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Cocaine Quick, easy way to boost purity of crack


Dec 14, 2009
Anyone else do this?

You take your crack, throw it in a spoon with water (tap water seems fine, but I bet bottle water would be better), heat it up until the crack melts into oil (and,if you feel like it, stir it around with a straightened paper clip or anything else, just enough to break the oil spot up, then (also optional) pushing the little spots back toward each other). Wait a minute or so until the oil droplets resolidify. (They're not clear anymore.) Presto-bang-o. You just make your crack a bit more pure. (The theory being some of the cut, baking soda gets dissolved in the water.)

Note: the water should DEFINITELY not be acidic when you start (no citrus, vinegar)--unless you plan to inject it (not a good idea anyway).

I never knew about this until the last couple years I smoked, and UTFSE and I didn't see much on this (except one kinda negative thread with some different information). It seemed to work IMO.

Someone in the previous thread said regular street users would never do this. But I learned about it from a homeless friend. And saw others do it to.

So I thought that might be of use. Interested to hear if others have done this, do it differently, have different opinion, etc. Talking about crack is fun.
I don't do crack nor do I shoot up but I guess someone correct me because I don't see how this purifies. It seems like all your do is resolidify(if that's even a word lol) the crack. Baking soda wouldn't be removed. When the water evaporates it would just leave it there. Also crack is soluble in water so if it was true then you could essentially remove some crack.
If you were to melt it down then filter to remove insolubles then you would be purifying some then.
Sorry, not trying to be an ass but I just don't see how it works.
Sorry, not trying to be an ass but I just don't see how it works.
It's a good point, and I've thought about it. In my experience, though, it works.

I think the reason is this: all it can do is purify out extra particulates and undissolved baking soda... I only ever felt the need to do it with kinda bad rocks (either: I could see "bubbles" like swiss cheese, it was too white/not yellow enough, or the first hit just felt weak), and I don't think it would work with good rock (or a second time on the same rock).

But when you cook up crack from cocaine, oftentimes lots of baking soda gets mixed in there that isn't fully dissolved into the oil. It definitely works after I've made my own crack and realized I put in too much baking soda, so it's especially chunky/grainy, and needed to be purified. The way some people make large batches of crack (e.g. separating out the oil into a pan before it dries), it's easy to sprinkle or stir in all kinds of adulterants and cuts to boost volume/weight.

For good crack, I think you're right.
heat it up like you said, all the oil comes to the top, then slide it off with a business card. when you smoke it, you wont get as high as smoking real base, but the residue will fuck you up when you fiend the next day.
when i do it, the coke looks like a yellow jolly rancher, one that you spit out after sucking down half of it and bending it into a ribbon shape.
Baking soda wouldn't be removed. When the water evaporates it would just leave it there. Also crack is soluble in water so if it was true then you could essentially remove some crack.

Crack isn't water soluble but bicarb is. Have never heard of this technique but it actually does make some sense to me (I am a bit of a dunce though ;)). Have IVed crack many times but never thought to dissolve the water soluble cuts out and smoke the result. Interesting idea and makes sense in my world...

Long way from being a chemist though and what about rock made via the ammonia route - always found that a lot more subjectively potent than the bicarb method myself and would imagine it produces a similarly "clean" end product.
Long way from being a chemist though and what about rock made via the ammonia route - always found that a lot more subjectively potent than the bicarb method myself and would imagine it produces a similarly "clean" end product.

Yeah, if you're making it from scratch, I think that ammonia is much better. Depending where you live/who you know, sometimes it's a LOT harder to find "soft" aka powder than it is to find "hard." (Which, I assume, is why you IV the rock; I've also done this a lot, until my veins were all ruined from the lemon juice or vinegar plus whatever was in the crack...) So, this is something I find most useful for the really chunky-bubbly-white bicarb versions of ready rock
so are you just talking about re cooking it?

i always do that if I buy it hard
so are you just talking about re cooking it?

i always do that if I buy it hard

Word. "Re-cooking it." I'd just never heard of it in years of smoking crack, until I met some people who did it, wondered if others do it.
yeah dude I usually always do if I gotta buy it already hard.

im more of an IV person anyways though, aint really got down with smokin in a while.

and it really does make it wayyy better. for all you people that doubted it :p
Please do not inject lemon juice. Especially if you value your sense of sight.
Good point. Me, I don't inject any kind of crack (or anything) anymore. But I've also heard this stuff about lemon juice and blood fungus. First time I (over)did it I couldn't walk from pain that felt like gout in all my joints. Don't know if that's microbial or chemical, but it scared me.
Lemon flavored Crystal Light was effective. And vinegar of course. All this seems like a terrible idea in retrospect. The fact that it ruined all the veins on my body in a matter of a few weeks is telling. (And I was using clean needles, which I bought by the hundred-box at EDIT: national chain drugstore.)
Yeah, don't inject crack at all, I would advise.
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Bit of an old thread but I wanted to say if you use acetone to clean the pipe and evaporate you need to leave for at least 48 hrs. Or if it's solid enough or in powder you can do single water rince a few times. Better with ethanol as it's not toxic comparable to acetone. Plus acetone residue has its own high.
I don't do crack nor do I shoot up but I guess someone correct me because I don't see how this purifies. It seems like all your do is resolidify(if that's even a word lol) the crack. Baking soda wouldn't be removed. When the water evaporates it would just leave it there. Also crack is soluble in water so if it was true then you could essentially remove some crack.
If you were to melt it down then filter to remove insolubles then you would be purifying some then.
Sorry, not trying to be an ass but I just don't see how it works.
Crack cocaine is soluble in water but it takes so much time to dissolve (days to weeks) that this is not a real risk, hence the need to dissolve it in an acidic solution before injecting.
Crack cocaine is soluble in water but it takes so much time to dissolve (days to weeks) that this is not a real risk, hence the need to dissolve it in an acidic solution before injecting.
I found if you use just the right amount of baking soda until it Foams up and then comes back down to water and the whit is hone from the oil uts just transparent.. then it's perfect it's ringer if you don't do it just right same shit won't be ringing worthy ,i slsgot better hits from a round glass vial instead if spoon but both work
Bit of an old thread but I wanted to say if you use acetone to clean the pipe and evaporate you need to leave for at least 48 hrs. Or if it's solid enough or in powder you can do single water rince a few times. Better with ethanol as it's not toxic comparable to acetone. Plus acetone residue has its own high.
Ya true i didn't wait long enough once and hot one hell of a bloody nose,smell was gine and was dry but...no bueno
I've seen people go insane after booting up C-rack from shooting up Vodka to dumping hot candle wax all over themselves any pill that was dissolve this person would insanely inject and it was a crazy scene I got woke up around 7 am after this person went all out over $1700 spent in ONE NIGHT and I'm talking from 1 am to 7am being smoked at first then who knows what this person cut an artery and was squirting blood all over my Apartment walls the police came and a pal was lucky enough to drive down a back alley and drop this person off of at far away Hospital.

The moral of the story was I learned Crack was dangerous shit, I had messed around with it smoking it first at around 15 then through my mid 20's only when nothing else fun was around. Proud to say haven't smoked Yeyo since 9 yrs ago. Smoke it DO NOT INJECT.
I do crack. everyone does it in this town they try one then instantly a slave to the pipe.i I only do it occasionally. I’ve never got addicted. I use to research drug information. It comes in handy. I had addictions before so that’s another reason I’m not doing crack or coke. It sucks I went cold turkey from a benzo addiction worst experience in my like. I also had an opioid addiction. Doctors fault they were giving me a lot of oxy. I liked it but I was in hospital for 8 weeks doing 30mg slow release for 12 hours but I also had 10mg an hour. My tolerance went up fucking quick. After my operation I had one of them drip things that has a button and when you press if it delivers the drug. I saw the nurse putting password in I remembered the code. So during the night I went outside for a joint. I put in the password and removed the 6 minute timer and higher the dose. It was amazing. Don’t regret it. Doctors noticed my bag with the drugs in it was empty when it was supposed to have to last all day. So they took if me. I hear this all the time oxy is good but once the doctor stops giving you them. Your left clucking it’s how most of them use heroin just to get rid of withdrawals some of them love like me. I ended up on heroin but I was disappointed in myself so don’t anymore. I got clean quick. I love normal life I want to travel and see the world. Most crackheads only like crack it’s the only thing they do. Love it too much. they are a lost cause most of them. It’s sad to watch really I was fucking a 20 year old and I’m 34 she was so hot but the crack is messing her up it’ sucks a waste she’s smart as well but she uses that to get drigs for free and she fucks all the dealers she leaves. you wanting more so you share your drugs thinking your getting some pussy but it’s all a rouse she proper nice so you basically think you like the girl. Then you be a gentleman and share your stuff. She doesn’t give a fuck she only came to mine because I had gear. I clicked on quick but people have been dribbling over her for years. Sorry for the assay. If you do read it all. I would appreciate it. I’m on crack right now it’s why I made an essay I talk a lot on this stuff. I do chat a lot of shit sometimes
Another thing crackheads use to try a lot of drugs most of them anyway but once they hit that pipe that’s the only thing they care about. cracks a bitch. I’m different I still love the others mdma is my fave. Psychedelic are amazing dmt is out of this world. So much much more to do in this world. Addictions are basically slave keepers. Almost at all them never Even leave the town they in. Waste of life I’ve done things more fun then drug's. Like did paragliding off a volcano it was steep almost like base jumping. I had to do tandem but I got assigned the best one there he does competitions. He ask if I wanted to do tricks or what ever you call it. I said yes and fuck me he was doing some mad shit I would’ve been scared but my benzo habit must of chilled me out. Best adrenaline I’ve experienced. I dont even know if someone is ever gonna read this essay lol.
I would appreciate it if you did. Don’t know how old the thread is.