PsyTrance Discussion and Stuff ver. III

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if you're in the mood to open your minds to something different, check out mr. rogers. he writes super funky midtempo psy-breaks. this is a link to his album "ooze system" on psyshop, but it's available all over online. if you get the chance, you should also check out some of his killer remixes on his myspace page.

this dude is actually a friend of mine but i hadn't heard him play in a while. we recently performed at the same show and his tracks were blowing the roof off the place. i especially enjoyed the "burning down the house" remix which did just that. listen to this music on a nice sound system if you really want to do it justice.
if you're in the mood to open your minds to something different, check out mr. rogers. he writes super funky midtempo psy-breaks. this is a link to his album "ooze system" on psyshop, but it's available all over online. if you get the chance, you should also check out some of his killer remixes on his myspace page.

this dude is actually a friend of mine but i hadn't heard him play in a while. we recently performed at the same show and his tracks were blowing the roof off the place. i especially enjoyed the "burning down the house" remix which did just that. listen to this music on a nice sound system if you really want to do it justice.

Man Mr. Rogers is a super nice quirky fellow, saw him play last year and got to hang out a good bit with him at a party, definitely dig his vibe, and his music had the "chillout" area getting down so fucking hard.
2 albums on high rotation: Terrafractyl: Chrysalis (get this, it is the awesome!!) and TSABeat: Attractive Synthesis.
Hey swillow, have you checked out Biorhythm live? They've been touring Oz.
Echo Vortex Outdoor - perhaps the best line-up in the UK in the last 5 years?


Alien Mental/ Sonik Skizzors, Zik/ Adrenal Gland, Electrypnose, DeepBrianFromBosis, Derango, Jibber Jabber/ zik alien, EVP

And in the chill:

Dymons, Flooting Grooves, Slackbaba, Cosmosophy

I'm so excited about it. Surely a party like this is worth flying over from wherever in the world you are?
Sphongle is amazing on live. Especially with nice dose of LSD ;)

This is still one of my favourite electronic albums of all time <3

Tenchi said:
I just thought I'd chime in here to introduce the music of a very good friend of mine. I remember when this kid was into nothing but metal and goth music and now he's producing some fucking awesome psytrance.

Yummmmmyyyy!!!! Thanks for sharing his stuff %)

So umm yeah, Tenchi, I'm a lil bit in love with your friend's music :)
Lurrrve the hard dark stuff %)
He's even got a track that's like 160bpm! WIN! <3
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^ wait, so you actually clicked on that link? brave man. i saw "poker face" and was instantly like OH HELL NO.
I can't stand Lady GaGa personally, but he made that thing listenable.
I can't stand Lady GaGa personally, but he made that thing listenable.

it's certainly better than the original and it would be fun if someone had done it for fun as a novelty thing. the problem is that there are already hundreds of such tracks and they even get played at (mostly the more commercially oriented) psy parties!
The thing is, he did do it for novelty value, he was just bored off his arse, lol.
I wish "hilarious" novelty remixes would fuck off forever. It's so annoying when someone drops them in the middle of a psychedelic set.
So what do you guys think of the latest OSOM records release, Crazy Astronaut- Renegade. So far, its sounds fuckng great- EXTREMELY fast, probably all tracks over 200bpm, but there is an element of cheesiness....

Awesomeness :D

Eagerly tearing open the packaging which encloses my copy right this very second! I'm really excited -- the samples that I heard sounded just as nutty as I'd hoped anything by the master behind Furious & Delirious Noon to be! :D
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