• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Question About Withholding Security Deposit in Pennsylvania.


Sep 30, 2008
I am a nanny for a gentleman who also rents rooms out of his house. They have a month to month written lease, stating tenant must give him 60 days written notice if he wants to move out.

The tenant pays rent the 5th of the month. On the 27th of this month, he handed landlord his notice, and it stated he was given his 30 day notice and was moving the 5th of August. Landlord explained to him that with a 30 day notice, he was to pay/stay until the 27th of August, but that the had a 60 day notice requirement.

The tenant has told me the landlord is planning on keeping the security deposit, stating lack of a 60 day notice being the reason.

Tenant then said he would stay for the last month, using security deposit as rent. Landlord told him he could not.

Is that true? I could almost see you may forfeit S.D. for not following the lease rules. If the landlord is going to keep the $ to "offset" the last month, why couldn't the tenant stay?

I tried looking it up but it is so different state to state.

If anyone has any first hand knowledge of Pennsylvania land lord tenant rules, please let me know what to tell this man.

A tricky spot for me to be in, with being the nanny for the family!