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Relationships that survived addiction and made it to long term recovery


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
A lot of people post here regarding relationship problems caused by one or both members having a serious substance abuse problem.

I’d like to hear stories where two drug fiends got straight together and then stayed together as a couple.

I’d also like to hear stories where one or both partners in a relationship didn’t want to be with the sober version of the other. That is, they were really in love with the fiend.
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Word. So I met my girl when I was on methadone for a couple years and not on the needle. I been using since I was 19 and I was 32 when we met. She was 25. I had a good period where I had cash and an apartment and shit and just started feeling lonely. Then I posted some nice pictures on POF and this girl messages me and we kind of hit it off a bit. Then she comes and meets me around when the pandemic started. Like literally the first 2 weeks of lockdown. So she gets stuck at my place cuz we r paro to bring it parents. Also surprise shes feeling sick, cuz surprise shes pregnant, which we didnt didnt know.. Which was crazy to me but she was just so damn healthy. Take in mind this girl is completely straight. Like I told her my past but u know how people with no history of that world at all think about your past. Its like a single thought. "Oh he was fucked in the past." ANd thats that. Not taking into account just how fucking insane everything was. Anyway. I tell her I am a fucking nut and we have to have an abortion cuz were gonna be eating catfood with our kid. Also I barely even like this girl at this point. Shes just so fucking picky and needs everything to be a certain way and needs well...not me lol. But I soldier through. And shes not having an abortion.

Now shes pregnant. I don't want to break it off cuz shes pregnant and Im trying to do the right thing and be supportive. Im texting her lots and all the while thinking omg this is never gonna work. Basically I was just waiting for my opportunity once he was born to break it off. Take in this girl is very shy. She barely ever says what she is thinking unless u drag it out of her. Also, she has good character and is smart but has no world experience. So I barely know this girl cuz it takes forever to get to know her, shes at her parents a lot, etc etc.

7 months into her pregnancy I just cant take the stress anymore. Im literally losing my damn mind from the stress of a pregnant woman I barely know, thinking of housing, my addiction, and my conscience because even tho I'm a terrible junky I want to be there for my kid drug free so I'm like how the fuck am I gonna get from here to there?? Anyway that year was sort of hell. So now I relapse on Diladud. Im getting like a shit tons of diladud 8's Im paying like nothing for them. Someone I know is on the diladud maintance program and doesnt take em. So now I'm off my drink and back on the needle 2 monhts before my kid is born. The type of relapse you just cant tell anyone. I told 2 people I could trust and that was that. I had to hide my use even at the hospital when my son was born I was high. I look back at some of the first photos and am so ashamed.

After our son is born, things are still pretty shit for a while. All we both know is that we love our son with everything and r gonna do everything we can for him. We r still together, in a limited way. I'm waiting for this "Shes gonna change when she has a kid man" fantasy everyone keeps telling me about. "give her time." And I did. Oh also when he was born, almost immediately, I detoxed off the dilaud under the guise of detoxing off my methadone, and saying I then failed such detox. Really I went back to the clinic and started at 15 or whatever it was. I was so sick cuz I was taking like 60-100 mg of dilaud a day. Which if u know anything about diladud lol..... When I would get sick. I was literally in outer space. Anyway I do this fucking withdrawl, get back stable on methadone eventually, earn back my carries.

Now my girl and I start getting closer. I dunno just little things. Conversations come easier, secrets shared, sex getting really good. Things r still tough between us then. I just couldnt imagine my future with her.
Then one day we had this awesome phone convo and I thought thats weird? I really liked that. More convos liek that in sued.

THen I dunno how to really describe it. The flood gates opened? I dunno what happened I just fell so deeply in love with this woman, the mother of my chilld. I started to see what I thought I wanted wasnt what I wanted at all. I realized what I wanted was right infront of me here this whole time. I shook my head and all of a sudden I was like this girl is freaking gorgeous, shes young, shes smart, shes an AMAZING mother, shes super attentive, she is absolutely head over heels for me, and the sex is literally the best sex of my life, and we have fun. I thought what the fuck was I thinking? I was gonna throw all this away for what? Cuz she wasnt the best conversationalist? Cuz she didnt fit this preconcieved idea of what I wanted. Cuz in a way we were forced together. I felt like such a fool. And then I felt happy. Extremely happy. Like what kind of magic is this where I find out that the mother of my child which was concieved 2 weeks into a new relationship is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with? Then I found out that she was secretly super in love with me this whole time and surpressing it.. I dunno the whole damn thing is out of a fairy tale.

But u wanted to know about the addiction. Well Im on 2 weeks methadone withdrawal now. ANd guess what. I found a bottle of oxies the other day and didnt take a single one. Nothing is gonna fucking stop me from being well with my babies. Im gonna quit smoking after, quit eating sugar. All of it. Lifes doing a 180. Its HARD AS FUCK. You have to be extremely motivated. They saved my life. Theres so many little random problems that come with quitting. And both have to be really dedicated. Shes my biggest fan tho and my biggest supporter and we just yearn for a time when we can be together happy healthy and stable. (We both at parents atm)

But thats just me. My experience with relationships and addicts is it doesnt work. I wanted to be clean before I met her. If she wasnt the mother of my child and the love of my life, I wouldn't be nearly as motivated. I fear this is gonna give some people a saviour complex. U can't save people. My girl got lucky that I am such a suck and care about my kids(her and my kid lol) more than anything. I guess it depends just how fucked up the people are. There are obviously some people beyond help. Just too much trauma. Not to toot my own horn but I am a thoughtful and reflective person. If someone doesnt have that attribute... I dunno about relationship healing.
That is, they were really in love with the fiend.
I got one but it is the only and I will share here what has been strewn about BL over the last few years.
It may take some time to compose but feel it may be worth it cause it would help with my self realizations and may encourage some other poor soul like me somewhere at sometime.
Gimme a couple years to gather my thoughts? haha
Nah . I got clean and realized we were worlds apart, I left and never came back. Nope nope . I wanted more out of life then sitting around doing the same shit over and over.
We both abused stims, a LOTS of Them. And got these psychotic, delusional, evil and selfish "trips" with stims, both were feeling horrible and sad and unhappy. We stopped using stimulants together and our relationship got so much happier, SP much More caring and loving. We can Be Honest to each other again and feel safe and relaxed together. Our relationship got so much better in every way and finally we are truly Happy with each other and feel like this IS The relationship we deserve together.
I was delusional and thought thats what was gonna happen with me. She was going into treatment, i was on bupe and supposed to get an apartment and etc while she was in treatment. Then she'd get out and itd be happily ever after. Of course like two weeks after her treatment should have ended i hadnt heard a word from her. Ended up finally getting through to her cellphone and my momentary bliss wa shattered by her mom saying "Shes not in XYZ anymore, she moved across the country for treatment, never try to call her again" Lost my shit, went to the dopeboy and grabbed a few buns, loaded up the biggest hot i could afford and said goodbye to myself. Somehow i wake up 24 hours later in bed going "Damn bro you cant even kill yourself right" but realized over time i was a fucking mess and if i cared about her letting her go was the best thing to do. Fast forward a while and i realized that we were from two different worlds and it wouldnt have stuck, but most importantly that im still wildly in love with the girl that left me cause i was trash before her, But now i cant risk telling her because she prolly isnt even on the spectrum of that kind of feeling towards me.

Ive seen it happen a few times with friends though, usually people who met and were together before either of them started doing dope.
Word. So I met my girl when I was on methadone for a couple years and not on the needle. I been using since I was 19 and I was 32 when we met. She was 25. I had a good period where I had cash and an apartment and shit and just started feeling lonely. Then I posted some nice pictures on POF and this girl messages me and we kind of hit it off a bit. Then she comes and meets me around when the pandemic started. Like literally the first 2 weeks of lockdown. So she gets stuck at my place cuz we r paro to bring it parents. Also surprise shes feeling sick, cuz surprise shes pregnant, which we didnt didnt know.. Which was crazy to me but she was just so damn healthy. Take in mind this girl is completely straight. Like I told her my past but u know how people with no history of that world at all think about your past. Its like a single thought. "Oh he was fucked in the past." ANd thats that. Not taking into account just how fucking insane everything was. Anyway. I tell her I am a fucking nut and we have to have an abortion cuz were gonna be eating catfood with our kid. Also I barely even like this girl at this point. Shes just so fucking picky and needs everything to be a certain way and needs well...not me lol. But I soldier through. And shes not having an abortion.

Now shes pregnant. I don't want to break it off cuz shes pregnant and Im trying to do the right thing and be supportive. Im texting her lots and all the while thinking omg this is never gonna work. Basically I was just waiting for my opportunity once he was born to break it off. Take in this girl is very shy. She barely ever says what she is thinking unless u drag it out of her. Also, she has good character and is smart but has no world experience. So I barely know this girl cuz it takes forever to get to know her, shes at her parents a lot, etc etc.

7 months into her pregnancy I just cant take the stress anymore. Im literally losing my damn mind from the stress of a pregnant woman I barely know, thinking of housing, my addiction, and my conscience because even tho I'm a terrible junky I want to be there for my kid drug free so I'm like how the fuck am I gonna get from here to there?? Anyway that year was sort of hell. So now I relapse on Diladud. Im getting like a shit tons of diladud 8's Im paying like nothing for them. Someone I know is on the diladud maintance program and doesnt take em. So now I'm off my drink and back on the needle 2 monhts before my kid is born. The type of relapse you just cant tell anyone. I told 2 people I could trust and that was that. I had to hide my use even at the hospital when my son was born I was high. I look back at some of the first photos and am so ashamed.

After our son is born, things are still pretty shit for a while. All we both know is that we love our son with everything and r gonna do everything we can for him. We r still together, in a limited way. I'm waiting for this "Shes gonna change when she has a kid man" fantasy everyone keeps telling me about. "give her time." And I did. Oh also when he was born, almost immediately, I detoxed off the dilaud under the guise of detoxing off my methadone, and saying I then failed such detox. Really I went back to the clinic and started at 15 or whatever it was. I was so sick cuz I was taking like 60-100 mg of dilaud a day. Which if u know anything about diladud lol..... When I would get sick. I was literally in outer space. Anyway I do this fucking withdrawl, get back stable on methadone eventually, earn back my carries.

Now my girl and I start getting closer. I dunno just little things. Conversations come easier, secrets shared, sex getting really good. Things r still tough between us then. I just couldnt imagine my future with her.
Then one day we had this awesome phone convo and I thought thats weird? I really liked that. More convos liek that in sued.

THen I dunno how to really describe it. The flood gates opened? I dunno what happened I just fell so deeply in love with this woman, the mother of my chilld. I started to see what I thought I wanted wasnt what I wanted at all. I realized what I wanted was right infront of me here this whole time. I shook my head and all of a sudden I was like this girl is freaking gorgeous, shes young, shes smart, shes an AMAZING mother, shes super attentive, she is absolutely head over heels for me, and the sex is literally the best sex of my life, and we have fun. I thought what the fuck was I thinking? I was gonna throw all this away for what? Cuz she wasnt the best conversationalist? Cuz she didnt fit this preconcieved idea of what I wanted. Cuz in a way we were forced together. I felt like such a fool. And then I felt happy. Extremely happy. Like what kind of magic is this where I find out that the mother of my child which was concieved 2 weeks into a new relationship is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with? Then I found out that she was secretly super in love with me this whole time and surpressing it.. I dunno the whole damn thing is out of a fairy tale.

But u wanted to know about the addiction. Well Im on 2 weeks methadone withdrawal now. ANd guess what. I found a bottle of oxies the other day and didnt take a single one. Nothing is gonna fucking stop me from being well with my babies. Im gonna quit smoking after, quit eating sugar. All of it. Lifes doing a 180. Its HARD AS FUCK. You have to be extremely motivated. They saved my life. Theres so many little random problems that come with quitting. And both have to be really dedicated. Shes my biggest fan tho and my biggest supporter and we just yearn for a time when we can be together happy healthy and stable. (We both at parents atm)

But thats just me. My experience with relationships and addicts is it doesnt work. I wanted to be clean before I met her. If she wasnt the mother of my child and the love of my life, I wouldn't be nearly as motivated. I fear this is gonna give some people a saviour complex. U can't save people. My girl got lucky that I am such a suck and care about my kids(her and my kid lol) more than anything. I guess it depends just how fucked up the people are. There are obviously some people beyond help. Just too much trauma. Not to toot my own horn but I am a thoughtful and reflective person. If someone doesnt have that attribute... I dunno about relationship healing.
Sounds great mate!, I hope you'll be a very happy family together.

And yes motivation is absolutely the key - that and self-awareness.
You have to genuinely want something else MORE than you want the drug, for one. I've seen so many people who claim they 'just can't' quit and five minutes into a conversation it turns out that they either feel pressured to quit, or that the only thing they can think of for 'motivation' is a laundry list of all the negative consequences of their use - and simply avoiding crap doesn't motivate anyone for very long. You have to see something to GAIN for yourself. And reflection is very much needed because in order to get yourself un-addicted, you better know what led you into addiction in the first place.

Myself I'm in a somewhat different situation - I'm giving up using for the sake of my partner, but I quit ADDICTIVE use years before already.
I decided I was tired of being an addict but I also NEVER wanted to be completely abstinent. So in a way, rather ironically, I'm more conflicted about giving up my occasional use than I was quitting addiction.

PS we've had a couple nasty fall-outs over my drug use / continued desire to use. Once during an argument he threw a couple insulin syringes (that he kept for administering medication to pets) at me shouting 'HERE, if you want needles so bad!' Another time, the second I got my clothes off when we finally were together again after months of being apart, he looked me all over for puncture marks. (Yeah that took the spark right out of the situation.) I managed to overdose while on the phone with him once.
I promised I wasn't gonna use on a visit to a friend of mine and then I did, which betrayed his trust in me. Yet here we are together still. Sometimes it pays to keep fighting for a relationship.
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Nah . I got clean and realized we were worlds apart, I left and never came back. Nope nope . I wanted more out of life then sitting around doing the same shit over and over.

Ditto. When i was addicted to heroin i could tell my ex was really happy with me.

Then one day after a month straight heavy binging on it IV, one day i woke up and looked at myself in the mirror disgusted with the hollow featured junkie bastard i saw staring back at me. Decided to quit cold turkey.
She sat smoking heroin beside me the entire time til i felt well enough i just left.

I think with getting clean from a toxic drug habit like that as a couple only really works if you both actually want to get clean. And want the best for each other, not yourself.
Ditto. When i was addicted to heroin i could tell my ex was really happy with me.

Then one day after a month straight heavy binging on it IV, one day i woke up and looked at myself in the mirror disgusted with the hollow featured junkie bastard i saw staring back at me. Decided to quit cold turkey.
She sat smoking heroin beside me the entire time til i felt well enough i just left.

I think with getting clean from a toxic drug habit like that as a couple only really works if you both actually want to get clean. And want the best for each other, not yourself.
I concur. Basically you have to be singing from the same hymn sheet. Both addicted but both wanna get off the stuff as a way of improving your life? Good to go ; and you can be a very effective prop to each other. Both using with no intention to quit in the foreseeable -? Junkie couples CAN work as long as you both love one another enough to always split even and not fuck each other about. Is rare, but it happens. User with non-user / aspiring non-user? MUCH more tricky to negotiate as you're having to find a compromise with two different approaches to life.
When I met my gf we were both using drugs and in a pretty reckless/self destructive way too. But as our love grew our addictions withered. She looks lovingly at me with admiration and devotion and makes me wonder if the fact that I wasn’t receiving that contributed to my abuse of drugs in the first place. Time always seems to effortlessly fly by when she’s with me, with or without drugs ❤️