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Reassurance Required! MDMA Comedown/please don't be permanent

Thanks for the posts. It is only night 10 and I do feel 90% normal (regardless of this cold/man flu).

I suppose I should feel lucky then considering over 4 consecutive nights I did about 2-3g MDMA crystals from a reliable source + 8 or so pills from various unreliable sources to myself.

I never took into consideration at the time how reckless and dangerous this could of been taking such an excess AND over consecutive days. All trying to chase the high from the first night, which even after all that, still was never obtained (unsurprisingly).

I wish I did my research before hand!

Although, on night 3-4, I thought I was having a mental break down as I was hit by a sudden huge wave of depersonalization+panic+depression all at the same time apon waking up with my girlfriend. Never been so scared for my health before in my life and I plan on staying clean for life now! (I haven't had a cig/spliff/drink in a week and I have been smoking weed for 10 years every day, it was my lifesource! That's how mentality altering this experience has been for me).

I hope other people can learn from this thread before (or after) their own unfortunate experience has been made.
Thanks for the posts. It is only night 10 and I do feel 90% normal (regardless of this cold/man flu).

I suppose I should feel lucky then considering over 4 consecutive nights I did about 2-3g MDMA crystals from a reliable source + 8 or so pills from various unreliable sources to myself.

I never took into consideration at the time how reckless and dangerous this could of been taking such an excess AND over consecutive days. All trying to chase the high from the first night, which even after all that, still was never obtained (unsurprisingly).

I wish I did my research before hand!

Although, on night 3-4, I thought I was having a mental break down as I was hit by a sudden huge wave of depersonalization+panic+depression all at the same time apon waking up with my girlfriend. Never been so scared for my health before in my life and I plan on staying clean for life now! (I haven't had a cig/spliff/drink in a week and I have been smoking weed for 10 years every day, it was my lifesource! That's how mentality altering this experience has been for me).

I hope other people can learn from this thread before (or after) their own unfortunate experience has been made.

Definitely a schedule best avoided, I can go days in speed with minimal effects but more than 2 days on MDXX is almost certainly going to give the symptoms you describe, eat well rest and relax as much as possible and it will soon pass and you'll be planning the next adventure, Thursday latest I'd say;)

It's my beliefs that the vast majority of these adverse effects are psychological, many underestimate the effect is having on your perception and though patterns, I always enjoyed the darker music abdd exploring he more psycho side of the drug but many just didn't get it. After 24 hours your going to be a bit sketchy and the head fuck can set in leaving you anxious and uncomfortable, I'd always try to dance it off which almost always worked.

After a good few years of taking the stuff I'd stick to speed on Friday if we were going out on Saturday as well, but I'd rather do the one night and get totally rushed up for the duration.

Just a further clarification, even in people with a history of depression, you are not considered to be suffering with depression unless your symptoms have been consistent for at least 2 weeks. I'm in now way belittling the suffering but depression is a serious form of mental illness, feeling low and a bit tearful after doing a quantity of MDMA if just a comefown like any other drug that's worth taking.

Keep bust eat well have a few early nights and you'll be fine,

All the best
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Thank you for your advice, experience and wishes. Although I'm ill, I feel much better mentally. You are definitely right with the psychological aspect (hence placebos and nocebos!) and hopefully with the Thursday deadline!

I have also started taking Liposomal vitamin c today which I hope will cure me up in no time (check it out if you haven't heard of it already, pretty impressive stuff).
IT'S NOT PERMANENT!!! Though it sounds like a pretty intense week for you, you are no where near ingesting the amount of mdma to cause permanent damage. From my experience, this can happen, but only after a steady accumulation of constant MDMA intake over years (usually people huge in the rave scene...) If I had been big in the drug scene and rolled on x a few times week... I would know from personal experience, that what you are feeling is completely normal. Be patient through the depression and remember that you don't suck, life doesn't suck, your thoughts are not your real thoughts... its just the drug hangover.

I used to do it per weekend but have done the 3+ day drug binge as well. I have averaged about 5 few grams to myself just in the few days. However, by night 3, the molly had just stopped working no matter how much I took.. I started questioning if the seller screwed with me and sold me crystallized sugar powder or something. Since every one else was high off of it, I knew that was not the case. At that time, there just wasn't anymore serotonin in my brain for the drugs to release. Tolerance to MDMA SKYROCKETS rapidly with consistent usage.
My post mdma binge hangovers: I was having a lot of suicidal ideation, though would never have acted on it. I was up all night, tossing and turning and panicking about just about everything- from stupid memories of the past, to the present situation, to worries of the future. I was dealing with a lot of psychomotor agitation. The anxiety made my heart beat fast, which led to thoughts like, "ohmygod whatswrong with my heart im gonna die" triggering panic attacks. It felt like doomsday. Anytime I went on a 4+ day alcohol or drug BINGE, the mental/emotional/physical hang overs were tedious. I think my mental/emotional state paid such a high toll because when I binged, i was literally checking out of reality for a while, or putting myself on "pause" then trying to check in again upon sobering up when the party was over.
My remedies for these emotional hangovers were 5 h-t-p, benzos (klonopin) to ease the anxiety and cognitive training to ease the depression. I just kept reminding myself that its just from the drugs and to ride it out. I will be back to normal soon enough. My hang overs usually lasted anywhere from 2 to 10 days. They were spent zombified during the day and wide awake at night. Yeaa. MDMA hang overs blow.

So, I believe what you are feeling/experiencing is completely normal. I am pretty confidant that you are fine and will recover in no time.
Feel better
Re-dosing over consecutive days is what causes really bad comedowns, that's how I had my bad comedown. It was my first time doing MDMA, probably my last. Get on depression medication, the day I got on them all my anxiety went way, and about 2 weeks later I was back to normal. Don't do other drugs or drink whole you're recovering or else you'll most likely be fucked for the next few days after.
IT'S NOT PERMANENT!!! Though it sounds like a pretty intense week for you, you are no where near ingesting the amount of mdma to cause permanent damage. From my experience, this can happen, but only after a steady accumulation of constant MDMA intake over years (usually people huge in the rave scene...) If I had been big in the drug scene and rolled on x a few times week... I would know from personal experience, that what you are feeling is completely normal. Be patient through the depression and remember that you don't suck, life doesn't suck, your thoughts are not your real thoughts... its just the drug hangover.

I used to do it per weekend but have done the 3+ day drug binge as well. I have averaged about 5 few grams to myself just in the few days. However, by night 3, the molly had just stopped working no matter how much I took.. I started questioning if the seller screwed with me and sold me crystallized sugar powder or something. Since every one else was high off of it, I knew that was not the case. At that time, there just wasn't anymore serotonin in my brain for the drugs to release. Tolerance to MDMA SKYROCKETS rapidly with consistent usage.
My post mdma binge hangovers: I was having a lot of suicidal ideation, though would never have acted on it. I was up all night, tossing and turning and panicking about just about everything- from stupid memories of the past, to the present situation, to worries of the future. I was dealing with a lot of psychomotor agitation. The anxiety made my heart beat fast, which led to thoughts like, "ohmygod whatswrong with my heart im gonna die" triggering panic attacks. It felt like doomsday. Anytime I went on a 4+ day alcohol or drug BINGE, the mental/emotional/physical hang overs were tedious. I think my mental/emotional state paid such a high toll because when I binged, i was literally checking out of reality for a while, or putting myself on "pause" then trying to check in again upon sobering up when the party was over.
My remedies for these emotional hangovers were 5 h-t-p, benzos (klonopin) to ease the anxiety and cognitive training to ease the depression. I just kept reminding myself that its just from the drugs and to ride it out. I will be back to normal soon enough. My hang overs usually lasted anywhere from 2 to 10 days. They were spent zombified during the day and wide awake at night. Yeaa. MDMA hang overs blow.

So, I believe what you are feeling/experiencing is completely normal. I am pretty confidant that you are fine and will recover in no time.
Feel better

I truly appreciate that, Icameasarat! :)

I'm on Night 11 since the last dose and whilst I'm still ill from this man flu, I think I am starting to feel normal again! Not 100%, I really miss the happiness I used to feel every day and I appreciate it all so much now, but I believe it will return soon.

Thank you for your wishes and experience. Very kind and soothing.
Re-dosing over consecutive days is what causes really bad comedowns, that's how I had my bad comedown. It was my first time doing MDMA, probably my last. Get on depression medication, the day I got on them all my anxiety went way, and about 2 weeks later I was back to normal. Don't do other drugs or drink whole you're recovering or else you'll most likely be fucked for the next few days after.

I wish I knew this! It's shameful that I never did my research before the binge in Ibiza or I could of avoided this whole mess. But to be fair I never thought I would do it more then maybe 1 night out of self control. But man that first night was awesome!

I'm going for the natural approach as I seem to of passed the worst of the storm. Although it would of helped a ton at the beginning had I of known what to expect.
I believe in a couple days, 1 week max, I will be back to my old chipper self. This has opened my eyes up to fully sympathise with people who go through depression/mental health. It really has been a life changing experience, for the better (assuming I get back to 100%!).
Its good to hear youre getting better and even better that you dont have to suffer for long. I cant imagine what it must be like to be affected for months by this.

I am lucky, I have only experienced good things from mdma, I get afterglows not comedowns. Of course this could all change if I do it again though.
That's how it "was" for me. Although I had only done MDMA 3 times prior to this holiday (and they were all one off's separated by huge time margins, not consecutive days), I never had a comedown, if anything, a better feeling the following days.

I woke up happy every day on holiday, believing I was immune to any MDMA comedown. And then it hit me 2 days after I got back!
Nahhh, you're fine man.:) Lots of us have been there before. You just went a little too hard, 7 days is pretty intense! Your brain is just re-adjusting. Be good to yourself, eat good food, drink lots of fluids, breathe deeply, do things that make you happy. It'll pass, and probably quite soon.

If your anxiety is too out of control, you might want to see a doctor about the possibility of some type of temporary anti-anxiety medication, like a benzodiazapine. Although, if you want something like a benzo from a doc, you may want to omit the cause of your anxiety, or they might be hesitant about giving it to you.

Sending you lots of good vibes, just be good to yourself, I promise it will pass! In the future, take er a lil easier. :)
And yes, as others have mentioned, MDMA comedowns can be strange and sneak up on you days later.
Hi John Anon

I was at the same Ushuaia party as you and have been having the exact same side effects as you. We probably took the same stuff. Now almost 3 weeks on I still have a light buzzing in my head, zero appetite, terrible sleep with rather disturbing dreams, really feel very very down. ( I also have the massively suicidale episodes a few days having got back). I am just not me. Sensivity to light, total apathy and no excitement about anything. The world is a very dark and depressing place and I can not think of anything which is interesting or which I can look foward to. In any event I also believe I have damaged my brain and also when for an MRI which I am awaiting the results of. What did your MRI results appear as? Also I would really be interested to hear how you are feeling now and what symptoms you still have?

Hi John Anon

I was at the same Ushuaia party as you and have been having the exact same side effects as you. We probably took the same stuff. Now almost 3 weeks on I still have a light buzzing in my head, zero appetite, terrible sleep with rather disturbing dreams, really feel very very down. ( I also have the massively suicidale episodes a few days having got back). I am just not me. Sensivity to light, total apathy and no excitement about anything. The world is a very dark and depressing place and I can not think of anything which is interesting or which I can look foward to. In any event I also believe I have damaged my brain and also when for an MRI which I am awaiting the results of. What did your MRI results appear as? Also I would really be interested to hear how you are feeling now and what symptoms you still have?


Hi buddy, you're inbox appears full and I cannot reply to your message. I was going to give you my mobile number so please can you clear up your inbox so I can send it to you.

I apologise so much for the late reply bro, irl stuff. Let me know when your inbox is cleared! :)

P.S. Don't panic, because I have been through EXACTLY what you have and feel 99.9% healed, but we'll chat on the phone when you read this. There is A LOT I can share with you.
Hi John Anon

I have cleared it so please send you number as I'm still in hell 21 days later. Really do believe I may not be so lucky.....

We have all been there. I overdone it once bank holiday weekend last year for the first time
In years and spent about a week in a disassociative bubble thinking I messed up and would never recover. I did though and I just don't rip the hole out of it like that. When I was 18 I managed 2 weeks in Ibiza taking pills every single day. Last time I went to Ibiza as a 28 year old for a week I managed to take pills twice and two nights I was in my bed at midnight. It's called getting old haha. I away to Ibiza again in the spring for a long weekend and will be sensible.

Also why did you go all the way to Ibiza and listen to that ear poison that is avicci :( :( :( when you could have been some where good like space, cocoon @ amnesia or dc10. None of that avicci / Swedish house mafia garbage which is probably what messed you up lol.

Diet, exercise and healthy sleep.... And no shite dance music ;)
You'll live. I recovered fully. DP/DR sucks but time heals all. Stay off the Internet and remain busy, it will be over before you know it.
These post explain why I stick to amp and I've never done MD. There is an average of 1 to 2 post like that per page in the ecstasy forum. This is astounding.
Well sir, like others have said I cannot promise brain damage has not been done; you took a lot of ecstasy in a very short amount of time and judging from what youve wrote, your experience with the hangover is not atypical, however I can say from personal experience that I have binged in similar ways (the worst being 9 pills and then 4 the next day and then3 pills the next day; bad choice) and this was before I knew pressed pills also had drug B and C and D in them, and it wrecked me for about a week until I could really function normally again. Much of what youre experiencing along the lines of hangover is that your pills were in almost all certainty NOT just MDMA and because of that I cannot fully make a statement on them other than that from my personal experience you WILL get better. Continue supplementing with 5htp and other vitamins and eat a high tryptophan diet (turkey, red-meat, eggs, etc.) that will assist in building back your depleted serotonin tanks. I'm sorry to hear youre hurting man, MDMA is an absolutely breathtaking experience particularly the first time, but I'm afraid you found out the hard way that chasing your first experience with MDMA is foolish and you will never quite match the magic of that first time, so i would keep away from trying to. Experience it again forsure! But be weary of the mentality of chasing an old high; it is very dangerous to approach any drug that way.
Good luck and I hope you recover fully