Remember when... ver. jaded and faded

I remember sitting in a hallway, perhaps slightly under an influence, with my buddy Griff at one of our first meetups. We sat in the hallway of the club just saying "bluelight?....bluelight.....bluelight?..." as each person walked by since we had no idea of how to find anyone else there from bluelight.

Amused the security team to no end as they made their rounds past us every few minutes.

Memory is bad, but we may have been in a blue hallway under a bare bulb, or just under a blue bulb...would have been coincidence...or kismet (....or drugs) - I dunno.
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TheLoveBandit said:
I remember sitting in a hallway, perhaps slightly under an influence, with my buddy Griff at one of our first meetups. We sat in the hallway of the club just saying "bluelight?....bluelight.....bluelight?..." as each person walked by since we had no idea of how to find anyone else there from bluelight.

Amused the security team to no end as they made their rounds past us every few minutes.

Memory is bad, but we may have been in a blue hallway under a bare bulb, or just under a blue bulb...would have been coincidence...or kismet (....or drugs) - I dunno.

Hmmm i remember a party when someone stole a bluelight sign from Kmart.
BA said:
"Because we can"

OMG we're too cool for school we started our own faggoty ass secret society board BECAUSE WE CAN. OMG.

It amazes (and amuses) me that you care enough to still keep bringing this up.

Didn't it happen like three years ago or something?
I remember when I tried to get invited to Bob's, but got turned down :(

I remember inviting myself to Tink's and being welcomed :) <3 And the long cracked out drive home with Baron.
TheLoveBandit said:
I remember when I tried to get invited to Bob's, but got turned down :(

I remember inviting myself to Tink's and being welcomed :) <3 And the long cracked out drive home with Baron.

LOL I remember freaking Baron jizzing oil all over my brand new loveseat.

I remember this strange guy calling himself TheLoveBandit walking up to me in a bar :p

Man I miss my friends :(
Infinite Jest said:
It amazes (and amuses) me that you care enough to still keep bringing this up.

Didn't it happen like three years ago or something?

Well, considering this is a "remember when..." type of thread, something 3 years ago would fall under that category I would think, no?

Has it been 3?
Damn, outsmarted :D (though to be fair, you've brought it up a few completely unrelated places, too).

Closer to 4 years, now I think about it.
i find it amusing now.

i have my own private board.


(just kidding i am still butthurt)
ego_loss said:
I think it's funny that people still act so butthurt about it.

No, what is actually funny is how stupid it was and how badass people thought they were being by saying it. :p
-Pictu- said:
Wait... people don't know the name -Resque- anymore? I need to come around more often. :D

I don't remember anything, I'm too old.

Waves at -Pictu-/-Resque-
Remember when tons of KC drama was aired all over Bluelight? Well, do you, bluelight gang?
You know we could recreate that movement to Chicago drama if we ever saw each other (well, other than at traffic lights). :(