Punky .......... (a very stoned Ashke tells a story)


Nov 3, 1999
I remember when I was first swallowed whole by the rave scene. It happened so quickly. One night I was mingling on the tassels of a crowd that intrigued me, and the very next I found myself woven into the very tapestry of it all. My first experience wasn't with the weekend ravers, the middle-class kids who have jobs and classes, a life that has parties on the side. These were the ones who were ravers as a lifestyle.

Most of them minors and parentless, had nothing but the party scene for comfort and acceptance, a family. Their rents were earned through drugs and 'spanging' ("Got any spare change?"). Those street drifters that couldn't keep down homes would migrate between those who could, in exchange for friendships, drug connections, loyalty, physical protection... There is still much you can offer even when you're broke and carry home around in a backpack.

So day two in my dabbling with a group that had vaguely intrigued me, I found myself in the heart of it, among these kids who lived for nothing else. And they were some characters. Beautiful souls on some of these children, and there were times it just poured out of their eyes as they spoke to you. I found myself sitting in this squatter house in the heart of the slums that surround campus, and it was packed with all these people who lived like lost boys.

The furniture fell into two categories; something to sprawl on, or something that looked cool while you were tripping. When I first met Punky, I was perched nervously on one of the former watching her be hypnotized by the latter.

She was beautiful. She was lost in one of those lightning balls, the purple globes that send white fire racing at your fingertips. Her face was pure little girl wonder streaked with ultra-violet shadows. I asked very timidly, "Are you tripping...?" for I never had tripped, but just watching her made me think I might better understand what LSD was like. She took a very long time to nod, and longer still to drag her focus away and look at me.

I murmured, "What do you see...?"

And she just smiled at me with distraction and said, "It isn't visual." That baffled me, because I didn't know there WAS anything to it but visuals. However her attention returned to the globe before I could question it.

She answered me anyway, without speaking another word for the rest of the night. I think the globe was captivating because of the thoughts I saw racing behind the focus her eyes. I wonder if she was lost in the magic concept of white fire rushing to greet her touch, or maybe the thought of being caught inside that glass prison, braving an insane violet storm?

The glimpse I got of her that night was a precious and rare one, and it wouldn't be til later that week that I met the Punky most of the world saw. Yet that side intrigued me too. She was so *strong*! She fiercely protected those close to her, watched with guards up on those in the distance, and refused to take shit from *anyone*.

Punky was every bit as short as me, but it never stopped her from being intimidating to anyone who knew her. She was lovely, but she saw this as an obstacle to overcome in expressing her real self. She did what she could to downplay or harden her looks: her jungle kid gear... her shaved head with bangs kept in long spikes that fell in angles to sharpen the soft curves of her pretty cheeks and round face.


Note to the reader: At this point one might notice slight changes in Ashke's tone, or wordchoice, or whatever... It's because at this point her sweetheart of a boy very suddenly started to trip balls and required the whole of her attention. The story was picked up again the following day at work after absolutely no sleep, entirely too much caffeine, and the mental exhaustion of keeping up with Loupy's acid-wired discussions and leap-frog thought process all night long. Thank u drive thru.


Ever felt that you've fallen in love with someone you could never really touch? Punky was like that. Untouchable. She considered me a friend, and I knew she'd always have my back, but I knew I would never be allowed to really know her. I would never learn her secrets, get past her guards. I'd never see her cry.

But I suppose it doesn't matter. I think back to that summer and even now, a full year later, my memories of that girl are still so bright in my mind! She was every bit the stronger woman I had always wanted to be.

I remember the lewd, playful sparkle as she praised a passing college student's, er, feminine assets. She spoke with a crude, bold candor that managed to surprise and impress the all the nearby straight boys chagrined to agree with her.

I remember the night I went to campus and was eagerly told the tale of this magnificent showdown between Punky and a seventeen year old runaway turned dealer by the name of Shawn. He got himself in a financial "situation", and in his desperation tried selling bunk pills to the campus regulars. When a bunch of kids got sick off his shit, Punky hunted him down, thoroughly kicked his scrawny white ass, and made sure he understood that those were HER kids and she wasn't going to put up with shit like that. They say he's still in Ohio somewhere but no one I've talked to has seen him since.

I remember the compassion in the way she held my face this late summer night when I ODed on K. I remember how Punky's face swam in and out of recognition, but in those rare moments of focus it looked so stricken with the knowledge that she'd been the one who'd sold it to me. Her calm soothing words would reach me like some white noise I couldn't logically interpret as words... I could only grasp that I wasn't alone, and that someone had decided I wasn't allowed to drift away tonight. And dying, well, that was just out of the question.

I remember one night at a rave, how surprised I was to see Punky there... and taken further aback when she stumbled up to me with effort. She was rolling SO hard... off ridiculously too many pills, I'm sure. And I might have been concerned but she got up real close to my face and just studied me for a moment. It was clearly hard to focus on my face, but she forced it, and then mumbled something intensely heartfelt. Heartfelt.... and unintelligible. And then someone had snagged her arm from behind and she was dragged off. I've shyly wondered many times what she might have said that night, or if she remembers at all. Honestly, I doubt it. More than anything, I wonder if the truth would be disappointing compared to all the possibilities my over-active imagination conjured up just because of the way she locked that intense, unsteady gaze on my face.

When winter comes, the campus is like a ghost town at night. Between late August and early January I never saw her.


There are downsides to making friends with the campus rats. I mean, I don't regret the time I spend among them. As I said, I met some beautiful souls and lived out so many accidental adventures, found myself in the craziest situations and had some wildly fun moments there. The boring, milk-fed suburbia that I sprung from, well it never made me feel anything but restless, bored, sedated. But the price I pay is the understanding that I every day I watch some of these kids I love fiercely embrace their own self-destruction.

I guess I thought Punky would survive it somehow, you know? I admired her strength and her sense of honor and loyalty so much...

As the days got warmer, I found myself visiting campus more frequently. It was so exciting to see old familiar faces crawl out of the woodwork, and soon almost the whole crowd from last summer was accounted for.

She's not the same. I don't know what happened this winter, but she's lost something. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but each time I see her I feel its absense with an increasing sense of loss and gravity.

She's thinner, but it's so much more than that. I don't see the others walk eggshells around her like they used to. I don't see the hearty laugh or the spark of mischief. They say she doesn't sell as much as she used to, and a little investigation revealed that no one trusts her enough to front her anything these days. I heard she didn't party anymore. Though she was always friendly with me, she only seemed concerned these days with getting fucked up, scoring drugs for others, or trying to regain control on whatever insane chemical combo was overwhelming her at the moment. It was all about drugs now.

I remember how it stung me to overhear that the pills she had to offer this week were green clovers and cross-tops. I looked her dead in the eye and murmured numbly, "Clovers are DXM, aren't they? I've researched them..." And god, the way her eyes flared up with shame and defense as she mumbled, "I dunno, maybe, I heard they were smacky or something..." Oh god. I wanted to take her shoulders and shake her. You fucking bitch, you know exactly what fucking robotrip is, you know how much damage that shit does. Can you be the same wrathful angel that chased off that slimy fucker Shawn? Can you be the same girl I wanted so badly to be only a year ago?

It really ate at me why she had changed so much. What did it? I almost wanted to put blame with the kids who still saw her throughout the winter, but the answer I got was the same. "I try to tell her she oughta be good to herself, but you know Punky, she ain't gonna fuckin' listen."

Nobody really wanted to talk about it. I speak of my own sense of loss, but I know they felt her slip away too and that it must have pained them somehow.

These days I realized that the more I learned, the more I realized that deep down I was furious at her. How dare she let me down when I had looked up to her so utterly. I was so angry that I still missed her so much. Most of all I hated that I couldn't hate her. It would have been easier, but I remember when by chance last week I came across her all alone, curled up and disturbingly pale. It took me a moment to realize that she was miserably, violently ill. Coming down? I had no clue. I didn't want to care. She fucking did it to herself.


Of course, what else? FUCKING BITCH! Do you know how badly I wanted to know you last summer? Do you know how honored I was that you called me your friend and always said you'd 'have my back'? Me, who was so shy and meek. I wanted to mold my own courage and dignity after your shining example. And now you come to me another skinny little corpse with all the smolder in your bold gaze gone ashen and dead. YOU KILLED THIS BEAUTIFUL PERSON I TREASURED AND FOR WHAT?

Fucking drugs. *laugh* You'd think that at some point I'd just get used to it. I swear to god I'm a junkie magnet. These motherfuckers win my heart and then they give it back and forget me in favor of pining after needles and chemical bliss.

Needles, yeah... She's shooting meth. I'm too daunted to even plot a rescue for this girl I'd loved. It's too plain to see that she's consumed by it. She doesn't seem receptive to help, and quite frankly I'm done risking my sanity trying to bring back the spiritually dead. It's too hard. Too unlikely. So fuck her. FUCK HER.

But as she huddled there so sick and all alone, I couldn't be angry at all. I crouched down beside her, and it all just slipped away. At that moment I could only brush her long bangs back as she emptied her stomach over the half dead grass she knelt on. I opened my mouth, and could only fill the awful silence between wet choking and gasps with my own murmured comfort. I could only remember that night I'd been so sick and alone... distantly, quietly terrified at the certainty that this mental detachment and numbness I couldn't escape was my own death's approach. And knowing that she held me then, that at the time it was noble and real, quiet acknowledgement that in her own gruff way she cared about me.

It's only a few days now that I've known the whole truth, really. But it still hasn't fully sunk in. It's so strange... In a way it's almost comforting to me. I mean, meth...? My brave friend has been ruined by meth addiction? My old demon? I don't know... It's fierce powerful stuff to be sure, but somehow *I* managed to struggle free. It was this battle that I somehow conquered, and continue to conquer to this day when I must. And Punky, she sells DXM to the very ones she used to defend with her life.
It's no less tragic of course, losing a friend, but it does give me some perspective. Maybe I'm not so lacking in strength after all. Maybe I'm doing alright for myself. And though it doesn't make me miss the girl she used to be any less, I think I should maybe look inside before returning to the false idol of strength I worshiped last summer.

~*~ Ashke ~*~
[This message has been edited by Ashke (edited 09 May 2000).]
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you story is so beautiful...I actually cried bc it brought back so many mememories of old friends who I watched rapidly fall into a hole they dug for themselves with drug addictions. Its horrifying to watch them transformed so quickly from strong people in to weak shells of people that really don't have a clue what is going on or what to do. Thank you for the story, Ashke.
"Now and then I like to feel good"
What is the force in the universe that relishes the destruction of beauty and truth? Life is such a tightrope act as it is.
Should we intervene in other's life paths against their will, or is it part of their path to self-destruct, so that they may burn to be reborn again? In perhaps a more appropriate and sunny context, free of the temptations and despair that plague our civilization.
How tenuous is our grip on reality right now? Could we survive in their conditions? How different is their love and happiness from ours, is it rooted in the same spot?
Two things are universal, suffering, and (hopefully) joy.
Gratitude, thank you Ashke for a slice of life to contrast the luxury i and others live in.
Ashke I must say you have a way with words
Its sad to see people you care about so much waste themselves away on drugs. And even more so, someone that you looked up to and idolized in a way. Im glad that you were strong enough to get over the whole meth deal. My friend is freaking me out lately because shes way ahead of me in with the drugs, and shes even started doing them by herself. Shes kinda like how you described Punky, confident and in a way intimadating. So shes going to do whatever she wants to do. All I can do is bitch and nag over her right? Not like itll do much but at least shell know how I feel about her decisions.
much love
PoSiTiVe ViBeZ
-never complain, never explain-
what can I say but "wow". I havent read a post like this in a long time.
Pyro's stunned for words, so is just going to type. Lets see what garbled gibberish he comes up with today.
Ashke, I bearly ever reply to you but I think (sitting here eating my chilly and pepsi ONE) you touched a few nerves and ideas that are worth talking about.

I always tell people, even though I don't look the part (and basically refuse to look the part) I'm a candy raver at heart
. I love candy kids damnit, and if you've ever seen me at a party you'd know it, but it's just not 'my thing'. This has nothing to do with anything, but I wanted to say it
Ashke darling, you ARE strong. I'm sure folks tell you this all the time, and if they don't then they SHOULD.

The problem that you are suffereing through is because you were getting energy and courage THROUGH someone else.

Again I'll reitterate that I don't know what I'm about to write.
Humans all have the same basic nature. And in that nature there are many basic flaws that almost all of us share. When you base all that you are, or all that you hope to be (not even ALL, but most of), on another flawed creature then you are dooming yourself to be let down. Even relying on JUST YOU is not suggested, because then you cannot learn and growth is hard to accomplish.

You've examined in great detail love, respect, peace... but what about unity?

Perhaps unity could be comm-unity?

In order for unity to work not only do you belive in the strength of others and feed off of them, you belive in YOURSELF and you yourself make the contribution to unite. So what I'm trying to say is unity does not work unless everyone pitches in.

What the fuck am I talking about?

Look, nothing I'm going to say is going to do you any good. I'm far too small to think that I could, by what I say, help someone or change their direction.... but it's not the fact that I KNOW I can't, it's the fact that I got up and tried. That is all that matters. That you put all your heart into the situation and did what you could with a kind open heart.

Grab her, shake her and say "I love you god damnit, listen to me". Say it loud. Say it like she would have back in the day. Say it with the determination that you looked up to, say it with her strength. Then listen to yourself and relize that she is not saying this YOU are.

And dear Ashke you need to realize that sometimes people are not sent here to live 80 years... sometimes they die young, sometimes their purpose is fulfilled long before the average age to die. If you want to start guessing maybe she was here to influence YOU.

maybe far fetched.

Humans are just humans. So when you follow someone else, it's the blind leading the blind.

Take from left and take from right. Then take from above and take from below. Never just take from right, or just take from left.
don't make it all go away, but push it IN TO yourself and remember it and learn from it. Gain lessons and ideas from it. Even things that you don't understand at this moment, if you keep around long enough, and as you grow, you will learn from.
again, like I said I have no idea what I'm talking about...
Frequency. Music. Sound. Imagination. Reality. Worlds. Hope. Love. Communication. Common Sense. Community.
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thank you - it's hard to explain why or how, but thank you...
*love and hugs*
~The voice of imagination is the voice of eternity... (it) is Infinite and Eternal whereas the world of Generation is Finite and Temporal.~ William Blake
:)MD/DC/VA Krew:)
wow....goose bumps...
much love and hugs
"Try my exctasy... :)"
Liquidocean, thank you. After I read Ashkaayyys' post !!! I did not know the words to put together to express the stuff. Thank you both....PEACE...plur
We have fewer friends than we imagine, but more than we [email protected]
Thank you... very much...
I have a friend that I see slowly sliding away to meth my self, and I have lost many other to drugs and loss of themselves.
I sincerely belive that you will do what YOU need to do. And only you know waht that is. Sorry if I am making no sense.
That was without a doubt your most powerful post I've ever read! I'm at a loss for words.
Thank you Ashke for letting us in on your world!
Wow is all I can say...
)( eCLYPSe )(
FighterOfFoo182 on AIM
Your writing abilities and descriptive style is AMAZING!! You should seriously write books, stories or something. I was capativated for the whole post.
I know what you mean by respecting others being easier than respecting yourself. It took me a long time b4 i started to respect myself b4 others, and only recently have i started to face my problems with addiction.
All i have 2 say bout addiction is this, its a battle u have to face urself, b4 you re-evaluate and start 2 respect drugs properly - and respect sobreity properly. And u come out stronger in the end.
Make sure you give her shit if she tries to sell DXM tho, people could die if they mix it with e.
You have my respect..
I have had the same thing happen to me. Her name is Vaughn.She was a drifter too, she only lived in my town for about 4 months, but after she left we still managed to stay in touch. We would see each other a partys and what not.Then she disapeared about 3 weeks ago, and just this weekend a herd she had lost about 35 lbs and was all methed out, and not talking to anyone.
When I herd this disturbing news I couldn't say anything. I stood there for a few and thought about my strugle with my meth adication, and how much I wished I could help her.
All I can say now is I hope some people learn from these people's mistakes, because it hurts to see a friend go thourgh something like this.
I know for a fact i hurts because I lost some friend I wish I wouldn't have while I was addicted to Meth.
Well thats enough with my sad storie.
PLUR from John :)
Ashke ~ your words are as beautiful as you are. So many of your posts have left me speechless.
God I can't wait to meet u'z at Whistle!
.·:*¨¨*:·.¸¸. ·* PeZ pRiNcEsS *·.¸¸.·:*¨¨*:·.
"I don't know, but I think it has something to do with tassels!!!"
«‹ ÂvØ©ÄÐø!!! ›»
ASHKE RULES >> UN-fuuucckkiiinnn-BELIEVABLE.
it is touching and beautiful but what moved me more than the story is the writing style itself.
book review >> "written with insight, empathy, clarity, a sense of timing and a touch of genius."
were you really stoned when you wrote it??
if you can translate your talent to writing about fictional characters & settings you would transcend the great majority of best selling authors -- of course the best selling authors are not even close to the great writers but you could conceivably be both.
read anything by d.f. wallace - especially "infinite jest"
in individuals, insanity is rare: but in groups,parties, nations and epochs (plus stock market bubbles ) it is the rule.
friedrich nietzsche.
Again... thanks for your words and insightfulness Ashke

"We have been suboordinate to our limitations until now; the time has come to cast aside these bonds and elevate our conscienceness to a higher plane. It is time to become a part of all things."
"We are the music makers we are the dreamers of the dreams"
I am a loss of words....
Thank you sooo much for that story.
peace out
wow ashke
you just described my experience. i almost cried reading that.
a couple of years ago i had moved to a new place. i met a guy and i moved in with him. he introduced me to all his beautiful raver friends. they were everything shy, self conscious, low self esteem me wanted to be. they were beautiful, strong, outspoken. i felt special just to be considered their friends and i felt especially special to be this guys girlfriend.
however, shortly after moving in with him drugs began creeping in. heroin, crack, k, you name it. my beautiful boy and his beautiful friends were in a viscious struggle with addiction. i so wanted to be strong like them, but i didn't want their drugs. this put a wierd wall between us. i wasn't like them, no matter what. because of this i was only allowed to kinda know them, but they were there when i needed them and i tried to be there when they needed me.
my boyfriend ended up checking himself into a detox and i moved back home with my parents. i've lost contact with all of those beautiful people except one who i now cherish as my best friend and who is nearing his 9 month clean mark. but i miss the others. i constantly wonder how they, are where they are, if theyre still using. i fell out of the rave scene once i moved away. now i'm slowly re-entering it, i find myself hoping to come across these people at a party but i dont think it'll happen. my ex-boyfriend showed up at my house once about two years ago. he was clean but he didnt keep in touch with me. he is someone i can never forget and he is someone i compare all guys to since him.
drugs are dangerous, they not only screw with your life but with the lifes of those that love and admire you. please use them wisely.