Pulsating forhead wont go away after two months please help


Feb 15, 2011
So some one told me if i took Pricetam that it would help my head after taking alot off MDMA and LSD. It did the opposite, giving my fore head this pushing sensation that follows with a small pop. Its been there for the past two months and is getting worse. As the pushing gos it also has these tracers and designs i see on the walls . Im thnking off going to a doctor to get put on SSRIs. MAybe that will counteract the Pricemtam?
Whatever it is it sounds very serotenergic. I'd see a doctor, as much as I hate them.
^ got to agree - although be prepared for them not to know a huge amount about serotonergic (or lack of serotonin) symptoms..

It could well be that you've been taking MDMA and LSD a bit too often for your head's liking - have you heard of HPPV (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder)? There is a lot of controversy around it and the causes, but I get tracers, sparkles in my vision (like tiny fireflies), visual snow and sometimes slight moving hallucinations which undoubtably gets worse after taking a hallucionogenic drug/MDMA. I would certainly lay off taking anything serotonergic or hallucinogenic for a while.

Not too sure about the SSRI idea I must say but if it's not getting any better, might be worth discussing it with a doctor. In fact it is definitely worth it, in case it needs further investigating or it is unrelated to your drug use..
Ya thanks for the advise. I do have hppd but the fore head thing i hope will be solved by SSRIs?
Or even just extended abstinence from serotonogenics? As in 6 months or more?
there are lots of other things you can do in the mean time.

http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article folder/Breathing.html
The Science of Breathing
list of simple Pranayama Exercises

i would be very curious to see how you feel trying pranayama for a few minutes. at least 90 seconds...;) yes i mean now...

what i like to do, is just sit comfortably and use a ratio of 2(inhale):4(hold):1(exhale). the actual physiological benefits of this sort of thing are outstanding, hard to believe, so often they arent.

perfect this ~
I was doing it, letting my mind go and it was gone;-)
I have a window open and could hear the wind swirling
a while then a train,
I felt-about the sound from the horn blaring out
then displacing into the air as if it belonged there.

Imagine this pressure leaving the same as the breath you exhale,
inhale through your nose while imagining the air pulling up from behind you,
over the top of your head ~
Down into your belly to be recycled,, then sent up and out upon exhaling.
I can only promise how awful and sick I feel almost all day everyday,
and this is what makes life bearable, annnd inspirational.
I believe in luck again.

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Definitely get it checked out by a doctor but don't be surprised by their lack of knowledge on serotonics. Oddly enough you seem to get some of the same symptoms i get when getting the first tinglings of a migraine coming on. I get weird tracers and fucked up vision (such as seeing lines on the wallpaper move or a blind spot) before a migraine comes on. Since migraines are helped by certain psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin then it could reason that these symptoms are the result of fucked up levels of serotonin.

Or maybe I'm talking out of my ass :p . It's just that it's interesting you get some of the same symptoms as i get before a migraine hit's.
It could well be that you've been taking MDMA and LSD a bit too often for your head's liking - have you heard of HPPV (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder)? There is a lot of controversy around it and the causes, but I get tracers, sparkles in my vision (like tiny fireflies), visual snow and sometimes slight moving hallucinations which undoubtably gets worse after taking a hallucionogenic drug/MDMA. I would certainly lay off taking anything serotonergic or hallucinogenic for a while.

Not too sure about the SSRI idea I must say but if it's not getting any better, might be worth discussing it with a doctor. In fact it is definitely worth it, in case it needs further investigating or it is unrelated to your drug use..

This. I have hppd. Was a big etard and acid lover. (Still am lol just not as much). I have a permanent visual snow (think television static), halos around light sources, tracers with bright pure lights such as neon or leds, and occasional spatial distortion and depth perception issues. I think the ssris might be the issue as these drugs such as mdma and LSD strongly affect the serotonin system. Might need to give the ssris a break so the system can reset.