• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

russia/moscow/street children

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Dec 30, 2011
i am wondering if anyone is from russia here or has an opinion on this. i am american and just recently going into higher education. i kind of want to learn russian and go into this country and adopt a street child. i realize what a challenge this would be, but not the particulars. i am very ignorant still. if there is anyone with any knowledge on international adoption or anything to do with this i would appreciate your opinion.

this is the first i've ever thought about this. is it plausible to pursue?
well, this is what happens when i drink and get delusional. i do not seriously think i am doing this. soz.
that is pretty funny. Perhaps you should start small and adopt a local homeless person first.
keep dreamin jean-paul.

personally i would say, WHY THE FUCK WOULDNT ADOPT A KID FROM THE US, fuck russia.
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