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Rate your dealer...

lacey k said:
^some do...but at least the majority of them have a purpose....what is this the dealer gossip thread?

Ugh, Jerome was SOOOO slow to get to the corner of 3rd and Southeast today....And when he got there, the bags were HALF as thick as usual

Uh, For REAL girlfriend! I swear the other day i saw my Jerry at QuickChek, 5 minutes after i hadJUST called him and his phone was off! His service these days is just SO sketchy! Im seriously considering taking my business to Darren, i hear he's really coming up lately.

Uhhhh-huh girl preach on, i hear you. Im tellin Jerome that if he dont start showing up when he says hes gonna, im gonna call up my babydaddy and have him let him know what tiiiime it is, uhhh-huh!

I love you :D

Also I get my assorted drugs from various different people, this being a small town and drug availability being less than brilliant at times. Some of my dealers are good, some are crap, but when needs must...
Diggitydank420 said:
i'd say 6. Always have yay, nice bags, good quality, but there suburban ganstas

YO nigga, imma bus a CAP in you if you dont do my homework for me son! cuz its LIKE DAT!!! *back and forth head motion* lol.
my coke dealer is older. he's spent 10 years in prison, and even though hes from the roughest area in town, he is extemely cool to me. He always sells me yellow/beige yay, in nice chunks.. It is certainly of the quality that he could cut it if he really wanted, but he rathers just let me make my money off the top.

also, this guy will front me a personal sack, up to a few grams, for up to a week and a half... he has even had me WALK into the ghetto with him, and stangely, nobody even questioned my white-presence....

this is the same ghetto i've had 3 friends robbed at gunpoint in, and one friend completely knocked out with a beer bottle.... I actually have 1 other friend from highschool who went into this ghetto to deliever a pizza, and when he knocked on the door they maced him and took the pizza..... heh, so yeah, my yay guy gets a 10/10 because he manages to not get me killed.

--Weed dealer gets a 9/10, only because he sometimes ups the price by $5 when he gets low. The quality is amazing though, and fairly consistent. Once every month, he gets a special bag from another source, and it absolutely smells and tastes like ginger... DANK as hell.
My X/Pill dealer gets a 9/10, fairly cheap prices, usuually instant meet up as well unless he's away. He also lives about 5 minutes from me which is very convenient. He is also straight, only drinks so I don't have to worry about him being scattered/lazy, but this also means I can't call at insane hours for more drugs.

My weed dealer I would give a 8/10, he has very cheap prices but sometimes it is difficult to contact him, his phones fucked so I rely on calling his girlfriend. Also he loves his drugs so I can call him nearly anytime, but he is often out. Also when he gets dry it takes a day or two for him to pick up again. They also sell X and speed and can get acid. Apart from the weed and acid the prices are too high however.
5 out of ten on all counts - I think The Man go too paranoid since his Youngtown connection got busted wide open. He don't trust nobody anymore... Back in the day though things were different, this guy would do housecalls at no extra charge.
my weed dealer gets 8/10 - i always get given decent amounts 4 my money, hes a cool guy to do drugs wiv and sumtimes he gives me sessions 4 free wen im not grabbing a ride wiv sumone......still ive had better weed and he doesnt sell it by the oz which is annying......still i neva hav 2 wait, its always at their 'shop' (an empty store that was a dairy) and theyre usually happy 2 hook me up wiv anything elsethru black power if i give them a day or 2
my meth dealer, the main one anyway, is my boss who pays me by the point basically - i only started working 4 him as a volunteer anyway cos hes always bn my idol, fully 10/10 and a great guy 2 do drugs wiv
if hes dry theres this dude round down the road who owns several labs in my neighbourhood, and hes v generous, selling gd meth and acid 4 gd prices - 9/10, partly cos i owe him so much money and hes so chill about it he acts like its on him
i get acid and E and that usually thru friends tho - and ive neva had 2 buy mushies, living near the auckland forest known 4 its fungi
another mate i hav is into the heroin scene, and hes always bn handy 4 scoring things i like trying 4 fun, and is an excellent source of coke
my best dealer eva was at pony club wiv me and i opened my stupid mouth and told my ditzy mate i bought from her so that was the end of that
I buy my weed off this one kid. Total fucking wigger.

hey man you got any tree?

yeah Mane I got your tree nigga 15 a g.

alright man ill be there in 5

alright nigga peace out!
well, like most peeps, i have a handful of different ones. My favorite has got to be the dude that provides a home delivery service. You gotta pay a little more than going out and getting it yourself..but personally, when i can afford it, its just so fucking chill and worth the convenience....i mean, this guy will deliver at 3 in the morning, whenever, whereever he is....

Can't beat that, in my book.
huge bump here

weed dealer - 10/10 = ive know him for 2 years and hes super chill, never shorts the weight and has really good prices (very very reliable when i need him)

coke dealer - 6/10 = not to cool, at times makes me wait a couple weeks for new shit, barely ever wants to drive over to me but only meet halfway though he has a car (very paranoid) i would call and ask him to meet me closer to where im at and he would tell me not today too many cops i seen alot earlier so fuck him but hes all i got for yay

x dealer - 10/10 = amazing, super chill around my age, drives me back to where i need to go if i dont got a ride, always gives me best pills around (no meth no caffine all perfect)

share yours
my dealer is paranoid as hell... he almost scares me.... so 8 out of 10 for the stuff but 2 out of 10 for personality
wtf is w/ all the peeps bitching about having to drive to get shit, or even meet halfway.

your dealer does this multiple times a day maybe, you do it once. maybe they just wanna keep the risk down a lil...
a good dealer should deliver the drugs...good customer service goes a long way
staypuft said:
a good dealer should deliver the drugs...good customer service goes a long way

well i live in a real real large city, so if you're hustlin it would be real hard to drop by all these dif. peoples houses. that's why i'm saying why bitch about meeting halfway? you're not the center of the universe.

and i think a good smart dealer, would not want to deliver as much. no matter how careful you are, the more you do it the more % chance you get popped.

edit: i say this b/c i reallly don't see the deal about a 15 min trip to get some smoke vs. sitting at your house and crying. rather be on the way than sittin roun.
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My dealer gets a 7/10. He has become my only dealer, because he can get me just about any drug I need. He sells your basic benzos, basic rx opiates, h, coke and meth all at reasonable prices. Very cool dude, usually gives me free beers and food while I wait for him. (he works at a bar) Only gripe is that the h is sometimes inconsistant and I'm a good customer so I knock off 2 points for this. Also give him a point off for being an hour away from me.
The people I get pot from are ok. Opiates on the other hand...

These people are totally messed up. They think you are their friend and want you to hang around hours on end because they are so wasted and when they get someone talk to... someone polite like me who finds it hard to tell them I have to go.

Now I just msg a friend and tell them to call me in ten mins... by then I'm usually holding and I can tell them it's an emergency and have to go.

Doesn't anyone else have to deal with shit like this?

i have various contacts for marijuana. some have shitty "ses" (schwag). some dont weigh it out, so shorting you. some say its "bomb" when its really just midgrade stuff. i kinda get pissed cuz majority of them dont know what "grade A" weed really is. they range from 5/10 - 7/10.

i have quite a few connections for ecstasy. but i normally use one (my boy from childhood). he usually gets good shit. theres only been a few times that hes gotten speedy shit, but he tells me beforehand so i know. he gets a 9/10, would be 10, but hes not always around i normally get most shit through him, whether is yay, weed, x, or k. all the other E dealers are just stupid. they are the kinda ppl that are like "red is the strongest, yellow and pink are weak", or "it puts holes in your brain and messes up ur back". like honestly. they don't know what mdma is. they think its normal to eat 1 blue dolphin and stay up all night just talking, then not being able to sleep/eat. i tell them its shitty meth but they dont listen lol. they get 1/10.

rx connection is steady and reliable. decent prices. 8/10.

shrooms connection has good prices, and good shrooms. no complaints. 8/10.

thats all i can think of
Dealers. Let's see.

Weed dealer.. well, it's just a friend. He's not a dealer. Just knows somebody. It's cheap, but schwag. Not that I care much. I can take pot or leave it---usually leave it. I'll give him a 6, only because he's my friend.

X dealer... don't have one. Need one. Currently taking applications if anyone's interested! Get your foot in the door on a real business opportunity! Act now! [Rating pending.]

My alcohol dealer, though, never lets me down. What a selection! Closed on Sundays, but that's not his fault. Freakin' blue laws. I'll give him a 9.