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RADIO: Triple J - Hack: Illicit Drug Advertising Campaign

Cowboy Mac

Jun 4, 2000
A very interesting interview that involves Christopher Pyne (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health and Ageing) and Dr. David Caldicott (Research Fellow for the Royal Adelaide Hospital), and some very good questions from the interviewer Steve Cannane.

c/o your tireless harm reduction team, Enlighten.

Streaming: mp3 | wma
Download: mp3 [4.6mb] | wma [4.8mb]
Some "very good questions" is a bit of an understatement! Steve Cannane has Christopher Pyne well and truely on the ropes for most of the interview and doesn't let him off for one minute. Brilliant! :)
This guy is a knob!!! I can't believe he doesn't view Alcohol & Tobacco aren't as bad as illegal drugs for your health!!!...
I love the bit where Pyne states "alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs, and ecstasy etc are illegal drugs.. errr I mean alcohol and tobacco are legal products, ecstasy etc are not legal products." It's almost as though he doesn't want anyone to know they are drugs.
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cheers Mac.
I didnt know where to look for this. The interview started just as id pulled into the carport at home i had to sit there for a few minutes listening & thinking this guy has no idea what the fuck hes talking about.
propls to steve cannane on the questions, fully cornered this ignoramus.
I think the best bit was when he exposed the conflict of interest the government has because they've accepted political donations from the alcohol and tobacco industries.
Cool. Thanks Mac and Yob for posting the download links, streaming sucks on dial-up.
I love the ad snippets. 8) Can't wait to see the TV ads. I don't smoke weed but maybe I should punch a few cones when they're on. (see signature)

I know we're just making him out to be the bad guy, but Pyne sounds like a true politician. He dodged most of the questions posed to him. But to be honest, Triple J and its listeners aren't the most conservative of people and it shows in this interview.

Good stuff by Dr. Caldicott, especially where he clarified the statistics on ecstasy and PMA related deaths and injury. From what was said, it sounded like he explored both sides of the argument but sadly there wasn't enough time to go into more detail.
fuck he served it up to payne - about the bit payne said that if porportional more people used for example MDMA then "death rates" would be much higher i would have countered by explaining that millions of people worldwide using MDMA and the total deaths (true/legitmate deaths), compared to similar amount of drinkers would be statiscally insignificant.
I was lucky enough to catch it from the start as i got into my car driving home.

The interview was hilarious.

The fact he would not admit that alcohol and tobacco were dangerous when Steve Cannane had him on the ropes was pure gold - and the fact they spoke to Dr Caldicott after which essentially refuted many of the claims after having his hospital used as an example.

I was quite happily yelling at the radio!!
gher said:
I love the ad snippets. 8) Can't wait to see the TV ads. I don't smoke weed but maybe I should punch a few cones when they're on. (see signature)

Posted this in another thread but you can stream/download the ads from the campaign website.

Loop it over and over while you bong on! :)
i listened to this on the radio when it was on,and i couldnt stop laughing... i really think that steve really showed the drug guy.. i thought it was really entaining, cant wait to listen to it again...
My god that Pyne is a sea hunt!
I'd like to slap him repeatedly over the head with the truth!
Fucking hypocrite accepting filthy money from alcohol and tobacco companys!

Can someone post an mp3 of tuesdays hack if it has any follow ups to mondays? I only caught the first few seconds. dialup sucks fuckyou very much telstra!

edit: cheers yob!
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That was a fuckin' crock! I'm disgusted in TripleJ. That was simple pandering to the drug accepting Triple J demographic. Hope they got their good ratings and all the stoners were able to say "heheh yeah man! sock it to him!" cause thats all that could be gained from that interview... if it can be called that... "bashing" is how i'd refer to it.

I love my drugs! But more, I love an un-biased media, and that interview was sooooo far from it. Having media coverage like that does not help any sort of pro-drug cause, because anyone who is on-the-fence is going to think 'what a biased bunch those drug people are... stuff them!' The pro-drug media needs to not stoop to the level of anti-drugs, as we all know, their campaigns don't work, or none of us would be reading this. Realistic un-biased discussion is the only way to promote safe drug use, or pro-drug legislation.

I'm really fuckin mad after this interview... Its worse than most of the governments anti-drug campaigns in its bias.., GRRR...

BTW, who was the guy doing the interview? I recognize the voice, but can't recall his name. I think he needs a nasty email.

-gleep :mad:
^^ Maybe if that slippery 'Mr' Pyne was realistic himself instead of trying to toe the church/party line and actually listened to himself he'd maybe realise that what he said implied heavily that alcohol and tobacco not danngerous.

If you took the time out to read this thread you'd work out the interviewer's name incredibly quickly.. like say in the first post and not have to rely on asking other people to do your work for you that you are so passionate about.