Lost Rolling in the deep

Heroes Inc.

Jul 20, 2022
The point of recognition is here. I know it. Things have gone off the rails. (Blow, oxy, alcohol, benzos). My brother passed away a year ago, then I found out my wife had an affair with her fucking high school sweetheart. Of course. Oh and my dad was recently diagnosed with dementia and I’m the only one left to take care of him.

I’m holding it together, but barely. The layers to this story are quite unbelievable. All I can do is numb the pain. I know it’s time to be better. But fuck it’s hard.
Hey amigo,
I’m so sorry for all you’re going through. My goodness can I relate to going through hard times & so much pain … you have my empathy for sure. I’m in a weird space tonight/lately so I wish I could write something better …. but please be as gentle with yourself as you can. Taking it one moment at a time
Sending you lots of support & a big hug 💜
We are with you!

How do you numb the pain? Hard times are shit, but I always seem to get some self-worth by powering through. Things are totally worth it. I've been through hell and back, multiple times, but each time I pick myself up by myself, I'm so much better for it. Not to brag. I think you can get through this, whatever it is, and live a better life because of it! Cliche, but the glass is half full:alien:
I numb the pain usually with oxys and/or good quality cocaine. Minimal alcohol.. that doesn’t really do it for me. I have mild benzos (Ativan) to come down off the blow. But it’s a never ending cycle. And I’m tired.