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Questions about "Candyflipping"


Dec 12, 2014
To start I have done LSD once, just a couple days ago, and I had a kind of neutral time with it. Parts of the trip were fascinating, some of it was scary, and at the end of it I was relieved it was over. I consumed two tabs and it gave me strong effects; (OEVs, distortion of time, abstract thinking, etc.) I have done Ecstasy, or MDMA, a handful of times and I can handle the effects easily; I usually take 2 tested medium dose pills for a strong roll. I would like to try Candyflipping and I have some questions about it.

1. Should I reduce my usual dose of either drug? I have heard MDMA and LSD potentiate each other. I would like the trip to be MDMA dominant.

2. Does this combo make it more or less likely to have anxious feelings or a "bad trip"?

3. I would like the trip to be MDMA dominant, and I would like to avoid having the MDMA crash while under the effects of LSD, so how should I space out the dosing?

4. Does this combo change the duration of either drug?

5. Are the visuals from LSD intensified or decreased by mixing with MDMA?

6. Is the comedown harsher/longer from this combo than having the drugs on their own? I didn't experience a crash from LSD.
If I were you I'd start off candy flipping with lower doses, I had a super intense candy flip experience a while back that wasn't fun, although it was super beautiful. I feel that MDMA calms down an acid trip a little as long as you don't go overboard, but ymmv. You don't want to be on the comeup of an acid trip when the MDMA hits you. I suggest waiting till the comeup is going away and you're starting to peak to take the MDMA in order to have the best time. This will also allow the LSD and MDMA to wear off closer together. Visuals are definitely increased, and you may have a bit more intense crash because LSD also acts on serotonin, but it shouldn't be too much worse, at least it hasn't been in my experience. Not really sure if it increases duration though.
Always found it difficult to time the flip right - if you take it early then once the MDMA dies the LSD dies with it, if you take it late you're sat there for 3 hours thinking "Shall I drop now? Or now?" and it ruins the acid trip.

One thing I would suggest if you want to experience a candyflip feel without the MDMA is to split your LSD dose into two or three and take them seperately over the course of about 45 minutes - this turns the LSD trip into a sort of super mutant-ecstasy. Totally incredible bodyhigh that blows MDMA out of the water. No messing round trying to time the flip either. Merely a suggestion.
You don't wanna comedown during an acid trip.

An acid trip is let's say ~12hrs. Personally I would drop acid and then wait to peak to drop first pill. Then split another pill in half and dose 2hrs later and then maybe the other half 2hrs later. and by the time the roll is out you'd be coming back to reality on the acid. I can't recommend doses tbh. I guess you can cut your usual doses in half for first time. The only time I CandyFlipped was then I dropped a half tab and then a roll 4hrs later and came-down roughly 4hrs after that and spent the last quarter of my acid trip coming down on X. Both untested. I was also completely overwhelmed at the peak of the X and couldn't function.

Test your stuff and hold onto your seat.

The comedown last time was rather harsh for me because of the environment I was in after. Sucked AF. Didn't sleep for 36hrs+
Well if your first LSD experience was "neutral" I can't recommend candyflipping. It's fucking incredibly intense.

I noticed you mentioned you want the experience to be mostly about the MDMA. If you take LSD with MDMA, it's not going to be "mostly about the mdma" unless you are just totally underwhelmed with the LSD.

I'm a huge fan of this combination but it can get out of hand easily. Once I thought I was going to die or go to the ER. Instead I just laid there and twitched and drooled while my eyes rolled into the back of my head a million times with tons of dysphoria. I was with friends watching me, so I decided instead of demanding a hospital ride and ruining my festival I would just wait it out and if my vitals went south I knew they would take care of me. An hour or two later I was good to go, got up and enjoyed the rest of my night. I would guess that I had symptoms of serotonin syndrome due to dosing too high on the MDMA. I didn't weigh my dose, foolishly. I would guess 160-200 mg or maybe more, which normally would have been fine.

I'm not trying to scare you, just a little warning about just how intense it can be. I think you should really explore LSD on it's own a bit more before you toss MDMA into the mix. Like I said, I'm a huge fan, it's my favorite drug combination ever, but it demands respect because it will kick your ass. It's mostly about the LSD no matter which way you try and time it. What's wrong that? LSD is so good, try a different set and setting if your first time wasn't better than "neutral".

Also, definitely test before combining! Otherwise DONT!

As far as comedown, I can't sleep for shit after LSD or MDMA. A few beers, a benzo, or really good sex solves the problem though. Take your pick.

Oh, forget to mention timing: Duh, you take the acid, peak, then take the molly at the beginning of the plateau, then it's really on.
I agree with bluuberry. Become more familiar with LSD before u flip. And always test ur stuff. I always had a mdma, lsd, and meth tester. The meth one was to make sure that even tho it was mdma it wasnt cut
I don't recommend that you do that at all, especially if your first LSD experience was only neutral. I've never candyflipped but I wouldn't consider doing it until I'd had 10 LSD experiences under my belt, and 10 MDMA experiences too. I feel you don't really know the ins and outs a certain substance until you've done it around that much, and doing such a purportedly intense combo doesn't sound like a good idea unless you know the substances you're combining very well, again, especially if you found your first LSD experience uncomfortable.

Also for your info, dose will have to be reduced. If your standard doses are say 150mic LSD and 120mg of MDMA, a candyflip dose might be something more like 100mic LSD with 80mg MDMA. LSD doesn't really have a crash but the 'afterglow' can be negative, and this afterglow could intensify any crash from the MDMA.
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Yeah I like a full LSD dose with a half MDMA dose, and then sometimes I top up the MDMA a little an after I take it if I want it to be more intense. That probably increases neurotoxicity though so it may not be good harm-reduction wise.