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Safely obtaining drugs in a dangerous area


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
I discussed this with swifty and removed a few things and I think that if I had, had this information going out to cop I would have avoided a few things...

I feel that in the spirit of harm reduction this should be posted. If my companion mods think it is an innapropriate thread then of course I will close it. However I realize that many people g oto dangerous neighborhoods attempting to buy drugs and often times will get ripped off and sometimes mugged or beaten up. You must realize that copping on the streets is a DANGEROUS affair and some helpful pointers on how to assess the situation to which you are putting yourself into could drastically reduce your chances of getting hurt or killed.

Until very recently I avoided copping my H on the street for fear of getting jacked and the police. After a few moments of copping down by the local needle exchange I have learned a few things that I feel I should share with you because they could very well apply to how you might have to cop your shit in the future.

First things first lets talk how you are getting to the spot and how you plan to get out if something goes sour. I make sure to drive the area once to scope and see whats what on the street. things to look for:
-groups of people who aren't socializing and aren't high as fuck these will be the people you most certainly can approach.
-the fastest way by foot out of a situation from any of the areas.
-look for enclosed spaces to do business in that way if the cops roll on you, you can just as easily swallow your shit.
If the cops roll on you and you have the chance swallow your shit if it is wrapped well enough. Do not drop it, that doesn't work.

With police officers the best way to stay out of trouble i to be invisible to them or to look like you aren't causing trouble. They really don't want to ruin your life with a drug charge unless they're assholes. Assholes exsist, but they aren't nearly as common as you migh think. If you do encouter the police remember to be polite and if you're holding don't consent to search. You have civil rights.

Once the area is driven and I feel that I have gotten the best idea of whats what in the area I decide how i am going to get onto the block. You can go one of three ways:
-By foot: going by foot is, in my opinion the best way to do this make sue you have your ID with you and also make sure that all of your belongings are taken off... rings, watches, etc. I keep my cell phone on me for one reason. It is always good to have someone waiting in a car a short distance away where you can just hop in the vehicle and get to gettin.
-On a Bike: Riding a bike in says a few things, "hey look at me I have nice bike that can be stolen." and "hey look at me I want to get the fuck out of here as fast as possible." make sure that if you ride your bike in you are carrying ID and you know EXACTLY who to go to, staying to long on your bike in a shitty area will ensure that you get topped and beaten up for you bike and the contents of you wallet
-In a car- If yu do this make sure that there is no paraphenalia of any kind in your vehicle and that the doors and windows are locked, again make sure you know who to go to, if you don't then you can find yourself carless in the ghetto with lightning speed.
I have said to make sure you have your ID with you in all circumstances you may ask why? This is because if you get stopped by the police and you can provide ID and you dont have any shit on you, they will most likely run you through a battery of questions and then let you off the hook. Without ID they will take you in and process you. This means no less than 12 hours in police custody, it sucks and it can happen lets not kid yourself about the police and their ability to be assholes extrodinaire if they think you're out to score some drugs.

Once you get to the block and you feel you have successfully scoped it out now is the time to do what you came here to do and get your shit. I must express that this should be done as fast as possible. If you look the part people will start walking up to you and asking what you want. People will try to take advantage of you. If anything feels wrong it problably is and you should find a way out fast. Some things to watch for...
-If anyone tells you to give them money and they'll be right back, they won't. giving money to someone like that is like tossing money into a fire barrel. You'll get ripped off if you do this. If someone says to you, "Hey I just gotta run around the corner or down the street." Tell them, "ok go do that you can point me out to the guy and once i have the shit I'll give you the paper." Many people are receptive to this and will do exactly that once they realize that you aren't a sucker.
-If a group of people calls you over to a REALLY secluded area and tells you to relax... they're prolly gonna try and jump you. Just ignore them. If they hassle you... LEAVE for a minute go a block over and try the people over there.
-The guy who says "I'll help you but you gotta give me a taste." If this is your first time well then you gotta do that prolly but listen to me when I say that a taste is not half a bag... IT IS WHAT you decide to give them and no more. Hey if they hooked you up fat then return the favor, it never hurts to get people to like you in these areas. They watch out for you if they know that every once and a while you'll throw a bit their way. In my opinion this is the best way to avoid getting mugged/stabbed/or shot.
-Avoid the people who are acting crazy, they most likely are... think about it... roll it around in your head a bit they could be totally batshit...

Look for the people who seem to just be sitting there or the people who are hidden just enough so that when cars roll by they can hide their shit up. This is where you will find the people you are looking for. Please don't go down any alleyways looking for someone, you will get mugged...

Once you've gotten your junk the next and final step is to get out of the area to a safe place where you can use. Please don't use near the area you copped you could draw unwanted attention and get arrested... these things have happened. Not to me but to people I know. Get out of the area go home and use. That is the safest bet. However if you do choose to use close to where you got your shit go some place that once you've started to get high you won't be harassed by people who want a little bit...

Thats my recommendations on how to get your drugs from a dangerous area as safely and quickly as possible. Remember keep an eye out, no one will look out for you but you. If you can't stand up for yourself perhaps you shouldn't be copping on the street.
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And shall now preform the mighty act of the bump! Bumpity Bump bump!
-Avoid buying from junkies/middlemen. Dealing with them usually takes longer and comes with a price, be it kiked bags or higher prices.

-Park around the block if possible. Don't just park next to the dealer and get out and cop. Put some distance between your car and where you buy.

-Do not give out rides to unknown dealers or users for drugs. Also it's best not to let them in your car.

-Have a story ready in case you get pulled over or stopped by cops. The first thing they'll want to know is why you're there, especially if you're not from the area. Make sure you have something believable.

-If you're walking to the spot or taking public transportation, try to blend in with the locals. Don't run or walk all fast, and if possible wear clothes that are commonly worn in the area. The less you stand out the better.

-Have your money ready. This usually involves having exact change inside one pocket. Don't bring any other cash(or cards) with you, and do not keep it in your wallet. You don't want to be out there taking money out of your wallet and counting it.

-Pick a dealer and stay with him if the product/price is good. Build a relationship to avoid having to cop on the streets.
phrozen said:
-Park around the block if possible. Don't just park next to the dealer and get out and cop. Put some distance between your car and where you buy.

-Do not give out rides to unknown dealers or users for drugs. Also it's best not to let them in your car.

-Pick a dealer and stay with him if the product/price is good. Build a relationship to avoid having to cop on the streets.


Giving rides will get you mugged while driving my buddy had it happen to him most recently.

And of course, however on the street people aren't always there... things to think about is you will learn how to pick out the sellers...
In the projects, avoid going into buildings to cop unless you are willing to stash it or planning to do the dope inside the building and get rid of all your paraphonalia before you get out. Buildings are considered spots and are constanstly watched, cops will watch you go in and jump on you (literally tackle you) as soon as you step out.. this is my experiance. Everytime I had my paraphanelia stashed elsewhere and my shit stashed. They always ask.. "what did u do it in the building" and I reply yes.

Also don't bullshit, in places like the south bronx anyways, it's obvious what you're doing down there and if asked always tell them the truth. They know what you're doing in the area and it pisses them off if you lie to them, then they'll take you in for solicitation. But, if you say "yeah im down here trying to cop but haven't yet" with your shit stashed they'll tell you to get the fuck out of here, I've never been taken in on solicitation.

Always stash your shit no matter what. I don't care the situation. I used to know a guy who would put his shit in a tissue and said that if he saw someone comin' that he'd toss it before they got him. If it's not inside of you, they will find it.
Incident it sounds like you've had a few experiences copping in projects.

I've never heard of police officers being that aggressive unless you have a knife or something in your hand that would cause them to fear for their own lives... I feel that I must disagree with you regarding telling an officer that you are in fact there to find and acquire drugs... this will only cause trouble if you advertise that you are a junkie looking for a fix. It is a problem not this time but it will be EVERY OTHER TIME those cops see you they'll assume you have drugs and hassle every time they see you, this I can promise you that.

If you go INTO a project to obtain your substance of choice ( i have only done this once...) do not go the way you came in or stay a little while that way when you walk out and you have drugs on your person the officers (IF there are any) are less likely to realize that you are holding and dont see oh that guy just went in and out.
this is a nice thread and even if you follow these rules you can still get burnt or mugged. I do not advise doing this, but i have done it
I cant remember who, but i remember someone posted a thread something like this a while back. except it was more like a "trip report" of copping dope in the city. lol, but it was from a suburban whiteboys point of view. I dont know if anyone else remembers the thread I'm talking about but it was really good too. anyway yea, good thread Noddy ol' boy! :D oh and congrats on the modstick too ol boy!
mmm mmm yes yes jolly good show sir. In fact sir DP perhaps you could have a mostick at one poin.
On the flip side I've lived in an area where I was literally the only non-black resident, I was never once stopped by cops or the victim of crime even though the area had a horrible reputation.

Not everyone in the ghetto is looking to score.
Good Post. I was thinking that it's better to get the dealer in the car with you. Don't they need a search warrant to search the car??

I don't feel comfortable dealing in the open and have gotten burned a lot doing that.

Usually find someone who wants to do business. Go to the car and get it done.
Just me.
bring dealer into car, get robbed by dealer, a simple "handshake" is all thats needed to exchange loot for drugs. and enod, excellent post, but I highly doubt that most blers need instructions on how to cop. also make it a point to not look wealthy when copping in the hood.
Stygian8Angel said:
and also, how can you tell it's not a cop? is there a way to tell?

cop= that creepy guy in purple sweatpants and a metallica hoodie that comes up to you and asks if you guys like to party.
see, now you sound like a cop so you'll have to let one of our less paranoid members answer that. :)
a moderator edited my post for a reason i disagree with. and dont put words in my mouth(posts) sayin carryin a weapon will get u in trouble with the police when you made a post about how to cop drugs in a dangerous area ? oh that cant get u in any trouble wit the police now can it ?
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Guns are a bad idea too. Please guys lets keep this smart I really dont want to close it

Guys try to keep this within the forum guidelines I'd HATE to have to close a thread that could be used for someone for good.
I see nothing in the forum guidelines stating that one is not allowed to mention guns, or suggest the carrying of a weapon for personal defense. neither of us were promoting violence simply staqting that one should have a way of defending themselves if put into a dangerous situation whilst obtaining drugs in a dangerous area and seeing as carrying dugs can get you in some trouble with law I think you should edit all mentions of drugs from here to (note sarcasm).