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Rolled while rolling

I've had a friend bashed by a group of Kiwis
I've had another [female] friend physically threatened by a group of white males out Dubbo way.
Someone in the next suburb from me has just been shot by an Asian gang
Someone from work has just been mugged by an indigenous bloke at Redfern station.
I've been victimised myself by a large group of Middle Eastern folk
I agree that there are cultural factors that might encourage men to act aggressively, which is more prevalent in some cultures, but it goes beyond simple race. There's also financial/social status to consider. Being a minority group largely marginalised by Australian Anglo culture doesn't breed a sense of respect and pride in oneself and I guess this manifests itself in asserting dominance by ways of physical force. It would be frustrating growing up surrounded by racial stereotypes. It's probably easier to fulfil these expectations than fight them.
It's no excuse but I think it goes a little way into explaining it.
[This message has been edited by Milkybar (edited 28 May 2001).]
To quote "-Thoth"...
"Nostalgic you just raised the issue that not all private school kids are spoilt little wannabie criminals, yet a stereotype of this exists nonetheless. Its innaccurate and insulting to those involved, we might as well say all public school kids are drugdealers who don't get good grades if you want to accept such a line of flawed reasoning."
Hunters Hill High is an extremely trashy public school. Ask others round here such as melancholic, babu or mirage. I was not raising that point, I was not stereotyping and not providing an inaccurate or insulting point. I'm not trying to come up with or pretending I have a reason for this behaviour. I would love to hear anyone's ideas as to why some people exert their manlyness (I suppose) in this way.
To clarify the thought running through my mind...
Why so some young men of Middle Eastern origin show a consistent pattern of aggression toward Anglo Saxon young men in Sydney?
Too right ~Sgt.Smiley~, Stereotypes wouldn't exist unless they were fairly accurate. Another wonder of mine, why is use of stereotypes so widely critiscised?
I'm aware that plenty of Anglo Saxons involve themselves in illegal activites which include hurting others in various ways, but why do only caucasians do it in our streets, so openly, so violently, so triumphantly, and sometimes with intent on nothing but causing pain and/or loss? Most caucasians who actually need money absoutely desperately (homeless) will beg on the streets, causing no harm and getting help from places such as the Salvation Army. Is it more likely that someone of Middle Eastern background will just join a gang? I think so.
Buck d'LuxX, it was on Darling Street, Balmain. Nearby landmarks... The Cat & Fiddle, Pizza hut, BP Service Station. Bout 100m toward Victoria Road from the Cat & Fiddle was where it all happened. No one was around but us.
Why do you need my phone? It's old, chunky and full of my personal things... Such as messages from my ex girlfriend which were looking good for getting the relationship started again. Thanks for making me seem like a rude prick and not replying. You already have an 8250 and probably easy access to more stolen phones. Your clothes are more expensive than mine, your phone is more expensive than mine, you obviously have money, so why do you need mine? Why did you take my glasses? What use are they to you? None. The fact you took them is proof that you did what you did partly to inconvenience me, nothing else. Would you have done the same as you did to me to another Lebanese youth? I doubt it.
Thank you for your sympathy everyone, it's nice to know not everyone thinks that its mostly my fault (thanks mum).
Also to those who took down my number, don't delete it! Optus are remaking my SIM card

Hope to meet up with some more of ya's at Rush hour. Peace =)
wisest is he who knows that he does not know...
Hey Nostalgic,
Yeah... I live in Annandale ('bout to move to Petersham tho'
)... got some friends who live in Rozelle... my band even plays the Cat & Fiddle occasionally
i can really empathise with your sitch, cause it so easily could've been me...
It's not your fault at all dood... don't let anyone convince you that it is... that you didn't haul arse when you saw these fuckers isn't a character slight at all... I just think that no one should trust fucking anybody anymore...
and that includes any fuckers who would go and steal someone's glasses and phone... just 'cause you're a tough cunt in a pack, doesn't mean you won't be scared shitless by yourself one day... the karma police'll be knocking at your door too...
stay well dood... hope to meet you at a BL meet-up sometime, yeah?

"...this is what you'll get when you mess with us..."
- Karma Police, Radiohead
SupaspeeD: I agree completely... I'm not a small person myself and I do know ALOT of people (even plenty of those gang types) however I find it fucked that I have to worry about walking down the street by myself because a gang of people might have a go at me. One on one I wouldn't have a problem but it's the gang mentality of these people that really gets me. I always find myself wishing that these people fought one on one but sadly it's not the case... what the fuck are they fighting for in the first place -- because you've got something they don't? Why don't they get a fucking job and earn the money themselves...
I can understand that people can feel margainilised, etc thru their race, but i have a broad group of friends, my high school had a large greek and italian population as well as caucasian.
But, who are the ones walking around with fila bumbags, smoking cheap cigarettes, wearing designer watches and talking on mobile phones that cost $1000. Definately not the caucasians.
Some of these guys are my friends, they are harmless, some of these guys i know... they are far from harmless. Dealing speedbombs at $50 a pop to deadshits, dealing the tiniest $50 bags you've ever seen, hawking shit speed, and then beating you for your phone, wallet and shoes.
Most of these guys parents have far more money than mine, yet me who busts his ass working 20+hours a week while doing 5 uni subjects should be afraid of these goons, and prepared to give up my phone?
Being impartial, i still can say i would rarely expect a caucasian to take my phone and wallet. Of all my friends that have been mugged (its quite scary how many have been) i think one or two were caucasian, with over 10 more not. Caucasians are by far the most numerous, so the nuimbers don't add up. There are just as many caucasians in the same financial situation as well.
I dunno, i just hate having to be afraid of people who are so insecure in themselves that they need to form gangs to steal my phone and wallet for the 24 month old nokia and the max of $10 i carry round.
i've known nostalgic in real life for fuckin ages, since year,..........5/6!? Can't remember exactly, back then we'd run around Darling Street (main street through balmain and rozelle) and nothing would happen. Be it that we were little kids, but still, barely any 'bad' shit would go on. We could run around the streets on bikes or whatever without a worry in the world. Now in our HSC year life and the way we go about it has changed so drastically. I don't find what anything that has been said in this thread insulting nor offensive. I'm asian by the way, not that i really see that it matters, but i should point it out nonetheless. Being asian, i don't know if i should or shouldn't, but i sorta feel -safe- in chinatown?? I don't know, it's not like a comfort blanket, but lots of my white friends (i hope you don't find this racist, i call lotsa my caucasian friends "white man" to their face to play on the fact that we're different
) are afraid to walk through chinatown? I guess this is understandable though seeing as walking through some of the streets there, one can witness a big fuckin gang war go on. My asian friends were walking around near a very well known karaoke parlor and saw a big fight go on. I heard more about it later, blood all over the walls, people getting "chopped" and guns were almost going to be pulled out........Gangs are pointless to me, one day mr.x brings 50 of his 'boys' to beat the shit out of mr.z and then mr.z goes into a coma. So what happens then? Mr.z's 100 boys go and toy with mr.x's family....I don't see how one can benefit from this kind of activity..
I've been offered to join a gang, i thought yeah okay, i can join now and get fucked on for it sometime in my life (be it soon or later) but thank god i didn't join.
Sheesh, this is a long reply eh

Back to the point though, nost did not deserve to be rolled. Neither did our mate whom was with him. Of all the people that deserve to be rolled, is those who roll (meaning those who mug, not pop pills
Beef is crazy nowadays, i did work experience at Jetspeed motorsports with a couple of asian mates, those of you who are interested in cars should know of JM. Anyways, there was this lebanese guy who i won't name, and his car was in the first stages of modification, my mates and I did his whole bodykit, we saw it being made, we sanded it fitted it and all that shit. Since then that car has gone sky high appearing in magazines and is well known. One night those same mates and I went to play pool and I ran into the guy that owned the car. He came up to me, (he's in his mid to high 20's and i'm 17!) and was about to break my fuckin face. He said "Hey sumo, you the fucker that killed my bro?", was i dumbstruck, all i wanted to do was say hi and ask how the car was going. The guy that got killed was the youth at i think bankstown station? Got shot in a drive by. Well apparently the boys that shot the youth were asian, and of course you will all know that I am the only asian in this world and yes, I was the one in the car with the gun with the bullets that killed that guy..
Please note the heavy sarcasm....
But yeah, i think everyone needs to pop a good pill and just be fuckin friendly?? Animosity should be reduced to nil and we should all get along. However, this is never going to happen, so we all just have to watch our arse's i guess.
I couldn't think of anything smart to say.
Sure thing Buck d'LuxX, are you going to Rush Hour? That's the next event I can see myself going to with the financial troubles I'm now encountering as a result of getting mugged. I need about $350. I have zilch. I can't even read bus numbers or see what my teacher is writing at school till I get a new pair of glasses. Anyway, if you're on ICQ, my number is 9407468 Buck d'LuxX.
Those were the days uh babu =)
wisest is he who knows that he does not know...
Oooooooh yeah Supaspeed i agree with you soo much!
If i was in that kinda sitch (thankfully i haven't ) I think i could wait a day, a month, or even a year - but if i found that motherfucker alone or where he lived - watch out shit for brains - the good ol internet has many a good bomb recipe
...Sure some of you may say that going crazy and slaying (read: not killing!) that kind of asshole is not the way to go about it, but if i were unlucky enuf to be mugged( note - i'm normally the wariest person you'll ever meet - always thinkin 5 steps ahead if i see anyone slighhtly dodgy) i would make sure that i get revenge !! Forgiveness is for those who are scared of revenge

I mean, i wouldn't necesarily go and use a golf club on them , but if i got beat up for no reason like the case in point, i think i would be psyched up to maybe do a sly attack and push the shit in front of a bus or something

Hmmm.Going back on this i do appear to be quite a psycho, but i guess it comes down to, Do you want to go down lame? or go down hard? What i mean is, say 5 guys are chasing you , and you're ahead of them by 50m..You see an iron bar ..do you want to pick it up and try and kill them , or try and outrun them? Personally , i'm the most unfit of persons, so i'd take my chances at swinging
\Hannibal lecter mode of
yeah, i had a fucking long post about Jai Jago, a guy who got shot on his 15 min walk home from the suburban pub cos his mobile phone rang. but for some fucking stupid reason my computer fucked up and i lost it all
so yeah anyway..... i just dont think theres anywhere safe anymore, anywhere sacred.
its sad really...
thinking about fighting and standing up for myself and all that shit, come to think of it, i never do really stand up for myself. im pathetic at arguing, like i can come up with good points and reasons ans shit, but i freeze in conflict. i need tiiiiiimmmmmmmmmeeeeeeee... bah, so yeah, ive never actually been in a fight because ive never had the guts to start one, and anyone who ever wanted to fight me, never had the guts to start it either.
i know i can pack a farely hard punch, but i think id probably get wasted in any kind of conflict... and im pretty unfit as well, so i never know whether i would take a swing or just bolt.
but in theory, i would like to exert revenge :p
i like the idea, i dont like the idea of someone fucking with me and getting away with it.
i dunno, i guess ill never know what ill do until the chance arises!
Hmm interesting topic...
I've never been in a fight and seriously doubt I will be... If I did end up in a tight situation I know I'd have a few options tho... While I'm not incredibly fit, if necessary I could run quite fast for a good distance, at least enough to get away from any pursuers... I'd never give anyone any reason to attack me, so when faced with the need to chase after someone running quite fast, or just finding someone else to attack, they'd be more likely to give up...
And if running wasn't an option, nearly 3 years of martial arts training should allow me to hold my own... Granted that was about 4 years ago, so I'm quite rusty now... Hmm yeah I think I'd just bolt as soon as I could...
But whenever I'm wandering around, either by myself, or with friends, I've always got my eyes open and am always aware of the possiblity of being accosted. It's a sad state of affairs that that kind of vigilance is necessary...
As for revenge, I'd like to say I'd be above that, but if someone is fucked up enough to harm an innocent person, then they're going to get fucked up too, and if I have the opportunity to do so, I would... I wouldn't go looking for the opportunity tho... And yes, Karma will play its part...
Very interesting, and controversial topic. I'm not really sure where I stand about the whole thing. All I know is that it is Fucked up that these situations even come up. All I know is that anyone who is doing this shit, regardless of race, is fucked.
Babu- I can sympathise, I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about (first name starts with R, so does his cars name). I had quite a few runins with this dickhead (never provoked) at car shows and the like while I was working for one of Jetspeeds competitors (nothing to do with Jetspeed, he's just a moron).
Personally I think revenge would be a very bad idea indeed. We're all going on about how irrational all these attacks are, so just suppose you *do* get "revenge" – do you think it's going end there? I would have thought that the group crazy enough to attack you for *no* reason in the first place, given a reason would die before letting some skinny white boy get away with "revenge".
The whole notion of revenge is a romanticized and antiquated one anyway. You guys have seen too many Steven Seagal movies. [I'm kidding now – no offence
Anyway, if we're talking groups of lebs – who do you think has more cousins, you or them?
Sometimes I think it's safer for a girl to wander the streets alone than it is for a guy...
Revenge is not necessary...
Watching the kind of people who start this shit live their sad little lives is payback enough
wisest is he who knows that he does not know...
I must agree there. What type of person are you if you must needlessly thieve and cause violence? What a soulless, sad and fucked up existance. I feel sorry for the fools.