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Regional Pill Discussion-East Coast


Feb 6, 2010
Alrightey socalthizzn gave me the ok to make this thread, pretty much self explanatory right?
If you're on the east coast, this is where you discuss ya pills!
Bring ya g's up, ya stars and whatnot.
I havent bought pills since last may, green g's up (pipes... :( ), just molly for me
but i wasnt about to have the east coast not have a thread
so lets do this thang
Light blue and lavender G-ladies USED to be trustworthy, basically the last 3 months or so of 2010 they were great, but they are just not trustworthy anymore. The last one I saw showed no reaction to Mecke. If you've got a test kit, you can afford to give these a shot ... I'm sure there are still a decent number out there that are solid, and the good ones are GOOD. But if you don't have a test kit, don't go there. A few months ago it would've been a sure thing but now there's probably mostly pipes out there.

To be honest I feel like we're at the start of a minor drought of good pills in the NE. It seems like it's 3 months on, 3 months off in this area.
good ills
beige outpress x blue outpress x hasnt been tested
green spooked cat
yellow horse looks more like a pony

bad ills
bart simpsons
cutout smurfs
homer simpsons"
cutout garfields
cutout saints
cutout butterflys
cutout feet (looks like n carolina tar foot)
ALL outpressed monkeys
ALL inpressed monkeys
dolphins (havent dropped nor tested unknown)
god you are lucky buggers!!!! send that molly our way :! been over a year seince i had real MDMA and that was only 100mg at a time :(
Off topic of report at hand :

Posted on January 23, 2011, 5:53 pm by shulgin0disciple [edit/delete]
/\word.... at least the northeast has a pill report on something other than a g lady or star! too bad it was bunk :/ happy hunting brother.
east coast is shittttyyyyyy;...........we've had enuff of the all the different stars and all the different G's............SUm chemists and pressers need to step the fuck up!! Scene is goin....
east coast is shittttyyyyyy;...........we've had enuff of the all the different stars and all the different G's............SUm chemists and pressers need to step the fuck up!! Scene is goin....

this completely. every single friend of mine has switched from pills to molly since the first fake g lady after the clean lighter purple/pink ones. huge demand for a legit steady press up here :p the guy to do it will be loaded
yeah, but im not complaining about molly being around lol
ill take good molly over rolls any day
Yeah I gave up on the xtc scene on the east coast awhile ago, I got tired of speed and pipes. Major sadface
I quit e due to the shit pills....I have some molly hidden somewhere....but I'm not even into it anymore =\

also, I took those Green G's last june...I was piped out of my pipe.
It doesn't matter where you are, really ... NYC is the only spot on the East Coast that can reliably support the demand, so it's just a question of whether or not your network reaches back there. My guess is that good pills will show up in time for Valentine's Day, but probably not sooner, and once those stashes are gone there will be another minor drought until at least April (spring break season).

The month after NYE is always kind of a shitshow because smart dealers with good shit are just sitting on it, and low-level hustlers working the grind are forced to get batches of pipes to keep their cash flow up. Valentine's Day is obviously a HUGE opportunity for anyone trying to sell rolls at parties ('cause everyone and their brother wants to roll with their girlfriends for V-Day) so the dealers who have good quality connects can just come in and clean up if they know what they're doing and they're prepared for it (meaning, they didn't blow their leftover-from-NYE stash of clean pills on the E-tards who would just as willingly buy pipes from Sketchball McShadypants at some shitty club).

Nobody's putting out new batches right now. The guys at the top of the ladder who are pressing pills have no incentive to stick their neck out and release product before springtime (read: festival season), so the guys in the middle who know the score are sitting on their shit and waiting for opportunities like V-Day, and the guys at the bottom are forced to scrounge for scraps.

Basically, right now we're as far away from the height of festival season as you can get, and the only big market opportunity between now and springtime isn't for a few weeks. That's why shit's so weak at the moment.

That's what it looks like to me, anyway. I'm not in the industry or anything, but when you pay a bit of attention, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the trajectory this kind of thing takes. I've gone to sick Valentine's Day parties for the last 3 years and they've always been saturated with good shit. The month and a half before and after V-Day? Nothing.
the east coast just doesnt seem to have the pill market that everywhere else has anyway. from what i've heard (and partially from personal experience), molly is around and popular, theres less pills on the east coast but a lot of molly if you know who to get from. i've only ever taken 2 good pills ni my life (orange g's up) and only ever had 4 pills total ever (2 orange g's, 2 green g's that were pipes) but ive had a bunch of molly recently.
if you cant find pills, ask around for molly.
Yeah the molly market seems a lot more stable. It might be harder to get a lead on, but once you're in it's not likely to go dry.
It doesn't matter where you are, really ... NYC is the only spot on the East Coast that can reliably support the demand, so it's just a question of whether or not your network reaches back there. My guess is that good pills will show up in time for Valentine's Day, but probably not sooner, and once those stashes are gone there will be another minor drought until at least April (spring break season).

The month after NYE is always kind of a shitshow because smart dealers with good shit are just sitting on it, and low-level hustlers working the grind are forced to get batches of pipes to keep their cash flow up. Valentine's Day is obviously a HUGE opportunity for anyone trying to sell rolls at parties ('cause everyone and their brother wants to roll with their girlfriends for V-Day) so the dealers who have good quality connects can just come in and clean up if they know what they're doing and they're prepared for it (meaning, they didn't blow their leftover-from-NYE stash of clean pills on the E-tards who would just as willingly buy pipes from Sketchball McShadypants at some shitty club).

Nobody's putting out new batches right now. The guys at the top of the ladder who are pressing pills have no incentive to stick their neck out and release product before springtime (read: festival season), so the guys in the middle who know the score are sitting on their shit and waiting for opportunities like V-Day, and the guys at the bottom are forced to scrounge for scraps.

Basically, right now we're as far away from the height of festival season as you can get, and the only big market opportunity between now and springtime isn't for a few weeks. That's why shit's so weak at the moment.

That's what it looks like to me, anyway. I'm not in the industry or anything, but when you pay a bit of attention, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the trajectory this kind of thing takes. I've gone to sick Valentine's Day parties for the last 3 years and they've always been saturated with good shit. The month and a half before and after V-Day? Nothing.

although this is a very interesting theory...idk man. People at this moment are begging for HIGH quality pills, i bet some people even willing to pay a bit more, since there is NOTHING AROUND.

Why would someone "holding" onto all these pills not get rid of them now, make a decent buck, and get new shit when the new shit comes in?.... Just doesn't really make sense to me.
Molly comes and goes out here in South Jersey. I wish it was a steady stream because I love it.