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Opioids Questions about methadone clinics


May 30, 2021
Okay, so idk how obvious I’ve made this, but I’m addicted to 2 mg rectal buprenorphine a day and about 50-60 grams of kratom. Idk how small of a dose that seems to other people, but i haven’t been able to lower my dose, and I don’t really want to stop opiates anyway (ever), I’m thinking about going to the methadone center up the street, the dose I’m on right now is not holding me. I was on pods every day with the sub and kratom, and dropped down to this over the course of about three weeks.

My sub source is out, so I’m fucked tomorrow if I don’t do something, it’s between going he hospital to get a refill on my sub, or just getting methadone.

Ps, the kratom dose I’m on makes me want to puke, but if i lower it at all the withdrawal is unbearable.

I could mega dose some dxm alternatively tomorow, that would get me through to Monday, I also have a dose of meth, which helps me with withdrawal
I can't really ascertain exactly what it is your asking other than what should I do, extend Bupe prescription or get on methadone. That's really a personal choice. You said the subs aren't holding you which I would bet has a lot to do with those high doses of kratom. Methadone holds better and is more sedating but depending on country of origin clinics are usually a lot more strict than sub docs and methadone is usually more difficult to withdrawal from. They don't call it liquid handcuffs for nothing.
don’t really want to stop opiates anyway (ever
If you want to stay on an opiate forever, mdone is your thing. Even if you don't want you could end being on it forever. Methadone saves lifes but wants souls as a payment
. Idk how small of a dose that seems to other people, but
Never mind, you have your problem and you are suffering. If people goes like "can't you taper x amount? I can cold Turkey xxxyz amounts no problem", tell them " you deserve a medal and a star named after you" .fuck them
I was on pods every day with the sub and kratom,
I dont know how kratom works, but buprenorphine and pods?. A partial and a full agonist combo is not the best idea. Once was about to IV a baggie of brown and I had some bupre pill 0,2 mg, aded the bupe and ived it all in the same rig. Felt nothing from heroin and I bet that If have had a bigger bupe dose, I wold be sent right into precipitated wd

I could mega dose some dxm alternatively tomorow
If I were to megadose something to fight wd it would be Lyrica.. well not megadose, but overdose. I would keep it under a gram, tho.
People also use massive doses of loperamide,it's effective but dangerous
If you want to stay on an opiate forever, mdone is your thing. Even if you don't want you could end being on it forever. Methadone saves lifes but wants souls as a payment

Never mind, you have your problem and you are suffering. If people goes like "can't you taper x amount? I can cold Turkey xxxyz amounts no problem", tell them " you deserve a medal and a star named after you" .fuck them

I dont know how kratom works, but buprenorphine and pods?. A partial and a full agonist combo is not the best idea. Once was about to IV a baggie of brown and I had some bupre pill 0,2 mg, aded the bupe and ived it all in the same rig. Felt nothing from heroin and I bet that If have had a bigger bupe dose, I wold be sent right into precipitated wd

If I were to megadose something to fight wd it would be Lyrica.. well not megadose, but overdose. I would keep it under a gram, tho.
People also use massive doses of loperamide,it's effective but dangerous
Maybe I react differently, I can take over 4 mg daily and still feel opiates, no pwds
That's interesting. I assume that it was naloxone free bupe. Anyway I can't seen myself feeling pods' opioids on 4 mg bupe . But youre right people is different.

I would look into the Lyrica thing. There is also a bp med, clonidine, than often helps. Also a thing called Sulpiride that I find useful to lift mood, relax and helps with imsomnia to a degree.
Hope you doing well, wish you to find relief
That's interesting. I assume that it was naloxone free bupe. Anyway I can't seen myself feeling pods' opioids on 4 mg bupe . But youre right people is different.

I would look into the Lyrica thing. There is also a bp med, clonidine, than often helps. Also a thing called Sulpiride that I find useful to lift mood, relax and helps with imsomnia to a degree.
Hope you doing well, wish you to find relief
No, it had naloxone in it, you barely absorb the narcan unless your iving it

They prescribed me 24 mg of bupe per day, and I’m already taking gabapentin and prazocin
No, it had naloxone in it, you barely absorb the narcan unless your iving it

They prescribed me 24 mg of bupe per day, and I’m already taking gabapentin and prazocin
That’s interesting, I was prescribed prazosin 1mg for PTSD night terrors, but I haven’t tried it yet. Did you notice any significant side effects from that? I know we’re all different but I rarely see others prescribed that so I figured I’d ask
That’s interesting, I was prescribed prazosin 1mg for PTSD night terrors, but I haven’t tried it yet. Did you notice any significant side effects from that? I know we’re all different but I rarely see others prescribed that so I figured I’d ask
I’m prescribed 5 but I try to only take a fourth

No, I’ve never noticed side effects other than sedation, and then withdrawal when attempting to stop