basically the creators and sustainers of this physical reality. They are minimized versions of the initial overlords who instigated the Big Bang and tormented Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden before they reached enlightenment. The gnostics call them the archons and the Muslims call them the jinn. Modern America just calls them demons and for all intents and purposes, are very much so. However, there has been misunderstanding on how to interact with these entities and the physical universe itself in order to achieve salvation. Many people think we need to avoid them at all costs and commit to a life of pretense and social moral standards but in reality, the more we resist them, we feed more energy to them and make them stronger and their influence becomes more pervasive. Whether we are aware of it or not.

On some level, we must resist the urge to take on their self destructive and manipulative behaviors. But they also have a subconscious and they have much to teach us about reality and about self hood and expressing our authentic selves. They are not fully committed to the deterministic master plan of the satanic extraterrestrial overlords because god is within everything. Even what we see as evil. If you believe god is oneness, evil is not exempt from that. Therefore these entities are not entirely evil. And judging them as evil is a form of resistance that only increases the perception of separateness and polarity between us and them. Which will increase the tension and the conflict associated with that dynamic. Our only hope is integration and becoming conscious.

And just as an example, there are many people throughout history who have achieved a status of fame or infamy based on their association with these various extra dimensional forces. Charles Darwin, Joseph Smith, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Charles Manson, L Ron Hubbard…and some more modern icons such as Kurt Cobain, Eminem, Heath Ledger, XXXtentacion, Tekashi 69 and R. Kelly.
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Personally, if aliens are real, I don't believe they are capable of true evil.

I think evil is inherently a very human concept.

If aliens have evolved and progressed to have the ability of intergalactic travel, they've likely evolved passed the concept of evil.

Evil is something that will destroy a species, evil will destroy humans as a species... this is why aliens are likely visiting and monitoring earth. Evil is a disease, and aliens probably don't want it spreading away from Earth.
Personally, if aliens are real, I don't believe they are capable of true evil.

I think evil is inherently a very human concept.

If aliens have evolved and progressed to have the ability of intergalactic travel, they've likely evolved passed the concept of evil.

Evil is something that will destroy a species, evil will destroy humans as a species... this is why aliens are likely visiting and monitoring earth. Evil is a disease, and aliens probably don't want it spreading away from Earth.
Evil as a concept was created by man, yes. But that does not negate the variety of different perspectives in the universe which has different opinions on what’s better for the evolution of consciousness. Many of them might not see destruction as a negative thing and might view it as clearing out the old and making way for the new. Not to say that it is still not misguided and unconscious perspective. But I don’t think people understand that higher consciousness does not always negate polarity and contrast. There are still different views on how to implement this evolutionary jump for humanity and many beings are still operating under a state of determinism. They are not 7th 8th 9th dimensional beings where angels and ascended masters exist and polarity doesn’t exist and everything is integrated. Intelligence does not equate to a sense of compassion and understanding. It can even dismiss it entirely and cause you to look at lesser intelligent beings as lower life forms.

And I actually agree that they are not quote on quote evil. Like I said in my last post, we all have god within us. Therefore nothing can be entirely destructive or evil. Nevertheless that is how the Christian’s paint it and that’s how they want you to believe. But in reality, even the most immoral human beings still have god in them and still have the potential to awaken to higher consciousness.
There is a dark side to extraterrestrials and interdimensional entities. And we would be unwise to not acknowledge it or to try and avoid it using the notion of “positive thinking”.

I think "extraterrestrials" and "interdimensional entities" actually exist within the human psyche..

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

--Carl G. Jung
I think "extraterrestrials" and "interdimensional entities" actually exist within the human psyche..

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

--Carl G. Jung
if you believe in oneness then you would realize that the psyche and extraterrestrials are both just extensions of the universe itself and one in the same thing. Therefore the psyche can actually act as an antenna to invite these extra dimensional beings in and ,interestingly enough, appear as hallucinations in the physical dimension or constructs of our own imagination. But that is only because they mostly operate within the dimensions that are associated with dreams and near death experiences and stuff like that.

There has been many accounts of their 3 dimensional crafts and the physical effects that it has on the body which are then detected by medical professionals. So there is no question that they have the ability to inhabit both existences.

if you believe in oneness then you would realize that the psyche and extraterrestrials are both just extensions of the universe itself and one in the same thing. Therefore the psyche can actually act as an antenna to invite these extra dimensional beings in and ,interestingly enough, appear as hallucinations in the physical dimension or constructs of our own imagination. But that is only because they mostly operate within the dimensions that are associated with dreams and near death experiences and stuff like that.

Yeah exactly ☺️
Personally, if aliens are real, I don't believe they are capable of true evil.
I forgot who said it, Carl Sagan? But if a species grows in knowledge and intelligence then compassion grows along with it. It was a fascinating statement that completely got rid of the notion of evil intelligence. Intelligence can't exist without compassion was said. (I really need to find that source) I guess on some level understanding of anything expands a persons mind. That is why I would like the Human Race to get it's act together so we can expand to the stars.
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I think evil is inherently a very human concept
To say "evil is a human concept" is a bit misleading. Being strict with that everything is a human concept since even the most simple, programatic and scientific terms as "triangle", "unit" or "addition" exist because we manage to see the world through some very specific biological lens (our brain).
Maybe you consider that "evil" is human because humanity invented it, but there's (IMO) always some truth around everything that we can invent.
For example, what it's cruelty? It's the same a hungry lion eating a zebra than a psychopath torturing a baby? I don't think we could claim the cruelty we see in the second case it's "subjective" or "only human" because it affects humans and not animals, there something inherently different in both cases, cruelty is a trait of evil-ness.
I think if we don't consider it to be somewhat an external, objective quality, a lot of things lose their meaning, morals and ethics lose their true meaning, and they become merely contractual or relative which is eventually absurd. It doesn't need to exist as objectively as a rock or a river, but it can exist as a force that we can sense and deal with, the same as the rest of things.

So I mean, everything is mediated by the fact of being "human" because of our cognitive limits, but at the end of the story I don't think a triangle is more real than cruelty.
I forgot who said it, Carl Sagan? But if a species grows in knowledge and intelligence then compassion grows along with it. It was a fascinating statement that completely got rid of the notion of evil intelligence. Intelligence can't exist without compassion was said.
That would be ideal but sadly that is not the reality. The problem is that the word “intelligence” itself is subjected to interpretation. You can be intelligent in some areas and unintelligent in others. And its also subjective interpretation when trying to determine if that intelligence in those particular areas are even valid. Therefore, intelligence and compassion cannot be synonymous. That is why you have scientists and psychologists performing unauthorized experiments on unwitting subjects or patients.

I prefer the term “consciousness” or “awareness” in substitution for intelligence. Because in order to reach a state of compassion and love and understanding towards others you have to be conscious/aware of the suppressed aspects of you that are in contradiction of that love and understanding. It has nothing to do with physical or external intelligence. However, what I was trying to say was that even if you are a very conscious being, you are still not exempt from experiencing polarity and contrast and so you still have certain aspects of you that are suppressed even though you have achieved a certain amount of awareness to where you’re no longer a vibrational match to the localized beings that you happen to be relatively co-inhabiting with. Intelligence is a natural byproduct of being more conscious and having self awareness.
I prefer the term “consciousness” or “awareness” in substitution for intelligence. Because in order to reach a state of compassion and love and understanding towards others you have to be conscious/aware of the suppressed aspects of you that are in contradiction of that love and understanding. It has nothing to do with physical or external intelligence.
Good point. I like awareness too. You can be intelligent but cold as hell. You stated the suppression and personality well. It was understandable. I am still digesting your post.

And of course I am looking for that source. It was a known scientist on one of those shows like How The Universe Works or Cosmos. It was stated better than I can state it and I feel I am diluting it, But it was said in a collective way. Like Medicine is cold but helps people. There is intertwined awareness. Almost like it was developed to be conscious of the suppressed parts. Advancement is cold but loving at the same time and I think that is it, when understanding and conscious awareness is added then compassion comes naturally.

But yeah, it is a roll of the dice. It would suck to have intelligent nasty beings. I am sure we look at each other like that because humans can be that. But the collective advancements end up helping people so even humans are gaining understanding and compassion along with awareness. Then there are others that have none of those aspects. I lose patience for mean people for sure.
Evil as a concept was created by man, yes. But that does not negate the variety of different perspectives in the universe which has different opinions on what’s better for the evolution of consciousness. Many of them might not see destruction as a negative thing and might view it as clearing out the old and making way for the new. Not to say that it is still not misguided and unconscious perspective. But I don’t think people understand that higher consciousness does not always negate polarity and contrast. There are still different views on how to implement this evolutionary jump for humanity and many beings are still operating under a state of determinism. They are not 7th 8th 9th dimensional beings where angels and ascended masters exist and polarity doesn’t exist and everything is integrated. Intelligence does not equate to a sense of compassion and understanding. It can even dismiss it entirely and cause you to look at lesser intelligent beings as lower life forms.

And I actually agree that they are not quote on quote evil. Like I said in my last post, we all have god within us. Therefore nothing can be entirely destructive or evil. Nevertheless that is how the Christian’s paint it and that’s how they want you to believe. But in reality, even the most immoral human beings still have god in them and still have the potential to awaken to higher consciousness.
Not sure that's how Christians paint it.
Like Medicine is cold but helps people. There is intertwined awareness. Almost like it was developed to be conscious of the suppressed parts. Advancement is cold but loving at the same time and I think that is it, when understanding and conscious awareness is added then compassion comes naturally.
Im not sure I understand your views on what you consider “medicine” and “advancement”. There is natural medicine and unnatural medicine. I am also not sure if I understand your characterization of medicine and advancement being “cold”. Are you saying that modern medicine and advancement have a lack of spiritual quality to them being that modern medicine and modern advancements are just a reflection of the western european thought?? Because I would tend to agree with that assessment however I do not agree that they help anybody in any real genuine way. Rather they provide the illusion of stability which ultimately has short term effects that only tend to manage various symptoms that arise from deeper traumas without actually dealing with the traumas themselves.

If you are referring to the more wholesome medicines that are found in nature I would say that they have no “coldness” whatsoever assuming that I am evaluating that characterization correctly.

As for advancement, I ask that you clarify that as well. But I assume you mean the advancement of the various compartmentalizations of society such as the scientific, psychiatric and political communities etc. And I would have to say the same thing about them as I have said about modern medicine. They only provide an illusion of growth and change but do not account for the underlying aspects that self sabotage their efforts. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. For we are all subjected to that phenomenon. But those who are skeptical thinkers and materialistic minded tend to neglect this aspect of human consciousness and are more limited and structured in their thinking.
But yeah, it is a roll of the dice. It would suck to have intelligent nasty beings. I am sure we look at each other like that because humans can be that. But the collective advancements end up helping people so even humans are gaining understanding and compassion along with awareness. Then there are others that have none of those aspects. I lose patience for mean people for sure.
I would say that intelligent beings that we would consider nasty are very much a reality. Whether they be human or not. It is only natural for the perpetuators of this mentality to forcefully gain control of the entirety of the civilization while the people who we would consider “good” don’t feel the need to impose their will on others and remain passive until the very last moment. It is a concerning reality and very imbalanced and it is the reason for a lot of the colonialism that was instigated in the Eurocentric takeover during Roman times and during the renaissance as well where African American slavery began.
There is natural medicine and unnatural medicine. I am also not sure if I understand your characterization of medicine and advancement being “cold”. Are you saying that modern medicine and advancement have a lack of spiritual quality to them being that modern medicine and modern advancements are just a reflection of the western european thought??
You actually brought up medicine is cold in a way that made me think. We experiment on animals in a cruel way but the end result is helping people. So it is cold, but then it helps people. The intelligence part is cold, the notion it will help people is where I believe it gets spiritual. So really it all is sort of spiritual. All advancement, from TV remote to heart transplant to psychology is worked under the notion it will help people eventually. Even if that feeds a cruel ego. I guess advancement can be any of those things you mentioned. They are growth. They are advancements. Yes a lot of is BS. But self sabotage? (I may be misunderstanding so I will read that post 10 times like your first thoughtful post) Tell that to the guy that had a liver transp and can now live 10 more years and either do good works or bad works. (Now I am questioning my own thoughts as I type) The hydrogen bomb would be a good example of a sabotage I guess. Advancement that is used for power.
I would say that intelligent beings that we would consider nasty are very much a reality. Whether they be human or not. It is only natural for the perpetuators of this mentality to forcefully gain control of the entirety of the civilization while the people who we would consider “good” don’t feel the need to impose their will on others and remain passive until the very last moment. It is a concerning reality and very imbalanced and it is the reason for a lot of the colonialism that was instigated in the Eurocentric takeover during Roman times and during the renaissance as well where African American slavery began.
I think in some earlier posts people were commenting we can only hope those are human aspects. The need for power and enforcing their will while the good being passive. It does seem like you can not do both. Turn the other cheek as well as crush your opponent. I am not even sure we can speculate how another civilization would function. Would they have ego's? Is that a human thing?

I have been googling like crazy trying to find that reference because as I said I am diluting it. It was not my thought but I found it thoughtful and deep.

Makes me wonder if advancement, growth, and intelligence does not necessarily lead to compassion eventually then what does? Maybe it is because our society depends on cooperation. As I discuss I realize there is a lot to consider.
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You actually brought up medicine is cold in a way that made me think. We experiment on animals in a cruel way but the end result is helping people. So it is cold, but then it helps people. The intelligence part is cold, the notion it will help people is where I believe it gets spiritual. So really it all is sort of spiritual. All advancement, from TV remote to heart transplant to psychology is worked under the notion it will help people eventually. Even if that feeds a cruel ego.
I agree that everything is part of the spirit in one way or another so their intentions might be in the right place. However I don’t think they understand how futile their efforts are when the subconscious dominates our reality and creates diseases and dilemmas at a faster rate than the technology itself is able to advance. Therefore one can draw the conclusion that the accumulation of subconscious back up will inevitably create more problems than the scientific or psychiatric community is able to manage and it will eventually collapse in on itself. They are not aware of the division within themselves. And even though some aspects of them might want to advance and contribute to society, there are other aspects of them that will ultimately contribute to our destruction as a civilization. And those are the aspects that are usually unconscious and suppressed and rejected because they don’t want to see themselves as bad people. And since they are materialist, they will not consider that split within themselves as much as a person who is more spiritual minded would. They think that their conscious awareness is the totality of their whole being. Maybe a psychologist would be more open to the possibility but they would still view it as theoretical and will not acknowledge the reality of it so as to reconcile the various divisions within their own being.

For example, you mentioned tv remote and hart transplant in a way that was beneficial to humanity in someway. But that is only because the scientists and technologists do not understand the magnitude of how tv itself affects the energy system of the body and throws chakras out of alignment. That is why it affects the brain the way it does and causes people to go into a state of illusion which they then try to transfer into their relationships with people in the real world. So is the tv remote really a good thing?? Again, I understand their intentions might be in the right place, but the lack of awareness toward the division within themselves causes them to dismiss the detrimental effects of these inventions and accentuate the positive qualities that it has instead.

I guess advancement can be any of those things you mentioned. They are growth. They are advancements. Yes a lot of is BS. But self sabotage? (I may be misunderstanding so I will read that post 10 times like your first thoughtful post) Tell that to the guy that had a liver transp and can now live 10 more years and either do good works or bad works. (Now I am questioning my own thoughts as I type) The hydrogen bomb would be a good example of a sabotage I guess. Advancement that is used for power.
A heart and liver transplant is an even more concerning and complex example. Because scientists are not aware of man’s ability to heal itself by increasing their consciousness and reclaiming their free will. And so even though these types of procedures may be helpful to people who haven’t reached that level of consciousness and possess a mentality of victimhood, they are still left with the impression that they are victims to their own physical processes and convince themselves that they need technology and doctors to reach salvation. And so they can just manifest another illness only to be directed back to the medical professionals with an ailment that is so severe that modern science has not figured out how to handle yet. Not to mention the potential for infection and medical incompetence which at times leads to death. Rendering the procedure useless.
I think in some earlier posts people were commenting we can only hope those are human aspects. The need for power and enforcing their will while the good being passive. It does seem like you can not do both. Turn the other cheek as well as crush your opponent. I am not even sure we can speculate how another civilization would function. Would they have ego's? Is that a human thing?
I would suspect that they do have egos to some extent because they have a form and they have made the choice to become an embodiment. So that naturally leads to a sense of ego on one level or another no matter how much intelligence or consciousness you acquire within that form. But that does not mean that they interact with ego the same way that ordinary 3 dimensional humans do. They are aware of higher truths. So I don’t believe that they have the same fears and insecurities that we associate the ego with.

However it seems that people have a hard time understanding that higher forms of consciousness can actually choose to be embodied or disembodied. Their reality is dependent on their desires and intention and focus. Unlike the physical dimension where our desires take months or years to manifest. And we are also not aware of our capability to manifest physical body at will or to project the physical likeness of the body at will. The two being virtually indistinguishable.
Makes me wonder if advancement, growth, and intelligence does not necessarily lead to compassion eventually then what does? Maybe it is because our society depends on cooperation. As I discuss I realize there is a lot to consider.
The only thing that can lead to true compassion is recognizing the other as the self. Recognizing that what is separate from you is ultimately a part of you or an extension of you based on the oneness that is god or reality. Everything is interconnected. We indulge in these individual perspectives that causes us to perceive things as separate from us but that is not the true reality. And that is the hardest thing for people to be conscious of because we don’t want to believe that we are just extensions of hitler or Donald trump because they are part of the oneness just as much as anyone else. We are all one person. We are all one mind. If we can be conscious of that on a collective level, there would be no suffering or no one trying to hurt or manipulate or dominate or control others because they will inevitably feel that they are doing those things to themselves.

We need to teach ourselves not to judge or put negative filters or categorizations on things which science and psychology do constantly. Instead we need to understand the other persons perspective as if it were our own. We need to try and see life through their eyes. No matter how disturbing it might be. It is easier said than done, but it is the only true genuine path to reaching true connection with people that allows us to live in harmony amongst eachother. All of our arguments are basically just a collection of defense mechanisms that are put in place to prevent us from understanding eachother and prevent us from being aware of this ultimate of truth of reality which is oneness and interconnectedness. All suffering in the world is just a result of seeing things as separate from you. Even disease and mental illness itself is a result of people fragmenting themselves and seeing themselves as separate from themselves if that makes sense.
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Extraterrestials that are futher on us, are telepathic beings. They can be evil, but they overwon there animal treats. They work just with the same karma system, as ours system; if the evil we do to the other isnt coming back to us, we come barbaric. We become extremer, when the victim is taking revenge and a group put us in the damn corner.

With soul-to-soul telepathy, you become the person you wanna do evil to. Before you do the other evil, you become telepathic with them. And have a rational conversation with them. You have a deeply understanding. Then it is yours to do evil to them.

Extra-terrestials have solve many problems, that are complex for us. They believe in the most votes counts. There are 100.000's galaxies, and milky way is one of them. They have many choices about planets and even solar systems to life. So, threatening there basic needs isnt yet the problem... What i think is gonna happen in the future and we get in troubles with extra-terrestials, is when we can transport teleportation systems to other galaxies. Then we found out there are laws for that. Because, we travel in a warpdrive vehicle that has power on nuke level. We can damage what they have build and we travel in there space. Its just like the ocean; we divide and guard that to you know..

Evil extra-terrestials are just images of fear, because we are not famililair with telepathy and the karma system.
What the fuck

eye eyeball GIF by Charlie Mars