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punk song about a part-e


Mar 29, 2000
I met her at a part-e
I thought that she was the one
I lost my head and beer
and she was spun
rollin at a part-e
and she was giving out hugs
but I was drunk off my ass...
and on drugs
chorus: I'm stupid
i'm fucked up
x-goggels in effect
there's something in my pants that is going to eject
if I could stand up
you know just what i'd do
I'd lay you on the ground and then we'd start to screw.
I came down from that part-e
and I looked back what I fucked
Viva cuarto de bano
I up-chucked
heh just a little something my shitty-punk band put together after we left one kickin partie
oi, oi, io im drunk as piss and your punk ass song kicked ass, wherte you from///////? im from sc lee is putting his second band togethrer the first was the worst dude ou should come jam.
lizzy the punk chick from hell
oi to jim bean although he is not as good as jack and beer he will do
oioioi to the german beer drimners
say hey johnny it's a battel call, united we stand divided we fall, together we are what we can't be alone, we came to this country to make it our home.
and PLUR to all
Just you and me, punk rock (party?) girl...
:griN: Rock. Loved it. Commented.
-+- JiggLyPuCk -+-