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Safe to up methadone dose ?


Aug 16, 2018
I’m currently on 5mg of methadone and recently had a tooth extraction and was given pain meds and took them. Ran out. It was ok. But now I’ve been having cravings. I was wondering if it would be safe to take 20mg to try and curve the cravings. I would rather take an extra dose of methadone then relapse to my doc. But I want to be safe about it. I don’t go back into my doctors for two weeks. Thanks in advance.
well how did the dose upage go? how did you feel? remember opiates are like an angel kissing you and bringing you a warm blanket to feel hugged and warm. if you dont stop youll be at 140mg a day o Methadone like me.. hopefully not ..remember methadone kills if you dont know wth your doing. and should be perscribed by methadone clinic or doctor....honestly methadone should be reserved for people that been doing heroin or lots of oxys opanas etc. u get the point i hope <3
well how did the dose upage go? how did you feel? remember opiates are like an angel kissing you and bringing you a warm blanket to feel hugged and warm. if you dont stop youll be at 140mg a day o Methadone like me.. hopefully not ..remember methadone kills if you dont know wth your doing. and should be perscribed by methadone clinic or doctor....honestly methadone should be reserved for people that been doing heroin or lots of oxys opanas etc. u get the point i hope <3
I was weening off. I’ve been on it for a few years now and at one point I was at 100mg but the cravings scare me. Last time I got off the methadone the cravings made me relapse and I don’t want to relapse into the drugs I used to take. I would rather up my dose to a steady 20 or 30 until I get the cravings under control then I’ll ween again but when I posted this I was having a hard time and wanted to know if going from 5 to 20 could be dangerous since I’ve been at a low dose for so long and that dose amount seems to be the dose that will help with cravings. I wanted to get through till I went to my clinic to pick up again without relapse. I go on Monday and have been doing good. They are going to up me at the clinic to 15mg when I go in so I just have one more day to make it !
I was weening off. I’ve been on it for a few years now and at one point I was at 100mg but the cravings scare me. Last time I got off the methadone the cravings made me relapse and I don’t want to relapse into the drugs I used to take. I would rather up my dose to a steady 20 or 30 until I get the cravings under control then I’ll ween again but when I posted this I was having a hard time and wanted to know if going from 5 to 20 could be dangerous since I’ve been at a low dose for so long and that dose amount seems to be the dose that will help with cravings. I wanted to get through till I went to my clinic to pick up again without relapse. I go on Monday and have been doing good. They are going to up me at the clinic to 15mg when I go in so I just have one more day to make it !
About 6 years ago, I had a 140 mg per day methadone dose. I had this daily dose for about 9 years until I opened my eyes to what it cost me financial, physical, and emotionally. I had to pay $15 per day times for 30 days of the month. I don’t care who you are, a $450 per month habit is a lot of money. I told the dispensing nurse to drop my dosage 10 mg throughout the month and don’t tell me when my dosage drops. So I began a 10 mg per month taper until I got down to 30 mgs 11 months later. The clinic swapped me to primary doctor and he finished the detox. I didn’t have any problems or withdrawal during the tapering period until I got to 30 mg and I got stuck there for a bit but made it out with my life. I’ve seen a lot of people lose their lives doing stupid shit on methadone.
I’m currently on 5mg of methadone and recently had a tooth extraction and was given pain meds and took them. Ran out. It was ok. But now I’ve been having cravings. I was wondering if it would be safe to take 20mg to try and curve the cravings. I would rather take an extra dose of methadone then relapse to my doc. But I want to be safe about it. I don’t go back into my doctors for two weeks. Thanks in advance.
Ive been taking methadone for about 4 years and am tapering down from 150mg/day. My very first day they started me on 40mg, then upped it every day depending on how I was feeling. Hope this helps