Regional pill discussion : South East

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Anybody tried the green doves? They've been going around South Carolina and Georgia. I've heard they're speedy, but I'm wondering if they're MDA or meth bombs.
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Sorry, haven't heard of any doves at all in my area (alabamistan)

No birds of flight around here at the moment. *g*

Have you checked pillreports?

Good luck & *plur*
That's the problem, I've checked all the pill testing sites I know of and they all come up blank. Anybody know of any other testing websites other than pillreports or ecstasydata?
Thanks, 007. I searched SE, SW and even NE, but I never thought to check out Canada. Which is dumb, in retrospect, considering that a lot of good pills come from up there.
always just click on North American -> show all :) that way those lil hidden reports show up, and it's easier than checking regions individually!
FYI - Lt. Brown Scorps

FYI: Friend took pity on me last night and gave me a light brown/tan scorpion - same stamp/press as the teal/blue scorpions I've reported on PR previously.

I think the chef has the recipe almost perfect this time. One tab set me straight for 6 hours. Very, very nice - only complaint is jaw clenching. Noticed it more on these than the teal/blue scorpions I had before.

They are pretty pretty pretty... *g* I didn't have test kit with me as I had NO plans on rolling tonight or anytime soon. But, I trust my connx. He didn't let me down! If you can get these, grab a couple and see how you like 'em. :)
Green pills - South east - "green goblins"

anyone heard of "green goblins" in the southeast
Has anyone seen these cream colored like light brown with brown specs I think the are VW. In the south florida area. My friend took them and said they were really good but haven't found them on pillreports as of yet.
Light blue imprinted star with T in middle

Has anyone tried the light blue star with a capital T in the middle of them. I have not seen the first report on them. Not sure what they are actually called? Any info would be appreciated.
got some orange/white speckecled scorpions/butterflies/dove supposedly "triple stacked" - very clean roll, dove was higher dose i think.
last weekend, friend picked up some light blue, LOSO imprinted pills in the Tampa area.

any feedback?
Lane said:
last weekend, friend picked up some light blue, LOSO imprinted pills in the Tampa area.

any feedback?

A friend took one and had a nice time, he was at a social gathering and the only one pilling. Said they aren't anything special, but certainly not garbage.
sp12 said:
A friend took one and had a nice time, he was at a social gathering and the only one pilling. Said they aren't anything special, but certainly not garbage.

gracias senor. :)
Lane said:
last weekend, friend picked up some light blue, LOSO imprinted pills in the Tampa area.

any feedback?


Heard of some of those light blue ones going through the southeast...good reports, but also heard of some in another area that were (potentially?) mixed with some meth. (not the 'meth bomb' type, but enough to notice...)

Just FYI - of course, ya never know unless you have a testing kit. Please play safe.. *g*

"When did Ecstasy become Methstasy?"
No More Meth!
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