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Riddle anyone? (bahah)

I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?

all teh people are buried in the ground, they cannot turn around, they must guess what hat colour they have on.
if they guess wrong, the guy with the gun will kill them all. but if the person guess\'s right then the gun man will let them all go.
they know there is 2 grey hats and 2 black hats.

which one guess\'s, and what colour do they guess?
CuPillar, I'm sorry but there is no definite outcome to that riddle. Unless each person is able to asnwer before they all get shot?

In which case the person at the back would go first and yell out black, he has a fifty percent chance on getting it right...

Then the person next in line, realising that the person behind him is wearing a grey hat as is the person in front, would answer grey...

If they can only answer once then the riddle is flawed and not answerable.
grey is a colour? Last time I checked grey was composed of white and black, making it also a shade...

And the person in the middle knows by the last answer.
well there is a definie answer.. the facts of shade v colour is irrelevant...

one has to guess what colour hat they have on, which one is it?

i think it is kinda simple, the answer is definite and 100%
The gunman, no hat. Wait is that dude facing the others blocked by anything, cause it looks like he is...If not then him.
CuPillar said:

all teh people are buried in the ground, they cannot turn around, they must guess what hat colour they have on.
if they guess wrong, the guy with the gun will kill them all. but if the person guess\'s right then the gun man will let them all go.
they know there is 2 grey hats and 2 black hats.

which one guess\'s, and what colour do they guess?
grr .. hard one

ok, so the guy on the far right (Fred) cant work it out and he doesnt want to die so he shuts the fuck up.

the next guy (Bob, PhD) with the black hat says to himself .. c'mon Fred, answer the guy ... but Fred stays deathly silent. So then Bob (who is a virgin) thinks to himself ... 'Fred doesnt know shit. But, if I were wearing a grey hat (same hat as Greg the cross dresser in front of me) then Fred would see 2 grey hats and be able to answer black. So Fred must see a grey and a black hat in front of him ... therefore I have a different hat to Greg (which is less embarrassing if they were seen together at the same party)'

Fred says: I have a black hat, because I am an artist and I sleep with squirrels.
Which shows what kind of mental state he was in after being buried in the ground for so long. Its also an ironic metaphor describing the current state of modern art

Jerry (the sick fuck wielding the 44) says: god i hate riddle solving geeks
and kills them all anyway.

afterward Jerry steals Freds squirrel (Daisy) and drives off in Garys (guy on the left in the black sombrero, who incidentally was too frickin high to know what was going on anyway) car. later, Jerry and Daisy were found dead in the smoking wreckage of Freds car, which was found at the bottom of a cliff. Some thought the double suicide was because the world didnt understand the nature of their love; but the media blamed the entire thing on the movie 'thelma and louise'

damn squirrels
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you got it.... have you heard that before? you are teh 3rd person to get that one out of all the people i told.... and that includes 100's of people coz one of our teachers in high school had riddle class's for fun... nobody got it.. even my riddle-master friend couldnt get it.. even though it is so easy....
ok, so seeing noone solved this one before, this is the other hard opne in my asenal...

i love riddles.... ok, ill start...

a man leaves home, travels a certain distance, turns left, travels a certain distance, turns left, travels a certain distance, turns left, and travels a certain distance to return home to find a man wearing a mask. what was he doing?

ill give you guys 5 questions if you need them....
CuPillar said:
you got it.... have you heard that before? you are teh 3rd person to get that one out of all the people i told.... and that includes 100's of people coz one of our teachers in high school had riddle class's for fun... nobody got it.. even my riddle-master friend couldnt get it.. even though it is so easy....
If you had have said they had the option of refusing to answer (and letting everyone know they refuse) then it would have been easy. But since you never mentioned that we had to rely on just the information you gave - which was that one person had to guess, and they couldn't turn around. Given only that information the riddle is impossible. Maybe that's why hardly anyone gets it right... :p
Oh, and the guy's playing a game baseball in the oldest riddleball field on the planet... ;)
CuPillar said:
ok, so seeing noone solved this one before, this is the other hard opne in my asenal...

i love riddles.... ok, ill start...

a man leaves home, travels a certain distance, turns left, travels a certain distance, turns left, travels a certain distance, turns left, and travels a certain distance to return home to find a man wearing a mask. what was he doing?

ill give you guys 5 questions if you need them....

Chasing some prick that broke into his house that was wearing a mask?

damn you pleo, your smart, im dumb, i like my answer!