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Question for experienced smokers [how has your health been affected by cannabis]

yeah short term memory is what i get get and usually forgeting where i put my keys or cellphone!! and smoker's lung too and i end up coughing last nites tar in the morning 2!!!
Nik137 said:
you'll lose your keys a lot... and possibly forget some doctors appt's... but no worries lil one, you'll be fine.

so true but when you quit smoking weed for a like a week you still lose shit and then you go " my keys are gone.... i know where they are" its like your psycic. its fun to remember where i put my boxers
well, yea, lungs, that's all, lungs, and getting pissed of all trashy weed and shit around, only wanting the best. and cheapest,

memory effects only appear when stoned, and differs from indivdual to individual. so do not be scared, just don't smoke trash, and roll your joints so that they burn efficient, not with halfburning peaces, and trashy tast, bad burning means much higher CO concentration, which trasher your hemaglobine concentration in the blood, and gives bad side-effects, when smoking a very lot, this gets important on long term, CO can damage the brain, THC??? I don't think so, after 7 years daily puffing, and then sudden smoking less, I don't feel the degradation yet in fact, but the lungs then. 3-4 grams a day gets hard for lungs.

mmm.... smoking lots of weed can make you feel incredibly shit.
i been smokin since i was about 16. im now 18

there are all kinds of negative side effects to smokin bud. anxietys, paranoia, feeling like your insides are burnt..... i look at one of the many dirty coke bottle bongs lying around and think mmmm my insides look at that. then there is the time wasted being stoned. and yes it can make you very shy and less out going. basically cos you'd rather sit and trip out on bud and keep telling yourself that its making you a better person etc etc... rather than extend yourself and build relationships... but now im a jaded Mo Fo.

I do still enjoy getting stoned. but i can't ignore that it has caused problems in my life.
how can you look at it like that and not be depressed?

do you really WANT to smoke every day, forever? for me it's not much different from cigarette addiction, i have a habit of doing it. i know that it's better for me, in terms of money and happiness, to keep it as an occaisional thing.

when i think of the future, i hope to have cut down.. i hope to not give in to habit forever.

maybe i am depressed about this one particular aspect of my life. but fucked if im gonna focus on it and let it rule me. been doing that for too long. i've been smoking much much less bud lately (ie not stoned all day everyday like i have been in the past) and feel much better for it too.

demon weed... love hate relationship.

its such an easy quick solution for boredom. without massive comedowns and all that jazz. and here in south aus its cheap as fuck. and lots of people smoke it. so its not hard to get into bad habits. where you look back and think fuck... what jsut happened these last two years.
Unfortunately cannabis does tend to have bad side effects after long term use. Not only does it cause a congested chest or rhaspy throat but it is also known to cause anxiety, paranoia which in many cases has lead several smokers/addicts to the mental illness known as schizophrenia or MPD multiple personality disorder. But like all things if it's in moderation and doesn't seem to be affecting your psychological/financial/family lifestyle then it should be ok. be warned though! :\
8( im 20 now and i started smoking when i was 16 my habit started of small 3g a fortnite it progressed up to about a ounce to 2 ounces a week when i was 18 ive calmed down now to about 3-4 g a week. At my worst if i wer to go 3 days without id make wierd noises without knowing other than that i have found no problems i used to suffer from social anxioty but after gettin stonned i found i was able 2 talk 2 people i only experence smokers lung if i smoke 2much in one sitting (over a 1/4) all i can say is dont waste your tollerance because once u build it up it takes forever to go back to what it was 8)

I dunno if weed caused my smokers cough, cuz I already smoked ciggs and had noticed a change in my respiratory system before I got into Bud...

And I really don't think that pot is the cause of my short term memory loss either... I'm pretty sure that's a result of my ADD (I was diagnosed when I was 17, before I started smokin' grass)

But man, lemme tell ya, I just had an epiphany! I think good ol' marywanna may have ruined my life! (I was gonna go off to college, but then I got high... I was gonna pay off all my tickets, but then I got high... I was gonna let the cops arrest me, but then I got hi-igh! But then I got high, but then I got high, but then I got hi-igh!)

Because of ganja, I ditched the important things in my life (i.e., my education, my family, my once in a life time job, uh, my respect for the law and my common sense)

Since my first hit of weed, I've been fired, lectured, yelled at, disowned, in jail, on probation, on the run from jail and probation and greatly in debt to several of my friends as well as to the Platte county and Sheridan county judicial systems. (Opps- I- did it again, I ran from the law, what a terrible sin!)

Of course, once I tried smokin' Mary Jane, I thought, "Hey, this drug thing ain't so bad! I don't see what the big fuss is all about! It's fun! Fuck those commie pigs and all their rules!"

So? So I figured, weed's great, why not try other drugs too??? Yay, I'll discover the meaning of life! Hmmm, I wanna know what else is out there...

Where did this train of thought get me? Addicted to glass, that's where. On the streets, fighting for food, for drugs, for my life. And it all goes back to that first little innocent hit of cannabis. Dun-dun-dun!!!

And, you know what?

I wouldn't change a fuckin' minute of it man, what a blast! I never thought life could be so damned exciting. I mean, I had a total adventure out there, a once in a life time eye opening revelation of the world in it's rawest most primal form. I had a gun pulled on me, I got my tooth busted out by a drunk mexican, everything I owned was stolen from me or clucked off for drugs, I was assaulted on several occasions, my dog Lukah was stolen and my dog Shorty was killed, I ran from the cops, I ran from lunatics, I lived off of fruit that I picked and shell fish that I caught... I met a real wolf up close and personal, saw the sunrise over Pheonix from the top of a jagged desert peak, witnessed amazing monsoons, listened to coyotes sing late at night and I always had my homie's backs when trouble started. I owe it all to that first little innocent hit of cannabis. (I'm a die-hard optimist, yes)

Huh. Well, had I never partaken in smoking pot, I might be teaching sign language to autistic children right now, or maybe working on a story deadline for the New York Times or National Geographic.

Instead I'm jobless, living back with my parents, and facing some major legal problems. Not to mention some expensive dental work that I had to have done.

Sure, weed might give you lung cancer, scramble you memory a bit, and in some cases, throw you off the responsible, productive track in your life.

And yes, it may make you really fuckin' tired and insanely hungary (anyone for some eggs over easy with a side of peanut butter, some jelly beans, maybe a couple pickles, graded cheeze, SPAM, a few bags of rasinetts... I could keep going but I don't think you'd want me to...) BUT... of fuck, hang on a sec., I f'n forgot what I was gonna say...

Oh yeah! You only live once, so make it count! Weather you're smokin' weed, drinkin' beer, or participating in extreame activities like sky diving or car jacking, live it up and have a few adventures!

With almost everthing, risk is involved. You smoke, you may get cancer or have lung problems. You hist cars, you could go to prison. The key is to be smart. Use moderation, be responsable, think ahead. Take precautions. And most of all BE INFORMED! Read up on the drugs you're using; learn what they do to your body to produce the euphoric feeling, how much is a safe dose, what to do in case of a overdose, what the long term and short term effects are, and how, if possible, to reverse the effects.

Hey, I know I've been goin' off like a maniac in this post, 'n I'm sorry if I've been rambling too much (I'm a little fuckered up myself right now... I took a 30mg dose of ritalin, a few spoonfuls of hydrocodone cough syrup, and a 15mg dose of some pain medication called roxicodone? Hehe, I'm flyin'!)

Anyways, I'm not sure if what I wrote makes any kind of sence at all (even to me) but I hope that it was helpful to ya'll in some manner.

Peace out and rock 'n roll muh fukkaz!!!

8o %) =D %) 8o
Yay well thats all well and good cooltown_desperado except for two things.. You can have adventure fun, worldly experiences and see most of those things (the ones worth seeing) without throwing the rest of your life plans away, and secondly. Your broke with legal problems and your living at home? Well not all of us have the luxury of being selfish and forgetting out responsibilies to others.
Back the truck up just one minute buddy. The reason I'm jobless, living at home, and facing legal shit is because I made the responsible choice. In Arizona, I had a house, a cash flow and no quarrel with the coppers. I had cut off all contact with my family and hurt them deeply, especially my mother. I was addicted to glass and running all over the streets with reckless abandon. I was happy out there in the world. I loved it. I would gladly go back. But ya know why I'm here? I'm here to deal with the legal shit I brought down on myself. I'm here to pull my head outta my ass and pull my shit together. And mostly, I'm here to rebuild my relationship with my family. Don't fuckin tell me that I'm bein selfish in doing so, cuz belive you me buster, I cry myself to sleep every night over what I left behind in AZ. It's alot harder than you realize.
Sorry and im glad your pulling things together. The last part of the post just came accross as you being at home without a job and still on the drugs and recommending it.
yea i definalty have memory loss.. short term mostly... it seems like i always forget where i parked my car. just the other night i ended up roaming around a parking lot for 15 minutes trying to find my car, until i realized i had parked it in the other lot. haha great times...
and i have asthma, so my lungs have never been in too great of shape anyway, but i think the asthma has gotta a little bit worse.
ive also gained weight, but i think that has to do with my laziness and the munchies! :)
smoking trees

be sure to give whatever plant you are using the proper respect. talk to cannabis if that's what you are smoking. communicate. cannabis is a teacher. be thankful that you are being allowed to smoke. only those that you respect, respects you back. love them, they will love you. if you are not sure about them, chances are, they are not so sure about you either.
hahah most concern i have with weed is just wake'n up in time for school. i end up too tired in the morning. but other than that lil bit of voice and lung isuse that is all. and you cant forget about paranoia.. yuck.
I have been smoking for 3 years and the only problems that i have is finding my wallet and keys everyday. I have short term memory loss only when i am high. other then smokers cough i have no problems. Some of my friends have memory loss but thats about all.
been smokin a while now.. and i cant find anything wrong with me other than a tiny smokers cough
my negative effects from smoking weed...

definantly cough up tar after a long night of smoking (especially out of a bong)

losing shit is a problem...always like my wallet or cell phone, but I always find them it just takes me a while..

then being arrested, but that isnt from the drug but the law :(
if u dont want to fuck up ur lungs, dont catalize, vaporize. simply make a kindof crack pipe type thing that u would smoke H er meth or whatever in. theyre just a glass light bulb (clear) break off the bottom put in two straws one near the bottom one near the top and seal it off, heat the bottom till theres a mist, u will realease 80% of the THC and nothing else, it dosnt smell or fuck up ur lungs, just to compare bowwls give u 45% of the THC, joints give ya 15%, and blunts l give ya 25%... this is obviusly ythe way to go....