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Salvia and MDMA


Bluelight Crew
Aug 20, 2003
Me and a friend of mine were thinking of rolling some weekend this month, since I was recently able to find a source for some reputably good pills: yellow hang tens, which PillReports.com says have a med-high dose of MDMA with possibly some MDA. He's never tried ecstasy before, and I haven't done it since the summer.

I love me a little K, followed by a lot of weed, after the roll begins to wind down. But I'm off weed, and I'm not banking on finding any K. However, I am becoming increasingly interested in salvia divinorum. I haven't had the balls to try it yet, because I've been told it's an entheogen that deserves an awful lot of respect, is not for the faint of heart, and should be approached with great caution. For example, 75% of the trip reports I've read for salvia include a period of intense fear near the beginning, even the ones that end up being euphoric, mystical, and life changing.

Seeing as how MDMA tends to 'take the edge off' a lot of harsher drugs, would it be any insult to salvia divinorum if I introduced myself, and possibly my friend, to it whist rolling? If so, is there any special part of the roll you do or don't recommend smoking the salvia? Anything we should watch out for? I get the sense that if I acclimated myself to this drug while in the 'all is well' rolling mindset, it would make this drug an easier and less fear-inducing drug to get into later on its own. Am I right in this assumption?
>Anything we should
>watch out for?

Trees can get in the way and there are always cars! Be careful where you roll, hit a hill...and it is easy to get out of control.

PS, S. Divinorum will completely overpower the MDMA.
The Salvia might also have a prolonged duration as well as overpowering the MDMA.

I'm not certain about MDMA in particular prolonging the effects, but I have had Salvia weirdness last for 45 minutes while on low-dose mescaline, and almost 30 minutes while on methamphetamine, and I've heard other reports of longer salvia experiences while on other phenethylamines...
might be good because I doubt you'll experience "the fear"

but ya it will potentiate the experience dramatically. dont be suprised if it lasts over 30 minutes or longer.
this thread just makes me wonder what dmt on top of mdma would be like. that sounds like a much better idea than the salvia...
In terms of offense to the plant, yes, I think MDMA would "offend" it. Anytime I've approached salvia in any state of mind other then 'normal' (ie. stoned or drunk- I won't include tripping becuase I can't) I've forgotten the experience or its been frightening. I wouldn't think theres a great deal of synergy between MDxx and salvinorum anyhow, there very different substances.
willow11 said:
In terms of offense to the plant, yes, I think MDMA would "offend" it. Anytime I've approached salvia in any state of mind other then 'normal' (ie. stoned or drunk- I won't include tripping becuase I can't) I've forgotten the experience or its been frightening. I wouldn't think theres a great deal of synergy between MDxx and salvinorum anyhow, there very different substances.

I'd have to disagree here, just from personal experience. I administered a breakthrough dose to a very close friend of mine while he was rolling a couple of years back, and he still regards it as one of the most profound and memorable drug experiences of his life, and he's had more than his fair share.

The lady Salvia appeared and spoke in his presence...about me, disconcertingly enough, but still, a very powerful and positive experience on his part. I think I even have his trip report somewhere on my hard drive still.
Don't think this is a good idea from what I've seen, and I totally agree with the statement above that MDMA "offends" the plant.
I've smoked savlia several times on LSD, and while I wouldn't recommend to just about everyone, I didn't "freak out".
One time at a house party a friend I knew decided to smoke some sally with his buddy who was rolling. Everyone at the house was rolling at the time, so it was all happy and mellow.
After smoking the salvia the guy quickly freaked out, and I mean... freaked out. Probably the most literal shit-flip I've ever seen. He was literally tearing things off of the walls and pulling things out of the cabinets until he had to be FORCEFULLY removed from the party. I didn't know the guy, but appearantly he knew what he was doing (yeah right). Since this has happened it has been an unquestioned fact in our group to not approach sally while rolling.
ALTHOUGH, one time I did ....
at a hotel party, I was rolling, off of like, 5 not so great pills I think had meth in them. (which could explain the reaction)
anyways, me and 2 close friends went to the bathroom and I smoked it alone, as I am the most experienced with such things. It quickly became evident to me that I was not so experienced.
I became stuck in a horrifying time loop, one like I'd never experienced. My friend with the salvia attempted to explain to the other person in the room that sometimes it induces "paranoia" and he was sure that was what I was going through.
I didn't say anything to them, as I was totally horrified, because at this point I was convinced them were aliens conducting some kind of experiement on me. His words made little sense too me, but I was filled with rage. It was the first time in my life I literally wanted to kill someone. I remember seeing myself attacking his and completely destroying his body as if it was nothing to me.
Anyways, this was laced with lots of various phenoms that I won't get into.

I don't think I need to say it but, I think this combination is a very bad idea.
^ There's no saying what caused his freakout. I've never freaked out on Salvia and personally think a MDMA/Salvia combo would be bliss.
aanallein said:
might be good because I doubt you'll experience "the fear"

but ya it will potentiate the experience dramatically. dont be suprised if it lasts over 30 minutes or longer.

I think the fear is one of the best parts of the trip, earned my respect in 2 minutes after meeting.
"5-MeO-DMT on top of MDMA"

talk about serotonin syndrome
I chewed a medium-sized fresh leaf once at the end of a nice roll. My g/f and I thought it might give some nice 'eye-candy' whilst we made love. Biiiiiiiiig mistake :( Both of us got dragged straight into Salvialand, pretty scary. Not the right time. Definitely a potentiation of strength. Quite a sobering experience. Salvia needs heaps of respect.

As the saying goes:

:X "Does not play well with others" :X

IMHO if you do salvia while on MDMA the salvia will kick the shit out of the MDMA

When you come down off the salvia you will probilby forget that you are even rolling - salvia is that powerfull. It might just sober you right up.

I suggest doing salvia by itself first. I'd even suggest trying it before or after your roll because there's the possibility that you could ruin your roll with a terrifying experience on salvia
Afterm4th said:
I suggest doing salvia by itself first. I'd even suggest trying it before or after your roll because there's the possibility that you could ruin your roll with a terrifying experience on salvia

I definitely agree, I wouldn't ever risk destroying a roll by doing salvia in the middle of it, I assumed we were talking tail-end of the roll timeframe.
I've never smoked salvia when rolling, but I imagine it'd be one of the better combinations.

In my experience:

salvia+stimulant (coke, amphetaine, hallucinogen) = stronger salvia trip, less scary, greater ability to "remember" what happened

salvia+depressant (benzo, alcohol) = much more fun-oriented trip, less fear, "memories" sillier

salvia+hallucinogen (2c-x, doc, amt, psilocibin, dmt) much stronger, memories much more vivid, although of a shorter meeting god variety, fear completely replaced with awe.

I imagine salvia + mdma or methylone would be one of the most peaceful salvia trips you could have, and coming back into an empathogen type buzz would be really nice.
I did the combinaison salvia/mdma one time, and it was awesome.

I took one big hit of Salvia when the Mdma had peaked. I wasn't afraid by the salvia entity, I let myself being sourronded by it, it was my better drug experience ever.

But, the setting was great, with people that I trusted.
trip.more said:
I think the fear is one of the best parts of the trip, earned my respect in 2 minutes after meeting.
I agree. The Fear is what made me understand what salvia is capable of. I would suggest doing it sober first, just so you know what to expect. Then you can make your decision about if it will be good with a roll.