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Queen "disappears" Canadian Mohawk children, Maloney outs Prince Charles, Dunblane

The investigation into institutoinalised paedophilia & organised child abuse & murder going back decades strike me as considerably complicated, particularly with the covering up & the murdering of witnesses.

That is what this thread is about, not fucking lizards n shit...

Jimmy fucking Savile might once have been but he is absolutely no longer a conspiracy theory, is he?
Got it in one.

And just how will belief in lunatic bullshit space lizards halt the military industrial complex?

Ummmm not at all. You often accuse me of being stupid, so I'll just remind you I said "IF such a belief were the only alternative". Fortunately there are others...
I'm, um, asking you the question purely based on the hypothesis you posed. 8)

Forget about it, eh?
yeah, wasn't important. No bearing whatsoever on the subject matter. Perhaps that's why you tried to draw me into discussing it..?

edit -
The head of an official inquiry into historical child sex abuse is under renewed pressure over her links to a Tory grandee at the centre of cover-up allegations.

Fiona Woolf has faced calls to resign over her familiarity with former home secretary Lord Brittan, who denies failing to act on a dossier of paedophilia claims he received while in office in the 1980s.

But Home Affairs Select Committee chairman Keith Vaz claims a letter Mrs Woolf wrote to Home Secretary Theresa May was rewritten, with Home Office assistance, seven times to downplay her links to Lord and Lady Brittan.

Mr Vaz said: "It is extraordinary that Mrs Woolf did not even write the first draft of her letter which was supposed to detail her own personal experiences.

"The letter then underwent seven drafts with a multiplicity of editors. The final version gave a sense of greater detachment between Lord and Lady Brittan and Mrs Woolf than her previous attempts."

As well as dining with the Brittans at home five times, Mrs Woolf has met Lady Brittan for coffee, sat on a prize-giving panel with her, and sponsored her £50 for a fun run.

It has also been revealed that Mrs Woolf lived on the same London street as Lord Brittan for a decade.

In her written explanation, Mrs Woolf had claimed she had no "social contact" with the Brittans since 23 April last year - but a photograph has surfaced showing her chatting to Lady Brittan at a prize-giving last October.

Commenting on the photograph, Mrs Woolf said she did not recall having any "substantial interaction" with Lady Brittan that night.

Labour MP Simon Danczuk, who has campaigned on the issue of child sexual abuse, accused the Home Office of "colluding in covering up" Mrs Woolf's links with the Brittans.

He added on LBC Radio: "I think she should go now, it is the final nail, I don't think she will be able to survive this."

Mrs Woolf was appointed last month to chair the inquiry, which was launched earlier this year to examine whether alleged abuse by politicians and other powerful figures between the 1970s and 1990s was swept under the carpet.

The first person appointed to lead the investigation, Baroness Butler-Sloss, had to quit because her late brother, Lord Havers, was attorney general during much of the period in question.

Mr Vaz said: "The lessons of the Butler-Sloss appointment and resignation have not been learned."

The Labour MP added that his committee would decide next week whether Mrs Woolf should be recalled to give further evidence.

Mrs Woolf has insisted her panel will be "thorough, will pull no punches and show no favours".

And the Home Office said it remained confident in Mrs Woolf and her panel.

"Fiona Woolf wrote to the Home Secretary to disclose anything she thought might cast doubt on her impartiality as chairman of the independent panel inquiry into child sexual abuse," a Home Office spokesman said.

"Her letter to the Home Affairs Select Committee further demonstrates her commitment to openness and transparency in the course of her duties.

"The panel inquiry was established in order to determine the extent to which institutions have taken seriously their duty of care towards children, and recent reports into child abuse in Rotherham and Greater Manchester demonstrate the importance of this work."

But Alison Millar, a solicitor representing alleged abuse victims, has called for her to be replaced.

"The full extent of her relationship with Lord and Lady Brittan, which is still not entirely clear, only slowly unravels through these draft letters sent between Mrs Woolf and the Home Office," said Ms Millar.

from - http://news.sky.com/story/1363658/fresh-scandal-over-historical-sex-abuse-inquiry
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Si - The stuff you posted above about the pope i think i've come across before: it's from a single organisation supposedly trying to take the vatican to court, which looks quite official, but i couldn't find much other backing for it except links back to that source (i didn't try that hard). To me it seems a bit far out, but there may be something in there (ratzinger was after all the first pope to resign while alive for centuries (ever?) - but alot of the detail smells like flak to me). It's not that i don't think that some elite types could have got up to ritual type abuse (there is some evidence for this), it's just i don't agree that it's some core aspect of the elite, like icke or alex jones might (in fact i'd guess it's not much more widespread than in the wider population). But i absolutely don't know of course - maybe they all blood themselves with a dead peasant every breakfast.

I think it's important to remember that however horrible individual members of the elite are, and however unjust the effects of their collective class power is, the elite is made up of the same general mix of human beings as any other grouping - they're not all evil cat-stroking super-villains, or satanic paedophiles, just normal people that tend to believe things that justify their own position (when you're very wealthy this takes some justifying so often leads to nasty politics like feudalism, ayn rand or social darwinism). It's the class system/structure that is the problem, not the individual rich people.

And Scotsman, i agree with you about nutjobs (and would be upset if i wasn't classed as that myself by someone). Using terms like nutjob, ickean or conspiracy theorist is often our own internalised aspect of the functioning of the propaganda system - this is why i was writing in these threads at first to stop any cosy consensus of default 'correctness' pushing out any babies with the 'nutjob' bathwater. Saying that, i think it's useful for myself to judge what i read about conspiracies into nutjob vs well-researched (or somewhere between) as there is a difference - i certainly didn't mean anyone here (cos then i'd be one too). Icke is fair game though as he's the icke-onic (hur) nutjob. I'm not sure if he even believes the stuff he goes on about - that doc (of the tennants photo) gave me the impression that he'd got into a good thing and was going along with it to an extent. And does someone who discovers the truth behind the matrix still need tennants?
Nice, the voice of reason. If Sammy was able to argue cognitively like that, he'd make more progress with me. His efforts to discredit my posts only drives me to further research!

I suspect that that reason it's hard to find corroboration for this sort of thing is because armies of litigators spend their time getting the sites taken down & their articles redacted. Perhaps they leave only the one site up so that it's lack of corroboration makes it look suspicious.

I accept that this is some pretty out-there stuff. I accept that there are many amongst our establishment who are not involved in this sort of thing. I wish there were less references to ritual, Satanic abuse & weird cults attached to them.

But the Royal family itself is not a part of mainstream society. They set themselves above us & appear almost untouchable, a word our Jimmy used to describe himself, if I'm not mistaken.

Pages about Human Hunting & the Canadian Genocide should not be taken in isolation. The Savile debacle is proof positive that something has been covered up for many, many years. Saviles connections with a royal family riddled with perversion & paedophilia are not coincidental in my opinion. What is being covered up I can only guess at, & research. But given the revelations about Savile & those links, I'm not findng it that hard to put two & two together.

If there was some overarching conspiracy against the monarchy that is bamboozling me into seeing all sorts of connections where there are none, I would like to know more about this group.

can't quote from this, ees not working, I'll reboot, try again.

from - http://www.exaronews.com/articles/5419/buckingham-palace-drawn-into-scandal-over-paedophile-ring

edit - hahaha nope, cannot get text to highlight! The headline says, "Buckingham Palace drawn into scandal over Paedophile ring" & then,

Confidential files at the Home Office have drawn Buckingham Palace into the unfolding scandal of a paedophile network within the UK establishment.

Exaro can reveal that the details of the files were uncovered during a review by the Home Office last year of information that the department recieved between 1979 & 1999 about the organised sexual abuse of children
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....get yer self on to that forum Si i have a different nym on there but will message you if you register. Believe me its so much better discussing matters with people with real knowledge and experience as welll as intelligence. There is a massive thread on pedo's in the elite and much more besides.
Hahaha are you suggesting someone here might be a bit below par in the smarts department..? How rude!

I had brief poke about the other day & the only site I could find looked dead quiet mate, most posts older than 2013, so I didnt dig too deep. Feel free to PM me a proper link, I may be looking at the wrong place. Lots of slight of hand & "ghost" sites out there blocking the way.

Speaking of blocking the way. Have a wee Google for Stuart Syvret Jersey.

Stuart used to be part of the Jersey amdinistration, a senator or minister. Anyone here know anything about Jersey? You know it's the centre of a missing children investigation that brought an excavation, looking for bodies, of the Haut de la Garenne, right? You know that it's possible that elite paedophiles might have abused children from the Jersey Childrens Home system & then murdered them & disposed of their bodies into the Englsih Channel, right? Did you know that Jersey is not actually part of the EU or the United Kingdom, that it's a "Crown Dependency" & that the crown runs every aspect of the islands affairs? How about that it's the single largest offshore tax-haven on earth, surpassing even Switzerland?

Stuart Syvret has been jailed for refusing to take down blogs said to be defammatory. He has complained that the investigation into organised child abuse is little more than a crown cover-up. Stuart Syvret is a subversive, & a dissident & political prisoner!

Data protection act used to silence subversives. Cover up!

Jersey's former health minister has been sentenced to three months in prison after refusing to take down articles on his blog making serious allegations against a number of people on the island.

Stuart Syvret, described by one judge as "a thorn in the side of the [Jersey] establishment", did not attend the court hearing in the royal court in St Helier on Monday but was arrested at his home after locking himself in his flat.

According to John Hemming, a Liberal Democrat MP, Syvret has been unfairly prosecuted for revealing information in the public interest, including evidence that a nurse on the island may have killed some of his patients.

Hemming accuses the Jersey judiciary of behaving oppressively by misusing the Data Protection Act in order to silence its critics.

For a number of years Syvret has written a blog which publicises and examines what he sees as injustice and malpractice in Jersey. As a judge put it a number of years ago, the blog "frequently contains extremely grave allegations against people living in the island, some public figures some not. Many of the allegations, if not capable of justification, are highly defamatory."

From 1990 until 2010, Syvret was an elected politician in Jersey and from 2005 until 2007 served as health minister.

In April 2010 he was disqualified from membership of the States of Jersey - the island's parliament - ostensibly due to his absence from the island. For a period prior to his disqualification he was living in Hemming's flat in London as he launched and fought a number of legal actions, rallying against what he refers to as the "corrupt nature of Jersey's judiciary".

In parliament in 2009, Hemming used parliamentary privilege to reveal that Syvret had made murder allegations about a nurse on his blog. Hemming told the Commons: "He [Syvret] was then prosecuted under the Data Protection Act by Jersey. He was not allowed to adduce as evidence the case to which he referred on his web log, which is a public interest defence that he needed to reveal the failures of the judicial system in Jersey."

On 17 November, 2010 Syvret was convicted of two offences under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005, one of disclosing personal data without consent, and the other of processing personal data without being registered as a data controller.

After losing an appeal against conviction and refusing to take down his blog he was eventually jailed for contempt for three months at the end of 2011. In 2012 Hemming raised Syvret's case again in parliament to make public the fact Syvret had been served with a superinjunction by the court ordering him again to take down the offending posts from his blog.

Hemming told MPs that a number of individuals "have, with the assistance of the Jersey government, obtained a superinjunction against ex-senator Stuart Syvret – under the Data Protection Act of all things – to prevent from him saying things about them on his blog … ."

None of the four individuals named has ever attempted to sue Syvret for defamation. Instead, the data protection commissioner in Jersey, Emma Martins, has prosecuted him under the Data Protection Act.

She argues, highly unusually, that Syvret is the "data controller" of his blog (a position usually held in a large corporation) and that he has no right to name and shame people on his blog, whether or not the information he reveals about them is correct.

Hemming said on Monday: "This use of the Data Protection Act to silence people in Jersey is oppressive.

The Guardian spoke to Syvret on Friday after he learned of his sentence. He claimed to have locked himself in his flat and said: "I am about to become a political prisoner in Jersey – again, for whistleblowing, for being a dissident."

from - http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/04/jersey-stuart-syvret-jailed-blog-allegations

Stuarts blog makes for interesting reading if you'd like to know how exactly a cover-up is performed, but it's heavy going & hard to find. There's too much stuff to paste into the body of this message. Try this but dont be surprised if it's dead by the time you click the link -

You're on late Scots.. pm coming your way, ive been slack.. :) have a good weekend..
I don't think it's especially controversial to say that the British Public School system is riddled with all kinds of child abuse; physical, sexual and emotional, at all levels. Those who survive in spite of it come to end up viewing it as normal; just something that grown-ups do to kids that shapes their experiences for adulthood. Of course, they are also the ones who end up controlling the Establishment, and perpetuating it all .....

There's no need for elaborate conspiracies when events are more readily explained as loosely- or unconnected, unilateral actions. The formation of alliances between individuals is an incidental but inevitable by-product. There need not be any other connection in common, besides the fact that they are all cases of child abuse, by people who probably were abused as children, against children who may then go on to abuse others when they grow up.

It's easy to see connections where there are none. Don't feel too bad for it, it's just your normal human survival instincts -- being more likely to respond to a false positive than ignore a false negative was how our ancestors got to pass on their genes. But don't forget, either, that we have better tools at our disposal today than our ancestors had to rely on.
religion money control slavery follow the money do not pass go. monopoly: throw a double and throw again .(be successful get more success) throw another double throw again (more success) throw another double off to jail (the system/state/reptilians won't let you do too well beat cause that will threaten their scaly skinned existence!)
I don't think it's especially controversial to say that the British Public School system is riddled with all kinds of child abuse; physical, sexual and emotional, at all levels. Those who survive in spite of it come to end up viewing it as normal; just something that grown-ups do to kids that shapes their experiences for adulthood. Of course, they are also the ones who end up controlling the Establishment, and perpetuating it all .....

There's no need for elaborate conspiracies when events are more readily explained as loosely- or unconnected, unilateral actions. The formation of alliances between individuals is an incidental but inevitable by-product. There need not be any other connection in common, besides the fact that they are all cases of child abuse, by people who probably were abused as children, against children who may then go on to abuse others when they grow up.

It's easy to see connections where there are none. Don't feel too bad for it, it's just your normal human survival instincts -- being more likely to respond to a false positive than ignore a false negative was how our ancestors got to pass on their genes. But don't forget, either, that we have better tools at our disposal today than our ancestors had to rely on.

Best post in this thread, shame we don't have a 'like' function on this forum.
I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for why the most protected people in our country were "good friends" with Jimmy fucking Savile & how SO14 & the protections services assigned to our royal family failed to warn anyone what he was really about. I'm sure all the other circumstantial & historic evidence is nothing more than a coincidence.

I'm sure it's all just coicidence that the Haut de la Garenne is on Jersey, an island entirely run & owned by the royal family.

I'm sure it was a complete accident that the names of those making complaints about Haut de la Garenne have been badly packaged & posted too.

The details of child abuse victims may have been leaked after the Jersey Care Inquiry failed to post sensitive documents securely, a former senior investigator fears.

Ex-Jersey police chief Lenny Harper looked into reports of child abuse on the island in 2007 and 2008.

Officials sent him his 200-page confidential statement to sign, but he said it appeared to have been opened and was not sent by recorded delivery.

The inquiry said it was investigating.
'Lot of distress'

Mr Harper has given evidence at the inquiry and said the document had contained "the most sensitive information".

He said the post office in the UK had resealed the package in a plastic bag because it had been damaged and inserted a letter of apology for the condition.

Mr Harper said: "There are details of alleged abusers, there are details of many victims and what victims were saying happened to them.

"There are details of allegations of corrupt behaviour by officials in Jersey and many other details of a sensitive nature.

"It could cause a lot of distress to a lot of people.

"My main concern obviously would be the victims who gave accounts of what had happened to them in confidence at that time."

The inquiry said it could not comment further at this stage.

from - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-jersey-29552912
The rich hang together like a needy bunch of drug addicts, not much different to what we do in this site really. ofcourse if your rich you will have rich friends as you will want to maintain your wealth having rich friends comes with major benefits. its all a game Si.

Same way if your addicted to drugs you cant be an addict alone, you need others to support your needs. No different then being an addict to the biggest drug of all which is money.

You dont know what the relationship was really like between Saville and royals, you just make assumptions based on internet articles. You dont know how open they were with each other, i some how imagine he just put on an act.
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I agree - you're describing the class relationship which emerges from unequal society - there doesn't need to be some overarching conspiracy to ensure that rich people look out for their own, just normal human tribalism (same as in any social group). However, this shouldn't give anyone a free pass when they use that tribal affiliation and the power that comes with it to get up to dodgy deeds.

In the case of jimmel, the connections to the elite are numerous enough to be fishy to say the least - but just cos he might have had paedo connections with some of the elite, doesn't mean every member of the elite he hobnobbed with was in on it - this is the usual conspiracist fallacy (eg member x of the elite went to the same social club as member y, who once met member z, who is connected by marriage to member a: therefore, member x is definitely a member of a's secret society).
...which is why I havent accused Princess Diana of being a paedo simply because she associated with the fine Mr fucking Savile.

I guess to make you guys point succintly & in personal reference, it would be fair to say that although I take drugs not every single person I know takes drugs & drugs aren't the only thing I sit around talking about n shit. My point is, I doubt I could get away with pretending I did not take drugs for long aorund someone who wanted to know that about me badly enough. It would come out eventually no matter how hard I tried to keep it quiet.

I don't really have any problem with people who are all freemsasons giving each other a leg-up, in the same way as I wouldn't turn down a leg-up from someone with my own niche group leanings. What I object to is if/when one freemason aids another freemason to avoid the consequences of breaking law.

I'm the first one to admit that this is all very circumsatantial. But other people are working on this story & those related to abuse cover-ups, & shit is going to keep coming out. I much prefer the idea that this is all a load of bollocks. It would all look alot more like a load of bollocks if there didn't appear to be such an effort to cover it up. The smell of cover-up surrounding the Haut de la Garenne is papable from here!

Apologies & thanks to Scotsman, whose link at the top of this page I stole for the quote a few posts up from this.
I largely agree with you that there is something there (or many somethings) and that the establishment has covered stuff up (hard for anyone to claim otherwise - certainly in Jersey) - i certainly don't class people in any 'nutjob' category just for thinking along these lines. I just think it does the subject an injustice if it can be dismissed too easily because of faulty logic or claims of the investigators looking into it - on the other hand, the 'respectable' journalists who you'd expect to be able to inestigate 'properly' are more or less hopeless for one reason or another, so there's often not much choice but to look at 'alternative' sources - nonetheless, that puts the onus on us to filter which of those sources we think are credible to some degree eg checking references, alternative sources, looking at sites claiming the opposite and weighing them up (to be fair i seldom do this anymore, but just rely on 'smell' (which is probably unfair to somebody)).
I'd just like to add that Vurtual's posts in this thread have been essentially faultless (my opinion and all that). If only all conspiracy-based discussions included as much common sense.
but just rely on 'smell' (which is probably unfair to somebody)).

Bollocks, with all due respect ;) Provided you're not a complete dullard, if your nose tells ya it smells something fishy, it's probably because something fishy smells. Maybe I'm smelling fish & adding it up to an aquarium, but I am definitely smelling fish.

Them crazy links to iffy looking blogs full of mis-spellings & grammatic disaster areas at the beginning of Kill Jill vol 1 were the ones that seemed a bit unreliable & it's those theories that I've spent a fortnight or so followng up. I'm pretty suprised to find that the process of following them up has suggested that there is indeed some fire to base the smoke on.

Seen the Panorama documentary on the Haut de la Garenne? Only 30 minutes long - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO4IME4g1kw

The reporting of the findings after the excavation of the basements & stuff underneath the building, where investigators were trying to corroborate the stories of abuse & sexual torture, give every impression that proof had been found that children had been killed there. But since then the team lead by Lenny Harper have been utterly discredited & the findings have been put down to "ancient remains" not relevant to the abuse inquiry, which was subsequently wound up. Investigations into the abuse at Haut de la Garenne continue, but investigations into the murder of the missing children has been closed due to "lack of evidence".

Around the time that the Haut de la Garenne investigation was winding up, attention turned to a nearby hospital for the insane, St Saviours. The listed status of the building was changed shortly before any excavation work could be moved there. It's new status bans the sort of work that went on underneath haut de la Garenne because it might undermine the foundations of the bulidng said to have historic value. I wouldn't like to suggest the crown had anything to do with the sudden change in the hospital buildings status but seeing they own & run everything on the island, I'd have thought it quite likely they had some say. Could be coicidence, of course.

That St Saviours was part of the organised abuse on the island is supported by many a first hand testimony, including this one -

When he was older, he told hospital doctors about the abuse (at Haut de la Garenne) and said he was immediately sectioned and taken to St Saviour's Hospital, where he was told to forget about what he had said.

from - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-jersey-30350191
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