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question bout my cat.


May 15, 2013
Before anyone says something about swimming, or using the term my cat...I have to say I have a legit question about my cat.

It all started this morning. I take 1mg of xanax at 4am. I am an early riser....I leave .5mg on my counter by my coffee maker. I usually garden in the morning as I am in florida and its bad to water your plants midday (cooks the roots).

So I get done, go to make myself a cup of coffee and I notice the pill is gone. Noone is in the house but me, and I have one cat that has a tendency to get up on the counter. I may have knocked it on the floor..(I have OCD my house is immaculate most of the time, I would notice a half a football on the floor as I have a dark area rug, and the light blue against it would contrast too much) basically I searched around with a flashlight everywhere...it is gone.

If one of my cats ate .5mg of xanax are they going to be okay? I mean they are all pretty chill most of the time so I think it would be hard to tell if one had taken it, and considering the LD50 of xanax is so freaking high I might just be worrying myself for nothing.

I guess I just need reassurance.
It turns out that benzodiazepine doses in cats are roughly similar (in terms of actual dose, not mg/kg) to those in humans and are used as such in veterinary practice..at least Ativan and Valium are, dunno about ALP, but the same will almost certainly hold.

When moving, I gave my cat half a milligram of Ativan to help with what was always a traumatic experience for him (had to move several times and he always freaked out, this past time it was a little easier.) He did vomit during the car ride but that was probably more from the car or the combination with the sedation than from the benzodiazepine itself. So your cat will be fine, maybe just a little more chill.
I actually laughed at the beginning of the thread. I mean, I kinda know you manboychef, I see your posts all the time and you'd be the last person to swim in these waters, that's why it seemed so funny.

Anyway, I have nothing of value to contribute to this thread. I guess SKL is right and your cat is alright. Benzos are incredibly safe in humans actually, I guess it also holds for felines.
Yeah, kitty is fine, albeit probably much more chill.

We all have to learn this lesson, good thing it was only with a benzo this time. Try and keep the drugs in closed containers next time. :)
give the little homie some milk and let him chill .5mg isnt anymore dangerous than if you took it
I agree give him milk or something nice and make sure to pet him alot, id probably be a little scared of i felt all discordinated and stumbly all randomly so id try to make it more comfortable for him
I was able to figure out what cat took it. The one that usually is all over the place going nuts. He just chilled out under this chair I have. I played with him for a while until he stopped even trying to put a paw out there....I mean he would just look at the mouse and then look away. Then he napped all day. Kinda funny actually.
I gave my dog .025 of xanax and he got all wobbly but I didn't bluntly give him it he had a ingrown hair that turned into a nasty hole like abbesses that needed to be drained. I had no money neither did my family so I gave him one dose and another afterwards for him to be still and not feel as much pain and it worked id say at least 90% of the time. I could tell he still felt it but quickly forgot and wagged at me happy and dazed looking licking the air for no reason lol he's a hound dog so they are dopey anyways and him on alprazolam was like a cartoon haha. He loved not feeling the pain of me draining his many abbess and I healed them up in under 2 weeks with prescription ointment that kills anything that could cause major infections. I had it from my grandmah and looked up online if I could use it on him and it said it's used in vet offices so I did it and he healed up 100% fine. So your cat should be fine my dog is about 30kg and small so his weight is much more than them or him/she. Just make sure that don't hurt themselfs, they will be loopy and slowed.
They make Lorazepam, Valium and Clonazepam for cats that much i know not sure about Alprazolam though. I was surprised at how high the dose of Clonazepam is for cats as it's about 0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg. Please don't anyone quote me on the dose though or give any medication to a animal without talking to a vet first. It's used for basically the same purposes as in humans such as anxiety, Seizure disorders and also hyperaesthesia. They also still commonly use Barbiturates mainly Phenobarbital in cats and dogs for treating Epilepsy but i wouldn't personally inflict that on my cat unless most other things failed first.

As i get a number of prescription meds that could either make my cat sick as hell, comatose or god forbid dead i am super careful about not dropping any medications on the floor. If i haven't done a once over of the floor in my room within the past few days i won't let my cat in my bedroom because if my cat ever died as a result of my retarded ass dropping a Morphine pill or some Quetiapine or whatever on the floor i would never forgive myself.
They make Lorazepam, Valium and Clonazepam for cats that much i know not sure about Alprazolam though. I was surprised at how high the dose of Clonazepam is for cats as it's about 0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg. Please don't anyone quote me on the dose though or give any medication to a animal without talking to a vet first. It's used for basically the same purposes as in humans such as anxiety, Seizure disorders and also hyperaesthesia. They also still commonly use Barbiturates mainly Phenobarbital in cats and dogs for treating Epilepsy but i wouldn't personally inflict that on my cat unless most other things failed first.

As i get a number of prescription meds that could either make my cat sick as hell, comatose or god forbid dead i am super careful about not dropping any medications on the floor. If i haven't done a once over of the floor in my room within the past few days i won't let my cat in my bedroom because if my cat ever died as a result of my retarded ass dropping a Morphine pill or some Quetiapine or whatever on the floor i would never forgive myself.

idk about morphine but my freinds cat ate like 300 mgs of seroquel and just slept it off