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Rolled last night...but mixed with coke


Apr 2, 2022
Had some mdma just small dabs as didn't want to talk too much too quickly. Waited for it to kick in a little and could definitely feel it plus pupils were at full stretch.

Had small amount of alcohol and I could literally feel myself having a jelly spine and off balance as I drank. I slowed up on the drink as I thought it was spilling the high and I didn't want to fall about.

Did redab occasionally but not too much at a time.

Then moved onto coke without taking anymore mdma. Felt kinda sober and had a full can of beer too.

Quite enjoyed it.
Not a good mix from what I've heard. Coke fucks the MDMA buzz up.

If you want the serotonin rush and the dopamine rush together get some mephedrone
Yes it did kind of sober me up.

So should I just take more mdma rather than reaching for coke?
MDMA has a limit where it doesn't really make you feel any better, but gives you worse side effects
How much MD did you do?
MDMA has a limit where it doesn't really make you feel any better, but gives you worse side effects
How much MD did you do?
I took small dabs and waited and tried to go easy on the alcohol. Strangely didn't have any gurin but pupils were getting big and I could feel the effects.
it's just a shit mix all round ufortuanately

coke fucks the mdma roll - by far tha best way (if you must) is to start on the coke when your 90% down from the mdma - it's very likelly to remove any potential mdma afterglow too.

they just don;t synegise [ best off taken on their own (or at least without each other)
I took small dabs and waited and tried to go easy on the alcohol. Strangely didn't have any gurin but pupils were getting big and I could feel the effects.

Just buy some mg scales for £30 and weight out 100-150mg. Maybe slightly more when you've tried a smaller dose first, on a different night

If you were taking small dabs all night, that was probably an issue too. MDMA basically stops working after a certain amount of time over the course of a night (It still has an effect but it basically just feels like amphetamine, after a certain point)
Just buy some mg scales for £30 and weight out 100-150mg. Maybe slightly more when you've tried a smaller dose first, on a different night

If you were taking small dabs all night, that was probably an issue too. MDMA basically stops working after a certain amount of time over the course of a night (It still has an effect but it basically just feels like amphetamine, after a certain point)
So should go straight for 100-150 from nothing instead of small dabs to get me there?
So should go straight for 100-150 from nothing instead of small dabs to get me there?
yes always, mdma is all about the initial dose -

Do not redose. Redosing is just increasing the negative sides without adding much to the experience ie just not worth it in the grand schme of things

125 mdma is a perfect dose if it's good stuff - if it isn't good stuff throw just it away

Do not mix it with other drugs, inclusding lacohol which imo is a particularly shit combination. - it's best on its own (fantastic even, if it's great mdma)

If cannabis is good for you then that's a good mix for when you're coming down. Benzo's etc not needed for sleep from a single dose mdma, you'll feel naturally tired when it wears off

That was always the best schedule regarding mdma for me and I have plenty experience (well, I often took up to 200/250mg doses but would nor recommend that for a beginner)
yes always, mdma is all about the initial dose -

Do not redose. Redosing is just increasing the negative sides without adding much to the experience ie just not worth it in the grand schme of things

125 mdma is a perfect dose if it's good stuff - if it isn't good stuff throw just it away

Do not mix it with other drugs, inclusding lacohol which imo is a particularly shit combination. - it's best on its own (fantastic even, if it's great mdma)

If cannabis is good for you then that's a good mix for when you're coming down. Benzo's etc not needed for sleep from a single dose mdma, you'll feel naturally tired when it wears off

That was always the best schedule regarding mdma for me and I have plenty experience (well, I often took up to 200/250mg doses but would nor recommend that for a beginner)
Thanks. I will do that.
I will wait a bit but could do it in a month or so.

I do like drinking alcohol but I can try and limit it.
MDMA and alcohol can be fun in moderation, but if you drink a lot you'll feel like fucking shit the next day

MDMA itself can make you feel terrible the next day if you do a lot, imagine that combined with a serious hangover

I'm too old for that shit now
MDMA and alcohol can be fun in moderation, but if you drink a lot you'll feel like fucking shit the next day

MDMA itself can make you feel terrible the next day if you do a lot, imagine that combined with a serious hangover

I'm too old for that shit now
Could feel my legs going on the alcohol even though it wasn't too much. I famously got wasted one time on the alcohol and mdma and had a blackout. Walking about silly 🥴.

Take it easy