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Rand Paul in 2000: 'End That War on Drugs'


Moderator: DS
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Jan 23, 2013
Rand Paul in 2000: 'End That War on Drugs'
Jacob Sullum|Oct. 28, 2014

Last week I noted that Rand Paul, since being elected to the Senate, has shied away from calling for the legalization of marijuana or other drugs, although he has said that drug policy should be handled mostly by the states. As Tom Angell points out, Paul made bolder comments on the subject during a 2000 TV appearance (below), although not quite as bold as some people claim. Paul, at the time chairman of Kentucky Taxpayers United, was responding to the following suggestion from a caller to the public affairs show Kentucky Tonight:

My plan is to legalize all drugs and take the money that we spend to keep the drugs out of the country, put that into Social Security, and release all nonviolent drug offenders...take the money that we would spend in housing these inmates, put that into Social Security. Now that money is going to end the money problems with Social Security. I would like to hear you guys comment on that.

Here is how Paul responded:

I would agree with him. I think they are sort of separate issues, and obviously you can take the savings from one. But I would agree with him: The war on drugs is an abysmal failure and a waste of money. And we should better spend [the money] dealing with people, with their addiction problems, quit wasting all the money, sending the military to Bolivia to shoot farmers who are growing coca plants. That's just ridiculous. So I do agree with him there: Just end that war on drugs and make it a much more local situation, more community oriented...There's probably a lot of savings in that.

That can be read as an endorsement of legalization, but it also can be read as similar to the position Paul has taken since he became a Senate candidate: devolve drug policy to state and local governments; emphasize rehabilitation rather than punishment. It all depends on what Paul meant by "end that war on drugs." For me that means repealing drug prohibition. But recall that Barack Obama, who as a Senate candidate in 2004 called the war on drugs an "utter failure," supposedly ended it in 2009. I suspect that Rand Paul in 2000 had in mind something closer to my idea of ending the war on drugs, but I can't prove it. Still, it is probably significant that Paul, unlike Obama, did not feel a need to say legalization is a bad idea.

continued here http://reason.com/blog/2014/10/28/rand-paul-in-2000-end-that-war-on-drugs


Doubt he will actually follow through with this as a leading campaign issue. First step of the process is pandering to the conservatives Bible-thumpers in Iowa for the straw poll in August. Iowa is not exactly a beacon of libertarian ideology or even respect for those to don't conform to mainstream values.

BTW Did you see the video of Paul hightailing it when confronted by undocumented DREAMERs regarding his support of deportation of undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children? Even the sharp-as-a-spoon Steve King stuck around to at least try to defend his vote. If Paul didn't have the guts to defend his ground to two activists who couldn't even vote for him, I sincerely doubt he would will have the guts to stand up to the powerful, moneyed interests that are keeping the War on Drugs alive.
Yeah, I almost went to that fundraiser, in support of Paul.

Steve King did a pretty good job of not backing down and making his point. I know that King is a politician above a statesman, and really has no loyalty to the Constitution he praises when he needs "liberty" votes. I think Paul is, in a lot of ways, the same.
Paul is not perfect but I would vote for him over Romney, sanatorium and those type clowns. I think a Elizabeth warren vs rand Paul election would make me cream my pants