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Stimulants RX’d 70 mg Vyvanse, is this anxiety or the vyvanse?


Dec 10, 2022
Hi all,

Sorry all. I know it’s been a long time. I’ve been in inpatient substance abuse treatment because I was seriously about to die from propylhexidrine and fentanyl abuse. I had relapsed and went very hard for about a month strait. Anyway, I am glad to be alive today and am so thankful for the trauma and substance abuse treatment I received at the Fortitude program. The therapy really did change my life.

With that said, while I was here they told me that I was probably self medicating ADHD symptoms though I don’t know if I really believe that, but I do have the symptoms. And the clinical director, after observations for the past two months told me that I really do and it’s severe yet I still don’t know that I buy that. I think I just damaged my brain from the meth abuse and now I have the symptoms from that. That’s another topic though. Sorry, I’m getting side tracked.

So, I have been prescribed 60mg vyvanse in the morning and then 10mg at noon. Personally, I think 10mg is pointless but I only take meds as prescribed now. That’s a non negotiable I have with myself.

My question is just recently, I have been getting tingling pain in my left chest, but not so much pain really. It’s kinda hard to describe. It’s very seldom and I mostly notice it when I am irritated or worried about something. I wouldn’t even rate the pain as a 1. I’d say more like 0.5. But I know there are cardio risks with vyvanse.

They did an EKG before I started treatment and my heart was normal. I wonder if it’s just something like anxiety/stress from living with so many people that are disrespectful and not being able to get away to recharge because I’m living there until next week.

The doctors are hard to see now that I am in the final stage of treatment. So I thought I’d get some anecdotal opinions before I pushed them to see me. I haven’t abused anything in about 2 months by the way so I don’t think it’s from that. Like I said they did an EKG when I stopped using 2 months ago and it was fine. I doubt therapeutic doses of vyvanse would cause damage that quickly if the meth analogue didn’t. I really think it’s just anxiety but maybe I’m minimizing or am I overthinking it?