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i have a quaalude hook up. i live in Los Angeles, CA in an affluent area were money is no issue so the dealers usually have quality suppliers, and whatever drug you want is yours for the right price. where i live, my dealer who is reliable and i've known for years sells authentic quaaludes diverted from legitamite sources(methaqualone is still Rx'ed in some countries, notably South Africa). ludes are expensive(remember its the real deal, not diazepam sold as ludes), and are generally in the price range of quality XTC pills.

now, fake quaaludes are common. they usually contain around 50-90mg. diazepam(valium) and considering that methaqualone and benzos have pretty similar effects(both act on GABA-a; produce CNS depression inducing intoxication, euphoria, feeling drunk, lowered inhibitions, sedation) buyers of these fakes often think they are getting "ludes". but i have used downers extensively and can easily tell the difference, plus i have a good source.

also i've heard pills of phenobarbital(most common barbiturate perscribed these days), xanax, ativan, and even some opiate painkillers(i've heard vicodin, codeine, and percocet; but this is not common as narcotics like oxycodone are higher in demand and more expensive, but vicodin and percs could be due to the fillers and therefore lower demand than oxycontin).

as for the effects of quaaludes: they are the best GABAergic downer imo. better than any benzo or barb. they are more like barbiturates and alcohol than benzos as they cause more clumbsiness and "drunken intoxication". in short, they feel like a good strong alcohol intoxication with generally more euphoria and a nice body feeling. there is also no nasuea or hangovers like alcohol, and the high just feels "smoother".

i'm lucky enough to have the money and hook ups for such a more uncommon drug. however quaaludes like barbiturates can be very dangerous. there is(unlike benzos) a big risk for overdose, high toxicity if overdosed, risk for severe and dangerous physical dependence as well as psychological dependence and tolerance, risks for blackouts(esp. when combined with booze or other depressants), clumbsiness, and other dangers.

methaqualone is a fun drug. if you ever are lucky enough to find a reliable source or hook up, have fun but be safe, ludes aren't "safe" like benzos.

StaySedated- could you please reach out to me via message? Thank you.
wishful thinking going on here...i had heard mexico actually still had quaaludes but maybe someone was just talking crap....and someone on here listed canada as still having them....really??? i just dont see that.
Only way you're gonna get real ludes these days is to cook em. Here in the USA it's all bogus diazepam, or some other crap.

That's like trying to pass off King Cobra Malt liquor as Veuve Cliquot.
Only way you're gonna get real ludes these days is to cook em. Here in the USA it's all bogus diazepam, or some other crap.

That's like trying to pass off King Cobra Malt liquor as Veuve Cliquot.

thats pretty funny...and about cooking them i've never heard you even could. it's not something i've ever looked into but you just sparked an interest now and im gonna start doing some research...however it seems like if they were able to be made tons of people would have their own homemade ones
I hung out with a chick who was prescribed them. This was like 3 years ago. She used to give me them all the time. Unfortunately I was almost always drunk when I took them so I can't really give a good description of the high other than that I enjoyed it. I remember it being almost dissociative like, it worked well for my anxiety that I suffered from. Definitely a mood lift but not to the point of euphoria. That is basically all I can recall.
I know it was earlier stated that the last ones were manufacture din 1984 but I looked the fuckers up on wiki at the time since I did not know what they were and according to wiki they were ludes.
Etaqualone which i believe to be is an analogue of Metaqualone (Quaaludes)

Does anybody have any experience with this substance? As i now believe is available in the Research Chemical scene (I think it's actually been around for a while yet it has only recently been brought to my attention by a friend) and now im intrigued to find out what it is like...

Any tips/info/safety advice anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated as it is something i am going to try.

I have spent most of the night researching it on tinternet, including Bluelight but have only found very mixed information.

Maybe i should of started a new thread? But il wait and see if anyone chimes in here first.

Gracias mis Amigos. :)
Quaalude lemmon 714 or 312

Tried one 714 in 1980. A cross between a benzo and a barb. Becareful, i fell a sleep after the relax and uphoria, was great then but if you have no tolorance "be careful"! More powerful than 100mg of valiume or more and the 160 oxy of today! I am a male 53 years old & have used nothing for 15+ years. It would knock me out if not od me now...

Feel free to contact as i have done my research, in its hayday and on line now. I will build my profile in a day or so.

Vic respectfully~~~
How does it feel like a mix between a benzodiazepine and a barbiturate if it's just a barbiturate? Unless you are talking about the fake quaaludes that were around more recently after real ones were taken off the market, that were mostly just benzos and/or antihistamines, basically just stuff to sedate you.
^Methaqualone is not a barbiturate, it a quinazolinone. Less toxic, possibly less physically addictive than barbiturates.

If the OP tried it in 1980, more likely than not it's methaqualone. After about 1986, real methaqualone was rare and most of the 714 boots made by drug cartels in Colombia and Mexico were really valium or sometimes dihydrocodeine. A lot of the boots with real methaqualone were poorly made and got people sick.

By the late 80's the market collapsed due to a market dominated by inferior mimics(mostly with diazepam), impure real shit, and high prices for something that would probably disappoint you at best. Especially if they were used to pharm grade cheap ludes. By the early 90's it was gone.

A rare and surprising DEA victory in the War on Drug users. Bet it shocked the DEA more than anyone. Back then it was thought to be an epidemic that would go on forever. Fuck that's probably the only drug that's disappeared that hasn't had a equal or better replacement.

Let's hope that the same fate of Quaalude does not befall acid or ecstasy:(.
^Methaqualone is not a barbiturate, it a quinazolinone. Less toxic, possibly less physically addictive than barbiturates.

So what's it like quaaludes :: barbs as 'z-drugs' :: benzos? That's at least what I put on my S.A.T's ;)
Hi Vic, welcome to Bluelight :)

Creating a new thread here in Basic Drug Discussion is generally more for asking questions (and then others post in the same thread to answer the first person's question, which you are welcome to do if there a recent thread and you know some relevant info or experience). Did you have a question, or were you just trying to warn people to be careful with quaaludes?

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BDD Social/Information Booth - This is one big thread where users can ask quick drug-related questions that do not require individual threads, share info or just have general conversation about drugs and life.

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Tommyboy said:
So what's it like quaaludes :: barbs as 'z-drugs' :: benzos?
Not quite. IMO Z-drugs aren't as good as benzos. Ludes were supposedly the bee's knees. Although I do find the Z-drugs more trippy; I've heard some say methaqualone was almost like a mellow hallucinogen, very dissociating.
Yea idk why I was always under the impression it was a barb. I guess since I was never going to do it I didn't really need to know the specifics, but people do seem to lump it in with barbs when talking about it.
Not to thread jack, but how does Carisoprodol compare to Quaaludes? I've heard they're similar in some ways.
^I doubt they can be compared. It'd probably be like comparing a wine cooler from Utah to straight up Everclear. IME I find carisoprodol to be about like Valium.

I get the impression speaking with older heads that Quaalude was like a really fuck you up pill. It was that generation's OC80. Think it'd be closer to shit like GHB, Rohypnol or IV temazepam. Shit some called GHB the organic Quaalude and some in the media dubbed Rohypnol the Quaalude of the 90's before they tried to scare people by calling them "THE date rape drug". I also have heard comparisons to heroin("heroin for lovers"), ecstasy, crack(strong rush when smoked), getting really drunk only better and even acid. Rather contradictory.

My guess is that if Soma was even close to Quaalude it wouldn't be uncontrolled or even OTC(with codeine!) in many states and nations for as long as it has.

Methaqualone is like the only fun pharmaceutical banned worldwide. Even heroin and ketobemidone are still used medically in some countries. Fuck, the more addictive and toxic drugs secobarbital and pentobarbital are still prescribed.
Dexamp and amobarbital on the same pill?? no idea how THAT pill passed clearance (well, it was probably due to the comparatively weak standards of practice and unimposing societal presence of the FDA then) but DAMN that musta been one hell of a great time, combining a few of those. Believe production was stopped in the '70s sometime, tho.

~ vaya

That was a gem of a post.
^Even better, they had Desbutal(methamphetamine and pentobarbital) and methaqualone/amphetamine mixtures, like Biphetamine-T. Biphetamine was the infamous black beauties. Combining ludes and black beauties, or Methadrine and yellow jackets, I swear they were going after drug users8o.

Funny thing is that barbiturates and amphetamines have a synergic effect rather than counteracting each other. Amphetamines increase the anticonvulsant effects of barbiturates. Anticonvulsants are sometimes used to treat mood disorders. Maybe Dexamyl really did work as an anti-depressant?
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