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Pure Molly Dosage for Very Experienced Roller

Man if yer experienced and you want a nice fuckin roll id drop 3 points if i were you n that should do the trick.

Try n find yer 'sweet spot' with this stuff since ya kno purity n you should be good from there.
What's up with everybody being paranoid about getting cut MDMA?

Like, I thought crystal/rock MD was like, very common everywhere? Or is it scarce in the US where all the paranoid people come from?
@chemical insane I either need ur low tolerance which I would think I have since I only roll once every 6 weeks or I need ur Shit cause if 80mg is making u roll tits and its as pure as can be at 85% ur saying u have the best roll of ur life on technicaly 68mg? I find that hard to believe. That's like taking 1 low med dosed pill and rolling balls. Even 100mg like darksidedsam always says is only 85mg who the fuck is having the best roll of there life off the equivalent of 1 yellow plus mint? NOBODY!!
What's up with everybody being paranoid about getting cut MDMA?

Like, I thought crystal/rock MD was like, very common everywhere? Or is it scarce in the US where all the paranoid people come from?
Are you from Europe? No, the US does not have anything like the quality of MDMA that we enjoy. Theirs is often cut, or not MDMA at all, relatively rare, and expensive.
This may be a little off topic. I just got a 5 gram bag of 'molly' last night, and on the ride home this morning (approx 4 hours) it began to turn from white to yellow. Approx 3 hours after getting home, the whole bag had turned pure yellow, stinks to high hell, and seems to be sticky. It was in a backpack and was not exposed to any known moisture. If anything, it may have been exposed to some heat as it was 80 degrees or so on the drive home. The stench alone makes no one I know what to even come close to it. Is this just a reaction of what they cut it with, or due to heat, possibly moisture? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
@chemical insane I either need ur low tolerance which I would think I have since I only roll once every 6 weeks or I need ur Shit cause if 80mg is making u roll tits and its as pure as can be at 85% ur saying u have the best roll of ur life on technicaly 68mg? I find that hard to believe. That's like taking 1 low med dosed pill and rolling balls. Even 100mg like darksidedsam always says is only 85mg who the fuck is having the best roll of there life off the equivalent of 1 yellow plus mint? NOBODY!!

I said i roll better from 80mg from my current source than from any dose of adulturated product... I usually take more like 120-160mg... 200mg is too much... even for 200 pound dudes... anyone who says they arent rolling tits on close to 200mg is getting cut product... anyone who says they need 300-500mg is getting total crap...

Or overusing... or needs a new scale...

This may be a little off topic. I just got a 5 gram bag of 'molly' last night, and on the ride home this morning (approx 4 hours) it began to turn from white to yellow. Approx 3 hours after getting home, the whole bag had turned pure yellow, stinks to high hell, and seems to be sticky. It was in a backpack and was not exposed to any known moisture. If anything, it may have been exposed to some heat as it was 80 degrees or so on the drive home. The stench alone makes no one I know what to even come close to it. Is this just a reaction of what they cut it with, or due to heat, possibly moisture? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You sir, need to get some reagent testers... that is very unsettling... what does it smell like? Molly doesnt have a strong smell and certainly doesnt stink... id be highly suspicious... send some to edata they will tell you exactly what it is ;)

Yes im suspicious of everything...

Good judgement comes from experience... Experience comes from bad judgement ;)
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Are you from Europe? No, the US does not have anything like the quality of MDMA that we enjoy. Theirs is often cut, or not MDMA at all, relatively rare, and expensive.

Yeah, europe.
I see. That totally sucks for them :-s
Careful with the pure stuff. I just tried "pure" from holland (81% claimed) and started with an average dose for me: 150mg. HOLY FREAKIN SAUCERS the shit completely floored me! And it made me realize the crap street molly I've been taking to date must be cut 10 ways to Sunday.

If it's from holland, and from a trusted source or vendor, start small.

Just got some molly, pure powder from Holland and haven't taken a hit of E in over two years. That's said, I'm thinking I make me and my friends some 100mg capsules and tthat will be the one and only hit for the night. Sound about right?
Just got some molly, pure powder from Holland and haven't taken a hit of E in over two years. That's said, I'm thinking I make me and my friends some 100mg capsules and tthat will be the one and only hit for the night. Sound about right?

Provided you's all havent taken mdma for at least 40 days, Should be right yeah.
Ive been taking mdma for about 15 months, with increased wait each time, started off 30 days, then 40, all the way up to 63 last time.

The past 2 times i have taken 100mg (waiting 49 days) then again 100mg, waiting 63 days. The 63 day taking 100mg lasted about 3-4 hours where as the 49 day wait only lasted about 3 tops.

I enjoy it much more than the 150mg, i just cant hack the coming up on 150mg its way too much for me , id rather not have a shitty comeup and just enjoy the night that ive waited so long for.
Thanks Darksidesam. What's your body weight if you don't me asking? Just want to make sure you're not some 250lb giant or since you're from the UK, 113kg giant. I'm 77kg and some of my friends are probably about the same and some are lower, around 140lbs or 63.5kgs.
I prefer to shoot a little higher. 100mg is just a bit underwhelming, I go for at least 120mg, probably more like 140-160. Of course, I have taken a lot of MDMA, but for me, 100mg just doesn't quite get me to that special place and leaves me a little disappointed that I wasted the material and the opportunity to have a magical experience.
Thanks Vadar. So, lets say this is the best stuff you can get, totally uncut, and given my size and low tolerance; still think 100mg is "not enough?" A group of my friends took some, 5 people. Anyone that took over 100mg to start, in some cases 120mg - 160mg, they all puked at first, but felt amazing afterwards, said it lasted for about 4 solid hours and the come down was very smooth. Everyone, including the lower doses said it was the best they've ever had. Stuff is like I said, powder/crystals and directly from Holland.Don't want to be a guide to a few of my friends and have some of them getting sick. I'll suggest they take it slower if we need to be safe but of course, I'm trying to dial in on the sweet spot.
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I'm a bit heavier, about 170lb. Still, I'd never give anyone 100mg. As I say, it just feels like a waste to me. 120mg is probably better. IMVHO, YMMV etc etc. I'm from the UK, so we generally enjoy very pure MDMA. Most people will vomit occasionally when they take a decent dose of MDMA; some will vomit every time. I don't think it's that much of a problem tbh.
I am brand new to Molly. Only have done it once and hoping to pick up in about an hour. But what happened to you is a bunch of BULLSHIT!! Who knows what they cut it with but it doesn't sound good. Sorry that happened. I've been trying to get input about injecting Molly into the vein but everyone says to plug it, snort it or parachute it whatever the hell that means. Do you have any views on that?
The harder the comeup the better I am. I love sitting there then all of a sudden these waves of pure euphoria start rushing thru my body and I say omg holy shit take a few deep breathes run my hands thru my hair saying to everybody wow its hitting me omg I'm fucked up I gota sit down for a minute. There's no better feeling than that in my opinion. I kinda like the blowing up stage just as much as the plateau rolling stage. If ur gona throw up ur gona throw up regardless might as well just do it and get it out of the way although I've found that tums do help ease the stomach a bit
Thanks Darksidesam. What's your body weight if you don't me asking? Just want to make sure you're not some 250lb giant or since you're from the UK, 113kg giant. I'm 77kg and some of my friends are probably about the same and some are lower, around 140lbs or 63.5kgs.

im 82 kg. I don't get why others cant have a great time off 100mg. Honestly i really can i dont need more than 100mg
TBH sam you just must be very sensitive to MDMA, If your taking just 100mg then at most you can be ingesting 84mg as 84% is maximum purity. 80mg would get me chatty and a bit of a lift but it really wouldn't even put a dent in where i'd want to be or really anyone i know who have take MDMA before. 160-170 is perfect for me and 200mg if i wanna get a mashed.
TBH sam you just must be very sensitive to MDMA

:D :D :D :D

I know i love it!!!

I never used to be that sensitive, but i started eating loads of carbs and L-Tryptophan foods