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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Pyrazolam / 0.5mg. FUNCTIONAL

HB Pencil

Mar 6, 2009
Briefly, i as a younger more imprssionable guinea pig i decieded doing all the drugs all the time cant go wrong until then it did.

Thankfully i manage to salvage my respect and regain my sanity somewhat. however after trying to reintegrate into society i have been left with anxiety and paranoia issues im sure many people here are very familiar with.

After a couple montha or so of squirming and wonmdering if i was infact a loon i saw a doctor that prescribed what appeas to be the standard (UK) treatment for anxiety of 10mg Citalopram (celexa) upped to 20mg and then stable at 20m for the rest of time i guess....
After bout 2 months and therapy I knew i didnt need need these stabilizers anymore and 'accidenatally' left that at home during a week family trip.

No big drama, no walls caving in and certainly zero to little anxiety, only brain zaps as, comedown effects.

Had already asked my doc prior to scribe me some temporary mood enhancer/relaxer like valium or similar so when i needed to go into a high pressure sittuation i'd be prepared but they were having none of it, they said the CBT therapy would be fine.....not to sure it would be after a bottle of wine at some grimy nightclub anyway i digress.

If what you need to get you through a busy social situation withing thinking the walls are whispering bad things in your years i would highly recommend, they arent enough to get you high but for me they eliminated my anxiety almost comepletely at 2 house parties which has a always been a bad trigger for me.

Safe journeys to all and all a good night