Roll Call - Idaho Wyoming and Montana

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Hey im looking for someone who likes to roll in Boise, been hard to find any nice females that are down with x here in Boise. If ya ever need a rolling partner or wanna just chill hit me up.

Pm me or hit me up at [email protected]

I used to live in Wyoming (Casper, Cheyenne, and Laramie) and it sucked ass for raves (always had to drive to Denver). My 21 y/o brother is still going to college at UW in Laramie, though, if anyone is looking for a fun guy to party with then I will get you in touch with him. :)

I also used to live in Boise. There was NO SCENE there! It's a bunch of religious conservatives with their big cross on the hill. That place was pure hell if you ask me - get out if you can!

Now I live in Portland, Oregon. Yay!!!!!!!!!! But I thought I would give you all a shout out since I spent the majority of my life in Wyoming and was always sad that I could never find over people who liked to roll or rave. :) Good luck everybody!
I am in North Idaho too! Go Vandals! Also love CDA. Any of you Idahoans or peeps from Spokane/Pullman/Clarkston wanna talk, pm me, always nice to expand your "network" know what I mean?
You Wyoming Bastards, where were you fuckers when I lived in Rawlings assholessssssssss
my job takes me to sun valley, ID frequently. i'd love it if there were some BLers to keep me company while i am there :)
You're all townies :p

I can do half a roll call for Lewiston (is that how it's spelled) Idaho and Livingston Montana.

Not much of a fan of Idaho, I love Montana though!

But Arizona's better than all of 'em . . . =D

well for the couple boise idaho ladies and gents-
-My Bf and i are driving there from Ohio- Quite a trip we are stopping @ theblack hills and then the tetons -and yellowstone(if we have enough money by then and our truck doesn't die!!-
So anyhow we don't know anyone there(YET), my bf is getting his masters @ BSU. I'm 23 and he's 25, we are just looking for some decent people to help us around and if you know of a good apartment please email me, its rough to find anything online. So anyhow again if your in boise let me know- =D
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