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question - throwing up pills


Jun 5, 2010
so i'm lactose intolerant and still eat dairy like a fucking idiot. i took a xanax(.25) & prilosec (heartburn medicine), ate chicken noodle soup. took another xanax a hour later. ate dairy.

threw up within 10 minutes til i saw chicken noodle soup. do you think i threw up the last xanax i took? cause i feel like i took none. the toilet was all kinds of colors couldn't tell you if i threw it up or not by seeing it

any help appreciated.. just trying to find out if it was already in my system cause like i said i feel like i havent taken any

i'm about to snort one :/
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Dont snort xanax just let it dissolve under your tounge works better like that.
eh snorting is more my forte, i ate too much chemical in the past that i still taste it to this day. i know it works better tho you're right ;p thanks!

well since no ones replied i'm just going to go ahead and do it. this can be closed or open for additional opinions on the throwing up situation


Please do not double post - PA
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Make sure ur pills don't have lactose as a binder...i'm lactose intoterant too and i've thrown up lactose-containing pills before without even consuming additional dairy...it sucks!
Molly xanax disolves fairly fast so you probably didn't puke it out. Years ago when I was suffering bad panic attacks my shrink had me on xanax as needed for an attack that would not end. She had me pop one under my tongue and then after I got it there drink something. It disolved very fast and the xanax kicks in with 4 to 6 minbutes that way.
thank you both.

NQA: i have alprazolam, which is better for snorting than xanax, it's all alprazolam iirc? but thank you, i didn't know that at all i will actually look into that now

and help me, damn. i knew it dissolved fast but wasn't sure if puking counter-acted anything. i got more feeling from snorting it than i did from eating two of them this morning, i'm probably going to do another one. i really can't stand chemical taste but i might do that
Umm alprazolam is just a brand name for xanax so it's just a generic xanax pill. Don't snort xanax or any other benzo as they have almost 100% oral BA as it is which is as good as you can get. Your just wasting it since most of it will just clog up your nose and im not sure if much if any alprazolam actually gets absorbed. Most of it will drip down your throat.

My advice would be to not eat dairy as puking is not fun. If you do happen to eat it get some lactaid and take that. Also a anti-nausea drug for when you get sick isint bad.

If you hold it down for a hour without puking some of it should absorb if not most of it.

On over to BDD as i think this thread is more suited there.
i looked it up and read that when you snort a xanax pill you get mostly binder than alprazolam specifically. i thought they were the same thing too before i read that, maybe i just read the wrong thread with the wrong information

thanks for the reply. i used to snort xanax coming down from coke and passed out. so i think it's pretty effective imo
Umm alprazolam is just a brand name for xanax so it's just a generic xanax pill.

Actually, alprazolam is not a brand name, it's the chemical name for the drug. Xanax is one of many brand names for the drug Alprazolam.
Binders are inactive ingredients in pills. Lactose is a common pill binder.

Lactaid is a good product, you sbould look into it.
If I was intolerant to lactose and throwing up constantly my pills i would ask for medical marijuana to get rid of the nausea. Well, maybe a bad move considering it, I don't know.
When I stgarted xanax I would get adverse affects and puke or get nauseated and there would be only certain foods I could eat especially on klonopin...