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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Salvia Trip


Aug 14, 2012
Hello everyone.

I've been lurking on this site for quite a while now and decided it was time to make a contribution to this section of the forums. I've been around the block a few times, experimented extensively with most recreationals, but Psychadelics, MDMA and Cannabis are really my drugs of choice.

Last week, I decided to smoke some Salvia I've had kicking around for some time. I've really been getting into Carbon Based Lifeforms, and thought that their music would make a great soundtrack to a Salvia episode. The following trip report is something I wrote immediately afterwards and is the result of that half hour, during which time I took three pretty decent hits of Salvia after the previous one wore off, put on my best pair of headphones and lay down on the bed in a darkened room:

The music arcs between my left and right wrists and the sensorium expands to completely surround me in four dimensions. I must remember to somehow bring some of this back with me. The chords and melodies of the music float like clouds of different coloured ink in water. This is eternal. This place where consciousness is somehow thicker and where sound has a physical quality, like strands of a woven tapestry......Everything is consciousness, just at a different frequency modulation....It is 5d now, solid and all enveloping, in a place where there is no time. My consciousness inhabits wherever my imagination takes me or is my imagination just wherever my my consciousness goes? No, they are the same thing here.

There is no death.

Bobbing up and down in the ocean of everything, the energy radiates down upon me from above. I know that my body lies in a dark room somewhere but I am bathing in an energy right now that is much more real. This is why I love the sun....Because it is like this moment of joy and security.....I know that regardless of anything that happens, there is always this, here. This place where the distant physical world I know in everyday human existence is merely the product of this loom of consciousness, where sound feels solid.

The teacher plant has shown me something wonderful here. I know that normal existence is just a thin slice of something profoundly wonderful yet incomprehensible from a human point of view.....as if I dwelled down in the ground around the roots but had the chance to travel up the stem and out through the beautiful flower of a consciousness - so much richer that it is.

There are others here as well. Not people, not even beings. Presences. They’re familiar and not alarming at all...I expect them to be here. This place is like a foundry where everything comes into being and where its essence remains.

I feel the bed has a low hum, like a current is running through it....I’m not surprised and it’s perfectly possible that it’s the salvia experience leaking through to the reality I’ve temporarily escaped into orbit from.

The music is amazing....Profoundly tangible but also reassuring me that this is how things really are, and all else is but an illusion, a view obstructed by blinkers that I have managed to remove to glimpse a familiar and wonderful reality that whispers that it has been and always will be there waiting for me to come back to it whenever I choose......All I have to do is remember it’s there and somehow keep a sense, however crude of it’s true, timeless nature.

As I reluctantly return, I am reborn. If I can just remember where I have been, just bring back a fragment of it with me, then I know life in this dimension will be easier. It’s as if the universe knew that I needed to catch a glimpse of this inter-dimensional cascade, and that after seeing it, I am free to continue on with a lighter heart and a more carefree nature.

Onwards I go, confidently back into the playground.
Always good to see a positive salvia story.

"This place is like a foundry where everything comes into being and where its essence remains"

You might wanna check out The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot...
"Onwards I go, confidently back into the playground."

Very well put man.
Awesome report man, i posted this in another thread, was wondering if you had a comment since you have experienced what im talking about, truly as i am interested in a viewpoint and not to seek out argument or anything. Please excuse the harshness or possibly antagonising or argumentative tone of the below, Just need to be clear as im tweaked to the gills and my current meth fueled obsession is this topic, got to feed the beast. Social niceties or entiqute etc doesnt currently process well, simply running on data, analyze, output (raw, unfriendly), etc, so making sure to add the necessary social disclaimers ;-)

Those beings man, i fully believe they are real, as in, not a vision or halluc.. etc, but what are they i wonder?

1. Aliens or intelligent beings? Not so sure, or at least if they where, i wouldnt listen to anything the one you met had to say, since he is either hated or is stupid to the point where the only job he could get was lurking around heavy drug users so as to look ancient and mysterious when one breaks through the perception barrier. Ok perhaps its his job to ensure none get all the way though to the other side, wrecking havoc. Also were they some intelligence, it would not be drug users selected, or maybe they are filming us for using in a "look what happened to this species" warning doco. Also no communication etc. And dont say they may not be assigned there, they may just exist there in that space, well hell being a human aint so bad when a alternative is some glowing moaning thing that cant talk and floats at the edge of other dimensions regularly witnessing how much fun other beings are having, through the drug user visits.

Ok, damn sounds harsh man, typical meth output, not intended but seemingly attacking in nature. I see from your story that your beings arent necessarily in some pointless place like our world, but rather you are somewhere they exist. What gets me really is that they just seem to hang around pointlessly. Possibly my current state of pure logic thinking is not helping, possibly they are at a level where just existing is fine, or perhaps while looking like they are just chillin, they are in fact communicating and processing an inseen world and have no need for physical activity, all rather unhelpful guesses, was wondering if there was a better reason that makes sense.

And look, i love the alien concept, check out "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier the full story and all the info, amazing stuff and rocked my beleifs a bit.

2. Angels etc, intelligence godly beings, well what makes this and aliens differnet. Firstly i beleive if god is there, i bet he is in fact a living breathing entity, essentially an alien sufficiently advanced to the creation/god level. If you check "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier they show him the evolution of the human spirt, billions of years and lifetimes where eventually you reach the creation level, very interesting.
Any any case, from what we know of angel sand stuff they do seem more likely to site around looking angelic for not apparent reason. But there are many experiences of these types with near death experiences, which are very interesting, check out nde for some cool ones, you will see these experiences of angels and god etc are very different from those with the drug experiences

I mean these things are suspect, they hang out there appearing pointlessly with no purpose. To me seems like a plant, an diversion, a trick to illicit and enforce a belief.

After considering many facts i still think there is some truth in the "drugs can open you up to spiritual stuff", dont give me shit, im on meth right now, not close minded religios guy, consider everything though , and may allow us to view the spirit realm in high doses now. If these evil spirits where smart they would make use of this opportunity to enforce a false belief thereby furthering their efforts , as simple as showing a form, that is not a demon or angel. I can bet any drug user who has seen these has considered their beliefs, possibly changed them eh. Mission accomplished. Im not saying i beleive this 100% but its a scenario i am aware of that makes the most sense and has the most backing info. I have researched the spritual,angels,demons stuff, it holds some compelling arguments but i so dont want it to be reality, nobody wants all there is besides this to be some pointless ware between things we dont understand, stuck in the middle. Go read "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, omg please god let this be the truth, its to fukin cool, aliens but we still have spirits and are reborn into other worlds and realms, and live eternally and eventually become gods. Err, ill take this reality thanks.

Final disclaimer, if anything offensive or simply doesnt make sense or not relevant at all etc I apologies, ignore the tweaker, dont make direct eye contact etc lol
Thanks everyone for your comments. This report didn't get any responses for a while and I was worried that I was just being a bit pretentious. I probably still was to some degree, but that's how it all came out and I guess that's the nature of the beast when you do a trip report.

Anyway, thanks for responding. Perhaps I'm lucky but I'm generally fearless with psychedelic experiences. I don't indulge that often but when I do there's a sense of having a sneak peak at a larger or completely different consciousness / state of mind to the human one we're currently saddled with. Usually I find myself just going along with the experience in a generally pleasurable way and even if something is a bit freaky, somewhere deep inside there's a knowledge that this is just a trip and it will pass. Years of being a pot smoker have taught me not to think of bad things when stoned and I think the same applies with psychedelics.

Salvia is extreme though. I swear for a while, my consciousness escaped the bounds of the 5 human senses. I was somewhere else and I was something else. And as always with psychedelics....It was very familiar. For the duration of the full Salvia effects, the place I visited felt like it was always there, but that I couldn't normally see or experience it as a human. I tend to believe that consciousness is the nearest thing to what we call "God", and for a while I perceived everything as consciousness, but at different thicknesses or vibrations.

As for the presences....I don't know what they are. They could well be one's own thoughts or elements of one's own self and maybe that's why they seem familiar. Or maybe they are inter-dimensional beings. I don't really believe in evil though....or malevolent beings that mean you harm. I think these ideas are products of human existence and external demons are in fact our own.

Anyway, thanks again everybody.