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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Stimulants Releasers, Reuptake Inhibitors, or Empathogens?

What's your favorite type of stimulant?

  • NDRI's (Cocaine, Methylphenidate, MDPV)

  • Releasers (Methamphetamine, Amphetamines, 4-MAR)

  • Empathogens (MDMA, MDA, Methylone, 6-APB)

  • I can't choose, just give me all of them

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Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
I noticed that some stimulant users gravitate towards different stimulants and empathogens, and I was curious if BLers had a preference for different classes. Do you prefer NDRI's, releasers, or empathogens? Even if you don't have a preference for a class in general, just pick the one that contains your favorite stimulant.
I wonder if I’d get more mileage cycling through different kinds of stim rather than just sticking to meth and dex. That is, were I to pick up again.
I wonder if I’d get more mileage cycling through different kinds of stim rather than just sticking to meth and dex. That is, were I to pick up again.
There are certain things I like about each kind. Can't really beat the functionality dex produces, but I'm more of a fan of the recreational euphoria of cocaine and friends. I think regardless either way you'll get brain drain with too much use. It's good to take a break, for however long. You're doing the right thing.
Yea I like each category for different things but if I could only have one, the empathogens.

I’d say my least favorite is reuptake inhibitors, Cocaine being the only fun one I’ve tried yet.

Reuptake Inhibitors should generally be avoided (although even Amphetamine acts as a partial blocker due to it's route of entry). This is because continuously blocking the reuptake channels causes the brain to compensate by creating more of them, meaning you need a higher dosage of the stimulant to achieve the same effect.

If you're looking for something to use on a day by day basis I would avoid the use of Empathogens. Your level of neurotransmitter depletion will hit rock bottom within a couple of weeks and you'll be getting your knife, bath and wrists ready.

Honestly, I would stick with good old Amphetamine (not Methamphetamine). Although it acts as a partial blocker, it shouldn't be enough for the brain to create new reuptake channels anytime soon and with the right combination of supplements (check some of my other posts) you can fend off much of the tolerance effects, as well as avoiding hard crashes and withdrawal.
Coke and MDMA is such a good combo. But as you age, you gotta space them.
coke and amphetamines gives me headaches. apart from that its a waste..
Mot empathogens (all?) are releasers. MDMA is a dopamine and serotonin releaser (mostly serotonin).
True, the main difference being the release of more serotonin with empathogens I believe.