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Rectal administration of water soluble delta8 THC


Moderator: CD
Staff member
Jul 9, 2023
As many of you may know, there are now water soluble formulations of THC available. The stuff I have access too is a cyclodextrin nano emulsion at around 17% delta8. For a long time it has been a dream of mine to rail or plug weed. Today my dream comes true

30mg of water soluble delta8 dissolved in 3mL of warm water fairly easily which leaving a rather cloudy looking solution. The solution was then rectally administered. The dose is a bit low so the effects aren't very strong but it seems to be slowly taking effect.

The experiment may need to be redone with a higher dose, for reference I usually take around 50-60mg of this water soluble d8 to have a nice focused experience without it being too much. Approaching 80mg makes it too strong for my current tolerance, but this is why I started with 30mg.

Will update with any developments

Also I'm scared to insufflate because I feel it would be very unpleasant
The experience was underwhelming at 30mg so I went up to 50mg. Frankly the experience is still underwhelming so I'm wondering if the absorption is just super poor. I may increase dose again later
The experience was underwhelming at 30mg so I went up to 50mg. Frankly the experience is still underwhelming so I'm wondering if the absorption is just super poor. I may increase dose again later
I've always wondered about the uptake of thc-cyclodextrin complexes. At what point does the THC decomplex? I'd guess that due to the difference of oral onset times, the thc stays in complex long enough to get into the blood and not need to be packaged into chylomicrons like a fat would.

That being said, I wonder how complexed THC does get in through the gut. Maybe it decomplexes and passes through via diffusion? I know THC as well as endocannabinoids are carried by fatty acid binding proteins, but they can be found in the serum, so tissue specificity shouldn't be an issue.

idk I'm spitballing here, but it's an interesting discrepancy.
Absorption is actually incredibly slow. It took around an hour to take effect, it seems essentially pointless to use rectal admin over other ROA at least for the psychological effect
Absorption is actually incredibly slow. It took around an hour to take effect, it seems essentially pointless to use rectal admin over other ROA at least for the psychological effect
Damn, I guess the dreams of boofing thc being as good as boofing almost anything else are down the toilet.

This has a list of drugs used rectally and the logp seems to max out at 4.9 for perchloroperazine (thc has a logp of 6). The review also mentions that size of a molecule limits the diffusion rate, and that there is less surface area in the rectum than the small intestine, so maybe the kinetics are simply unfavorable.

I've always wondered if liquid kratom extracted would boof well, but they are often ethanolic so I'm not keen to try.
I actually attempted plugging two extracts of kratom yesterday, it works as long as it's a salt but I found it unpleasant

Now this is the Bluelight I grew up on and miss. 🤣

New Drug Question Checklist:

1) What's it called?
2) Can I plug it?
3) Wait, can you OD?
4) But... can I plug it?


It does suck that it was underwhelming, though.
I feel like I need to try some other batches of water soluble THC. This batch has been underwhelming in the speed of onset orally compared with the first batch that I bought a couple years ago. I don't know what differences there might be but it could mean differences in rectal absorption as well. It takes like 2 hours to kick in when I would take in on an empty stomach in the morning where my first batch would kick in after like 30 minutes so take this n of 1 with a Himalayan salt lamp
Haha bro of course you would like this post of your's if they had that feature like Facebook

You like Delta 8 that much huh

Never before witnessed a boof of this I tried boofing a drug I heard for some reason that was a preferred ROA one of Shulgin's chemicals

Maybe you pioneer a new method of Delta 8 absorption people are dying to try
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I feel like I need to try some other batches of water soluble THC. This batch has been underwhelming in the speed of onset orally compared with the first batch that I bought a couple years ago. I don't know what differences there might be but it could mean differences in rectal absorption as well. It takes like 2 hours to kick in when I would take in on an empty stomach in the morning where my first batch would kick in after like 30 minutes so take this n of 1 with a Himalayan salt lamp
Do you inject with a syringe? No needle of course
I feel like I need to try some other batches of water soluble THC. This batch has been underwhelming in the speed of onset orally compared with the first batch that I bought a couple years ago. I don't know what differences there might be but it could mean differences in rectal absorption as well. It takes like 2 hours to kick in when I would take in on an empty stomach in the morning where my first batch would kick in after like 30 minutes so take this n of 1 with a Himalayan salt lamp
Do you inject with a syringe no needle I guess that might be private information that is ok to not disclose I recall using a dental injection thing or I have no idea what happened

Himalayan salt lamp sounds good

So you are realizing your dream of plugging weed I am not sure weed needs to be plugged to be the best it can be but hey something for the annals of Delta 8 ROAs
@someguyontheinternet Speaking from a chemical perspective, there are two broad types of water solubuilization; chemical and hypersonic blending. I used the latter at work. The quality of this method depends on how fast and how long the blending (roughly speaking) period. The idea is that you are trying to assemble spheres encapsulating the THC. This is also done with 'new generation micro encapsulating' compounds. My personal favourite is Tocophersolan. I've got some photo's somewhere on this forum where a 500ml bottle of crystal light turns from cloudy > clear after adding a couple drops of this water soluble THC made with this chemical.

So, that's my long winded way of saying that not all water soluble THC's are equivalent.


edit: I am aware of at least one Canadian grey market supplier that has displayed their nano-emulsification unit. I am not aware of how effective their product is. I've only tried legal water soluble products (3 different brands of water soluble drops and 1 brand of water soluble powder). The powder only appeared semi-soluble; though that could have been b/c of carrier materials. The water soluble drops when slowly added to a beverage would float on the top like a layered booze shot but would mix easily. They didn't require hot temperatures to mix or need long stirring times.
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@someguyontheinternet Speaking from a chemical perspective, there are two broad types of water solubuilization; chemical and hypersonic blending. I used the latter at work. The quality of this method depends on how fast and how long the blending (roughly speaking) period. The idea is that you are trying to assemble spheres encapsulating the THC. This is also done with 'new generation micro encapsulating' compounds. My personal favourite is Tocophersolan. I've got some photo's somewhere on this forum where a 500ml bottle of crystal light turns from cloudy > clear after adding a couple drops of this water soluble THC made with this chemical.

So, that's my long winded way of saying that not all water soluble THC's are equivalent.

Hypersonic blending is just chemical blending with a help of physics.
Hypersonic blending is just chemical blending with a help of physics.
Yup, that's what I used at work. A hypersonic blender which is a non chemical means of nano or hyper emulsification. We didn't use it because we were trying to solubilize THC though; we were trying to isolate various nutrients/improve bioavailability of others for poultry/swine/cattle diet formulation/feed/feed additives.
