Sat Aug 9~Rev 4~IndepenDANCE~Cbus OH~Juju, Dave London, Andy Hughes~

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Re: Thanks Brandon.


I'm a happy boy. You can bet I will help with whatever is needed.

PM me and let me know.

I 2nd that.....hit me up, I am down to help with whatever.
juju, eye-d, dave london.. hell yea it keeps getting better. :)

a lil bird told me that the flyer is due out sometime late next week... that same bird also mentioned something about the flyer being some 'dope shit' ... it's in good hands.. ;)

be on the lookout.

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Just added Angel Alanis. Now if you are a smart person you will get out and get that 15 dollar presale on sale til August 1st.

damn.. so.. Dave London, Andy Hughes, JuJu (!!), Eye-D (!!!!!!), Angel Alanis, AND 4 rooms of locals and regionals for $15?!?!?!


i'd challenge any promoter to top that.

good work, b.
angel alanis fucking owns...had the pleasure of catching him with dj colette. good times indeed.

and thanks for bringing back dave london brandon.

you know im there.
brandon..plz get hold of me.. i have things to talk to you about and i need a bunch of stuff from you.

alright so back to back kick ass shows in columbus zoolu then rev 4.....fuck yea baby.... its such a pleasure to get to work with a bunch of different crews and to throw quality events....

as brandon said get ur pre sales now while they are cheap...$15 for this line up....COOOME OOOON.... Angel is going to fuckin rip it...that guy is one of the best dj's i have ever seen... I about fell to the ground last night when B said Angel Alanis was added! DOOD...its motha fuckin ANGEL ALANIS!


Brandon just made my...umm....month...year....damn I can't wait to see Angel again!
I really like this lineup because most of the Dj's have not really been around the area as much lately. I am really looking forward to seeing Angel Alanis, and Andy Hughes, because they are the only two on the lineup I have not yet seen. I have heard a lot of good things about both. I am glad this party is at the factory because that is a very nice venue for a party like this. I am really looking forward to this being in August as well because I will have enough time to save up money after the Midwest Zoolu party. Mad props on all involved and also for the more than reasonable price, I really hope people come out for a party like this.
Everyone needs to get togethere to support this event, we have 'nt had are normal support are last couple of events so get all you friends together and get your asses to this party
Damn, Now I have decide between this and Scribble Jam.


Scribble Jam it is. Maybe I'll try to check up on this later that night.
Just added Disco D to this lineup. Make some fucking noise and we are adding one more dj(techno) and we are done with headliners.

disco d !!!!!! doing it dirty.

damn good party, gonna be a fun visit from boring ass socal.

oh yeah, i wish i was angel alanis, it must be nice being married to a beaut like collette
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