Recovery Section Directory - Please Read Before Posting


Bluelight Crew
Dec 19, 1999
Hello Everyone!

I've noticed that we have a lot of excellent off-site resources linked here up in 'the Stickies', but precious little in the way of centralizing the great information and advice that our users and staff have accumulated. Sure, there's always TFSE, but who has time for that, amirite? ;)

So, here is an initial draft list for the current focus discussion threads, as well as the social threads. Because really, they're just as helpful sometimes, even if they fall off the front page occasionally. If I've missed something, and I'm sure that I have, please send a PM to any one of the mod team. Also, if there are any gaps that anyone thinks that should be filled with focus threads, by all means let us know as well.

As the directory gets complete, I (or one of my other friendly neighbourhood mods) will ensure that the links stay current, and that archived versions are linked as well (as appropriate). This will be a work in progress for a while, but hopefully this will be of some use to us all. We're also going to be consolidating the former 'sticky' threads here for a bit of a cleaner look in the forum. If there is a thread that you've been looking for that has gone missing, chances are it's here.

Remember that when you're posting in a focus thread, there are often guidelines above and beyond the normal BLUA and TDS rules. Be sure to read the first page of said threads to familiarize yourself with them before posting.

Many thanks!


Former Stickies/Front Page Resources

Focus Threads

Social Threads

Information Threads

Archived Threads

Thank you Dave, OverDone , Legerity and all past and present Moderators of The Dark side for all the contributions to this thread and the threads within!

Links updated February 20, 2013 ~ Re-Dist.
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