Regional pill discussion : South East

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latest i've come across in memphis are red trumpets.

color: red/magenta
stamp: trumpet
dancesafe reagent: change started immediately and finished at dark purple
description: round red pill, well pressed, 8mm in diameter, no scores, beveled edge on both sides.

i personally have not taken one. a friend of mine and his girlfriend (who roll i'd guess once every 2-3 months) took one each. i talked to them 2 hours later and they were having a great time, and said it's a good solid pill.

another friend of mine who rolls frequently took 2 of these. when i got home later that night i had an instant message from her that read:

i capped some white rolex's with baig specs and they are the best pills i have ever taken. i plugged one and wow i started feeling it right away like 10 minutes later..went to a club and i was rolling so hard i did'nt even feel like dancing i just sat down looked at lights and kept smoking and smoking and smoking it was incredible..when i stared at a strobe light i saw like purple and red rolex's flying around it...and the feeling was wonderful i cant even describe it i just kept on repeating this is the shit eyes were rolled back the whole time...the music gave me goose bumps and chills all over my body...i also got really cold at 1 point then really hot it would go back and forth. it felt so good i went to the bathroom and plugged another..and it got even better.when we left the club we were barly able to walk..everything was slow and i felt like i was in a movie.then we tried to open a car that looked like it was ours but it was'nt lmao we were so lost. but anyways yeah it is a great pill got to the telly at 4am stayed up all night started going home at 12pm then drank some cold water and my roll came back like at the highest peak..i wanted it to go away already!!
2oclockbeanfiend said:
green maple leafs (no score) in central florida were niiiiiiiiice
rolled for about 7 hours
very clean
i only had one hallucination on the comedown (VERY FUCKING AWESOME HALLUCINATION I MIGHT ADD!!!)
but my friend was hallucinating almost all night
he was seeing people outside,mice in my apartment,sprinklers turn into snakes,glasses on me (i was wearing contacts),me with a full beard (i'm cleanly shaved) and tons of other nonsense
not particularly strong pills (i took 3.5,only taken 3 in a night be4)
but i enjoyed every minute of it

EDIT---oh and i remember my friend got up to look out the peephole on my front door and he said he saw a ton of people "kung-fu style fighting in the matrix" or some shit -hahhahahahaha

Did these have dark green speckles?
I recently got some green maple leaves here in TN and they are light green with darker green speckles, no score. 8x4mm
Blue dolphin - south east - hard press

Cartoon dolphin facing left.....any one had these?
are they domed on both sides, with no score? If so its likely MDA + caffieine and possibly meth.

Watch how many you eat or you'll be up for days.
i just wanted to post a bunk pill warning.
logo-up arrow
location- alabama

absolutly no effect of this shity ass thing. not sure if this is the right thread so sorrty in advance if its not.
P.S im going to try and post a picture
Any word on the #1's in Florida

Anyone have any good info on these in the CFL area? I have read all reports on pillreports but didn't seem too many Florida reports.
Blue Dolphins

Hi Everyone! I'm new here. This is my first post, but I've been lurking for months now. I'm in Charlotte, NC. Send me an email if you're in NC. I need to find some new friends or better clubs in the area.

I recently came across some blue dolphins (facing left). They are dark teal/blue with white specks. No Score, slightly domed (rounded) on both edges. The press wasn't that good, I could hardly tell it was a dolphin. Seemed solid, not crumbly. I hope they are good. Plan on dropping these this weekend.
Has anyone tried the red dolce and gabbanas? I dont see anything about them in pillreports or ecstasydata. Thanks
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