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RSPB Survey - Big Garden Bird Watch

That is strange that you've never seen one, I've seen loads and haven't lived in cities most of my life. I usually see them by the river or down in the park.

Maybe they are shy because they've misinterpreted all the stories from your bachelor days, about all the rats you destroyed ;)
That must be Irish talk cos I dunno what you mean. :) Don.
Oh fuck, you're Irish too. :D Haha! I was simply referring to my confusion of Don's talk about me destroying rats in my bachelor days. I have no idea what he means by that and we posted at roughly the same time.

Oh look! A SQUIRREL!!!
Big up to Felix for resurrection of thread. Sparrowhawks are cool, especially when flying at 100mph six inches off the ground. Then executing a 90 degree turn without slowing and WHAM! Feathers etc.

Surprised no one has mentioned the weasel on the back of the green woodpecker pic from the other day.


Vurtual - Bullfinches are well underrated probably because not many people see them. But when you do....that pink is the best pink in nature.
Hi SHM - they're a cool bird - twas that pink that made me notice them. I heard chwis packham on something the other day saying that when you see blackbirds in your garden in the winter they're definitely not the same blackbirds that you saw in the summer - the british blackbirds bugger off down south for winter, when russian blackbirds come here - who knew? i thought they were all my very own blackbird family (those blackbirds all look the same to me ;))
Haha, a weasel flying into battle on the back of a woodpecker. :D That's even better than Chewbacca on a giant squirrel fighting Nazis.

chwis packham

Shouldn't laugh, but I did. God bless him. ;)

I dunno if I mentioned this before, but at our last house a sparrowhawk vapourised a pigeon at the speed of sound directly through our bird house one day. Unfortunately I didn't see it happen, but I heard it and saw the aftermath. The cats were a bit wary of helping themselves to baby blue tits off the bird house for a while after that. :D
It's still not working, felix..


BTW - Is that a suitable hat for bird watching? =D
I assume you mean Moby, the yellow naped Amazon parrot? He puts on a good show.

The guide does seem really useful though. I will need to upgrade these Mickey Mouse things I have to something with a decent aperture.

What are you working with?
What are you working with?

OK then. I never thought to bring them all together for comparison. We have 4 pairs of binoculars here: :

  • My usual wee Praktika 10 x 25 are good enough for most things at reasonable distance. Usually quite close to hand.
  • My grandmother's Lieberman & Gortz 12 x 40 are still OK (probably date from the 1950s).
  • Her auld man's Zenith 10 x 50 are OK but need a clean.
  • Her son's massive Revelation Astro 15 x 70 are amazing for long distance and star gazing.
  • Plus I have a 300mm zoom lens on my Canon DSLR.

So there's nae shortage of these things here; just a lack of cleaning them and using them properly. :|

My dad used to have a fucking kickass pair of zoom binoculars but they've disappeared.
Quite kitted out, indeed!

I just have a cheap and cheerful Vanguard DA-1025. As the numbered designation suggests, 10 x 25.

My garden isn't very big so it's not really needed at home. It is useful for checking out what's on the pylon though.

I must bring up a couple of feeders from the shop tomorrow and hope that young Ruddiger is too corpulent to pose much danger to the birds.
I'm really glad you asked me that, cos you've prompted me to re-appraise my granny's/grandad's Liebermans. They're not huge or expensive but they have a certain U-Boat Kapitan coolness about them that makes me look at them in a new light. Still got the original leather straps and case. I'm gonna clean them up and start using them properly. :)

Your 10 x 25s will be fine for pretty much everything. Learn how to use them (like I am trying to) and then think about upgrading, if you feel the need.
I just had a look and they do look quite U-Boat commander. You'll need to get yourself a new hat now for when you use them.

Maybe remove the eagle badge though.
Haha... well these ones came from my dad's (half-catholic) side... so maybe they originally belonged to a U-Boat that ran aground off Ireland in WW2. :D