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Ethnobotanicals Salvia sclarea Essential Oil


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
Well one more psychoactive Salvia species to add to the mix, this ones got quite a bit of research behind it. It seems the essential oil of Salvia sclarea has effects as both a 5-ht2a agonist and D2 agonist. It also contains Apigenin which is a sedative found in Chamomile, Lavender and Salvia nemorosa. As well as b-Caryophyllene which is a common Cannabis terpene which has CB2 activity.

I’ve experience with a number of Sage species all of which had at least some activity. This species essential oil is the strongest besides Divinorum dried leaf/extracts of course. It feels like a strong sedative with a cannabis vibe similar to Nemorosa but much stronger and not subject to losing its volatile components as easily as the dried herb.

What’s even more interesting though is the anti-depressant like action that I feel which I can easily attribute to the supposed 5-ht2a agonism. It feels similar to how I feel after a night of tripping, a much better mood lately.

I’ve taken it the past 2 nights but will now give a couple days to see any rebound effects. Currently feeling very good though from using the night before. Good stuff.

The only other component of interest is Sclareol which is a diterpinoid similar to Salvinorin-A.

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Well one more psychoactive Salvia species to add to the mix, this ones got quite a bit of research behind it. It seems the essential oil of Salvia sclarea has effects as both a 5-ht2a agonist and D2 agonist. It also contains Apigenin which is a sedative found in Chamomile, Lavender and Salvia nemorosa. As well as b-Caryophyllene which is a common Cannabis terpene which has CB2 activity.

I’ve experience with a number of Sage species all of which had at least some activity. This species essential oil is the strongest besides Divinorum dried leaf/extracts of course. It feels like a strong sedative with a cannabis vibe similar to Nemorosa but much stronger and not subject to losing its volatile components as easily as the dried herb.

What’s even more interesting though is the anti-depressant like action that I feel which I can easily attribute to the supposed 5-ht2a agonism. It feels similar to how I feel after a night of tripping, a much better mood lately.

I’ve taken it the past 2 nights but will now give a couple days to see any rebound effects. Currently feeling on cloud 9 though from using the night before. Good stuff.

The only other component of interest is Sclareol which is a diterpinoid similar to Salvinorin-A.

I haven't tried this sage yet, but its definitely worth a try. Have you tried utilizing actual plant matter, or just the essential oil?
I haven't tried this sage yet, but its definitely worth a try. Have you tried utilizing actual plant matter, or just the essential oil?

Just the essential oil which was purchased online. I highly recommend cuz I know you at least appreciate Nemorosa, this is better IMO.

So has anyone else had any experience with this? It sounds like something that is promising. Some quick research on google and Volant shows that this has been used for quite a few ailments but mentions nothing about being euphoric.

Wouldn’t really call the effects themselves euphoric more relaxing/sedating, the days after I had an afterglow though reminiscent of 5-ht2a agonists which was euphoric. That could’ve also been the result of better than average sleep, or it’s effect at D2. It’s like a better feeling version of Nemorosa. Your not going to find much on its effects because very few people have reported on them. (That’s what makes new plant drugs exciting to me.)

I noticed though using it too often that afterglow diminished. Which seems to point me in the direction of 5-ht2a agonism as the reason behind the positive feelings because the same thing happens with over use of psychedelics. No other Salvia species I’ve tried has had this next day afterglow either I feel o should mention, besides maybe Divinorum but I’ve only had 1 experience with that one.

I suppose I haven’t been able to stay up long enough on it either to see if it actually has psychedelic effects with that 5-ht2a agonism. The desire to sleep comes quick when I use it.

So far I’ve used it 4-5 times at a dosage of 1 drop, mixed with honey then chased with a little more lol. My wife has tried this plants oil as well with similar results.

I’d love for someone else to give it a go, the essential oil is easily available online. Just like Nemorosa the more people that begin to try this the more popular it will get :)

All that said, @Anonymous Dissident is probably the best bet for anyone else besides yourself @IgniFerro (if you feel up to it) to give this a try. Don’t have many explorers around these days but hoping a few step up to the plate.

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I tried this two nights ago at 2 drops, doubled the dosage.

I was having trouble trying to get to sleep. I had just drank an “extra strong” Sleepytime (Valerian and Tilia added) with some Rosemary Honey which wasn’t doing it.

Soon as I took the oil, I became extremely sleepy. What was interesting was my wife kept trying to talk to me which would almost scare me as it felt I was somewhat detached and her voice would bring me harshly back to reality. Then I passed out and slept soundly.

This time the next day positive feel was even more pronounced.

I’m not sure I feel pushing the dosage higher would elicit any further positive effects, might be worth trying 3 drops but one would need to be undisturbed. I’d say this is one of the best sleep medicines I’ve tried, with an added mood lift the following day. Very nice substance all things considered.

Found this article which would indicate that the bulk of the effects come from linalool and linalyl acetate. They examined the oil from many different countries and all contained a significant amount. This could possibly explain the intense sleepiness but the hand doesn’t quite fit the glove.

I’ve had linalool, the patented version of lavender extract, and while I see the similarities, there’s marked differences as well. Particularly the next day, but also just the depth and quality of sleep too. I wasn’t really impressed times I’ve tried linalool or lavender oil, and didn’t feel it was that great of a sedative. Better for anxiety if anything.

So while linalool definitely plays a role here, it’s my assumption some other active component flavors the experience in a different way. They have a chart showing the various components.

Bumping up this old thread. My new GP is getting tetchy about prescribing sleep meds (even though it‘s well medically documented I’ve had insomnia, restless legs and limb movement in sleep for over 20 years).

I currently take 300mg gabapentin, 0.5mg clonazepam and vape some indica before bed.

I’ve tried clary sage on my pillow, should I be taking a few drops orally?

It’s the clonazepam that doctors go gaga over and want me to stop, if I could find a way of replicating the way it synergises with the gabapentin and weed, I’d be thrilled. If I just have the gaba and weed, I don’t sleep as deeply and the lovely wave of fuzziness before it knocks me out just doesn’t happen. I like to read in bed, once I can no longer follow the storyline, I know it’s lights out time 😂
In my experience, the only thing that will properly substitute for benzos are different types of benzos.

Barbiturates too perhaps, but if your doctor has a problem with you taking klonopin, you're probably not getting barbiturates.

Z-drugs are the next best thing though (maybe even better in some cases actually). Zopiclone, zaleplon or Zolpidem (Ambien). That synergizes great with weed too. Zopiclone or Eszopiclone is good too, doesn't synergize as well with weed and makes everything taste odd, which you'll probably make peace with if you take it often.

Sage can be kind of calming, but it's no substitute for klonopin.
In my experience, the only thing that will properly substitute for benzos are different types of benzos.

Barbiturates too perhaps, but if your doctor has a problem with you taking klonopin, you're probably not getting barbiturates.

Z-drugs are the next best thing though (maybe even better in some cases actually). Zopiclone, zaleplon or Zolpidem (Ambien). That synergizes great with weed too. Zopiclone or Eszopiclone is good too, doesn't synergize as well with weed and makes everything taste odd, which you'll probably make peace with if you take it often.

Sage can be kind of calming, but it's no substitute for klonopin.
Heh, I am only on a low dose on klonopin, but am pretty sure in 12 months my doc will try to cut it completely. Easier to fnd a unicorn than sleeping meds/benzos prescribed in Australia. Most doctors here are trained to not prescribe them. I know, because 20 years ago, it was EASY to get ambien or valium. Now, very very tricky.

I have been on ambien before, fun - but it makes me feel yuk the next day. I was able to get black market zopliclone from OS, but they no longer ship to Australia, so out of luck there too.

So, I either need to pay huge $ to drug dealers for benzos, or wean myself off them within 12 months.

Interestingly, Benadryl (which they don’t even sell over the counter here, I order online from US) seemed to work ok in combination with weed and gabapentin. They are quite happy to keep prescribing the gabapentin, just not the klonopin. Sigh!
I'm in Australia too. Used to get Valium and Temazepam every month, now it's every 3 to 6 months and I go for Zopiclone over Temazepam as you get more in a pack and I can usually just take half.

I get most of my benzos via other means though. It's just easier than dealing with doctors and all the red tape around prescribing these days.

Doxylamine is a really strong sleeping tablet too. Structurally similar to diphenhydramine, but stronger. I have a hard time waking up in the morning after taking it though. Lasts too long.
I'm in Australia too. Used to get Valium and Temazepam every month, now it's every 3 to 6 months and I go for Zopiclone over Temazepam as you get more in a pack and I can usually just take half.

I get most of my benzos via other means though. It's just easier than dealing with doctors and all the red tape around prescribing these days.

Doxylamine is a really strong sleeping tablet too. Structurally similar to diphenhydramine, but stronger. I have a hard time waking up in the morning after taking it though. Lasts too long.
You are not wrong about the red tape. I’ve found other means too - some more reliable than others. So frustrating! Anything sleep or anxiety related, they just want to put you on SSRIs - which do NOT solve a sleep disorder!

Have opened a gabapentin capsule tonight and the effects are hitting much quicker. That might be a partial fix. Looking at ways to potentiate its effects.

Yeah I have doxylamine, but if I take it, will only take half as it is nasty the next day. I find diphenhydramine to be better (or Chlorpheniramine Maleate, in night time codral).

Thank goodness for weed! 🤣
Are you on medical cannabis?

I've been thinking about going for it, but apparently, they trial you on CBD, then a THC:CBD edible, it's really expensive before you can get actual flower - this is what I've heard at least.

I've already had CBD oil from several different vendors, even 20% oil is nothing special. Edibles have never really worked on me in the way smoking weed does either.

It sucks because weed is a real annoyance for me to acquire. If I could get it from a pharmacy, I'd be set.
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The drops on the pillow won’t do much unfortunately. While I believe aromatherapy can have light effects, it’s more or less placebo for many of them. But yes when ingested orally this particular oil (note it has to be the oil) is extremely strong, I stand by that statement. It’s a better sedative than many benzodiazepines in my opinion, I stand by that as well. (Benzodiazepines are still much better anxiolytics.)

Also please remember this isn’t “Sage” which refers to only a few specific Salvia species one of which being Salvia apiana. Regular Sage has light effects but nothing compared some of the other more psychoactive salvia species.

I’m honestly surprised no one has tried this yet.. I just know if someone does they’ll see what I’m seeing.

The drops on the pillow won’t do much unfortunately. While I believe aromatherapy can have light effects, it’s more or less placebo for many of them. But yes when ingested orally this particular oil (note it has to be the oil) is extremely strong, I stand by that statement. It’s a better sedative than many benzodiazepines in my opinion, I stand by that as well. (Benzodiazepines are still much better anxiolytics.)

Also please remember this isn’t “Sage” which refers to only a few specific Salvia species one of which being Salvia apiana. Regular Sage has light effects but nothing compared some of the other more psychoactive salvia species.

I’m honestly surprised no one has tried this yet.. I just know if someone does they’ll see what I’m seeing.

I have the clary sage oil. One drop, I’m still awake….
will need to experiment when I don’t need to work the next day (sigh)
Sclarol is used to produce the woody/musky fragrance fixative called ambroxide. Basically it has an intramolecular condensation forming a new lactone ring and then some dehydration.

The chemist Barry Sharpless (won Nobel prize in 2001 and 2022) has said that he would taste compounds he had synthesized in his lab as long as they lacked a nitrogen. Highly potent receptor binding certainly can occur (ie things like salvinorin a, thc, steroids, paralytic fish toxins), but in general the chemical space of non-alkaloids tends to be less suited for making interactions with cell surface receptors.
I have the clary sage oil. One drop, I’m still awake….
will need to experiment when I don’t need to work the next day (sigh)

Highly surprised by that to be honest. I’m gonna try to be vague as possible but does yours say “kid safe” on it? Essential oils are notoriously impure and adulterated too.

Everyone I’ve given mine too has slept soundly. I’d say it’s the high linalool content but I’ve taken plenty of lavender oil and doesn’t work nearly the same.

Highly surprised by that to be honest. I’m gonna try to be vague as possible but does yours say “kid safe” on it? Essential oils are notoriously impure and adulterated too.

Everyone I’ve given mine too has slept soundly. I’d say it’s the high linalool content but I’ve taken plenty of lavender oil and doesn’t work nearly the same.

Nah, says “commercial grade” keep out of reach of children. Not for internal use.

I can stay awake on large doses of other sleepy substances if stressed, so when I say I need to be knocked out to sleep, I’m not joking!
While I believe aromatherapy can have light effects, it’s more or less placebo for many of them. But yes when ingested orally this particular oil (note it has to be the oil) is extremely strong, I stand by that statement. It’s a better sedative than many benzodiazepines in my opinion, I stand by that as well. (Benzodiazepines are still much better anxiolytics.)
I'm not into aromatherapy, but that sage people burn as a 'cleansing' something or other, does seem to produce a light calm feeling.

Wouldn't surprise me if there's something more to it than it's aroma. Given the extreme potency of Salvinorin A as an agonist to certain opioid sites (as the most obvious example) I do believe there could be more interesting compounds to be found in Salvia species than meets the eye (or nose).