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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(RTI-126/8-10 mg) First time repeated doses: Meh


Jul 14, 2009
So this is to be my lame trip report, on a lame drug I receieved, which was supposedly RTI-126.
Cant confirm if it was or not, but I got it from a much more reputable non-website-based vendor who claimed they had it custom synthed. We may never know, but heres the report. Its not ultra detailed or anything, because I found almost no special potential in this chem. I had done 4mmc the week before, but stayed sober for 3.5 days before doing my tests.

The RTI-126 I received was pale yellow, and completely powdered.
I started off getting a feel with my scale for how this stuff weighed. Took a tiny little dab and put it under my tongue for an initial allergy test. No reaction. Took a larger dab and put it under my tongue, nothing.

So I started low. I poured out approx. 8-10mg (I have a .00 scale and its not the best either) and insufflated it. A small burn, but nothing harsh compared to other chems out there. I waited around for a solid 30 minutes on my computer just making music and playing games. I felt the smallest possible stimulation, for maybe 5 or 10 minutes before it subsided. It wasnt a euphoric stimulation either. After 30-40 minutes there was no feeling at all and I had been at baseline for a while.

Got a line about 25mg together. Insufflated it. Burned again but only slightly. About 3 minutes later felt a similar stimulation but slightly stronger. Has some similar traits to cocaine including the rush, but was no where near as stimulating or euphoric. It reminde me of some stuff I got that I “believe” (meaning might have been or might not) was naphyrone, but slightly more euphoric than the naphyrone.

About an hour passed, the stimulation was gone after 10-15 minutes, if that. After another hour I got together a 40mg line. Took it. Had some more minor stimulation, less rush, felt similar to 25mg, and then I got a headache and felt like shit for 20 minutes. It wasnt a super bad headache but it definitely pissed me off. The stimulation left after 10 minutes, and the headache was gone after about 20. that was the end of my tests for the day. I took the rest of it and mixed 20mg with some 4mmc the next day, and just put the rest in my stash for a rainy day I guess.

Overall it felt like a faster acting, more rushy, less euphoric version of Vyvanse (d-amp), with not the most pleasurable stimulation and some dysphoria/headache at higher doses and apparently repeated doses, I wouldnt use it to study. Hope that helps! I was going to have it GC MS and NMR tested but I dont really feel like it, I have no reason to waste the resources.

feel free to ask questions if you want clarification. DO NOT even THINK about asking where I got my RTI 126, dont think about PMing me about it either. I wont answer it. Cheers!
Sounds disappointing. Maybe it would be better with a one time high dose? With stimulants, I find there are greatly diminishing returns after the first dose.