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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

recreational value of these?

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Dec 5, 2015
so there's a bunch of meds around i haven't taken and i was wondering what their recreational value is and which i should combine (5'7, 180 lbs)

naproxen 220 mg (7)
seroquel xr 50mg (3)
oxycodone 10mg (7)
oxycodone imm. release 10mg (1)
amitriptyline 25mg (15)
bupropion ex. release 150mg (26)
abilify 30mg (7)
divalproex del. release 250mg (2)
omeprazole del. release 20mg (1)
haloperidol 1mg (15)
guanfacine 1mg (3)
guanfacine 2mg (9)
metaxalone 800mg (1)
augmentin 865mg (1)
diazapam 2mg (2)
quetapine fumarate 25mg (10)
trazodone 100mg (7)
clonidine 0.1mg (18 )
adderall 30mg (30)
adderall ex. release 20mg (5) [taken a few in the past month for my adhd and didn't feel anything, one a day in the morning helped the adhd but no buzz or high]

i pretty much have no immunity to anything other than the adderall 20mg, can any of this be taken or combined to get high? is there anything i should toss that has zero recreational value? doses?

sorry about all the questions, i've only ever done weed and i'm completely in the dark on this
...i've only ever done weed...

why don´t you keep it that way?

there´s some stuff that has "recreational value", but also the potential too fuck up your life, or kill you straight away. painkillers and tranquilizers are dangerous. if you´re going to mess with this stuff,
you should at least take the time to do some proper research on your own. google and the board search engine will work wonders.

be careful!
OP, the goal of Bluelight is harm reduction, not advising people on what combinations are most recreational and/or fun. With that said, in the name of HR, I'll tell you that in terms of recreational value you have a smattering of benzodiazepines, amphetamines (stimulants) and opioids. The only thing you need to be especially careful of is the combining of the benzo's and the opioids e.g. oxycodone/diazepam. Combining central nervous system depressants of any variety is dangerous. When experimenting with any new substance, your mantra should always be to start low and move upward for obvious reasons.

If you do a little bit of research you should be able to deduce what reasonable dosages are for all of these drugs.
Agreed with Keif.

I would STRONGLY recommend that if you're set on trying these, try them individually first. Moving right into combinations of strong pharmaceuticals is a horrible, horrible idea. Read about typical doses for each, individually, and try them that way.

Not going to lie either, I have no idea what some of them are. Like- isn't 'augmentin' an anti-biotic? LOL
Agreed, if you've never tried these before, start with them individually.

Combining low doses of some of them won't kill you, but you should know how each effects you before combining.

The oxy , Adderall, and valium are the most recreational. Not sure what some of them are..the ones a bit further down the list.
Threads asking whether or not a substance (or many) is recreational is against BDD guidelines so I have to close this. We also can't reccommend drugs for people to take recreationally either. Please gloss over the BLUA and BDD guidelines to get an idea of what is and isn't allowed. Links are in my signature :)
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