raver types: WTF???


Oct 21, 1999
ok, so NYE me and a friend go to check out a club i've been wanting to go to for a while. from what i heard, it was a pretty hardcore raver club. earlier in the evening we met our family for a nice dinner (and thus dressed up a little bit) and left for the club soon afterwards. so when we get there, the line outside is very 'raveish', which i'm totally cool with, but get this: we were getting a VERY hostile vibe from everyone, i assume because of the way we were dressed. i could tell that people were looking at us and talking about us. one of the little bastards even went so far as to try to insult us by referring to us as his friends from The Colony (which is a well-to-do neighborhood). we left and went to a club that was significantly more upscale and had a blast. what really gets me is that i'm always down with partying with raver types when i'm at a predominantly club-kid place. i was very disappointed because i know that when i went to raves years ago that shit like that didn't go on. now it seems like the raver crowd is just another group, which have the same biases and judemental attitudes that accompany the supposedly evil mainstream groups such as jocks and preppies. pretty sad when i think about it....
Hey, rest assured that we are NOT all like that... as a matter of fact, I have not baught into the whole raver fasion deal... and I am usualy pretty well dressed at a club, or rave.
the kinda of people *I* don't appreciate, are the candy ravers, (to excess) and the bar-stars.
I apologise for those dimwitted, very UN-PLUR so called "ravers"
hmm, maybe that's a bit harsh... then again... maybe not.
yeah I noticed that last night when I came home after a party, I had been gone since the night before and all my stoner/drinking friends where chillin at my house. I was sitting there playing with my almost dead light sticks and everyone was like what the hell are you doing, they just don't understand, but I don't care. Most of the ravers I run into are pretty nice, I get most of the flak from the stoner/drinking crowd.
IMOKRUOK - Roll On Roll Off
That makes me mad....judgemental phucks...especially about physical appearence. That is a bunch of bullshit. But I have learned, and I think so has everyone else, that no matter where you go, no matter which "group", mainstream or not, there will always be people like that. If people dis me, I will either laf at them, or dis 'em right back.....I don't care.....no respect received...no respect given. You could also try just ignoring ignorant people like that...that always works.
And about the different "types" of ravers, I think that is bullshit too. WHO CARES! We all rave for the same reasons, I hope. Why do we have to attach labels to everything and everyone? I think "ravers" is bad enuf, but noooo, we have to take it further and divide everyone even farther. WHO GIVES A FUC!!!
I've been noticing that problem alot myself lately and I've been goin to parties for 9 yrs. so I know what u mean. I was gonna DJ for this one promoter in Chi-Town a while back and I was "warned" on how I should dress b/c I was told there was a "strict raver etiquette" out there. I didn't get that - I always thought the scene was to promote being however u wanted to be. Oh well...
The subject of judgemental attitudes on the part of ravers has been visited before, it seems, particularly by the 'older' ravers (like myself). I think that this is happening because raving has become a more mainstream thing for younger people and they are more apt to be judgemental since usually young kids do things just to fit in and be cool...this leads to insecurity and mean-spiritedness. Most kids don't even know what PLUR is, but they go to the raves b/c all their friends are going and it's the thing to do. I do believe there are plenty of good ravers left out there...Seek and you shall find. And just ignore the rest, they are not worth your time.
that bothers me 2 of course but dont insult candy ravers!! thats being judgemental too and thats no fair! its sad that people act that way cuz its all about the love,the music, and the people[and PLUR of course]. NOT your fucking clothes. im sorry that happened to you but dont hate ravers cuz of it
we're not all that way! i promise! that really makes me sad cuz raves are all about individuality! wear what you wanna wear and get out there and dance your ass off and dont worry about the stupy people that laugh at you or make rude remarks cuz people like that dont matter-they stink!