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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Psilocybin Mushrooms - Semi-experienced


Nov 6, 2009
Dose taken: 10grams Psiloycbe Cubensis
So about a week ago I dosed on 10grams of these shrooms. I ate the first four grams by just swallowing them whole because I had chewed them up a while before and retched from the taste. So after swallowing these shrooms I waited around an hour waiting to get high, nothing happened. I became extremely paranoid that my dealer had jibbed me and so I waited one more hour, still nothing. I then gave up hope and thought I’d eat a couple more shrooms. This time I mixed two grams in with yoghurt and chopped them up. They tasted great this way and so I decided to wait for another hour.

Within forty minutes I started to feel a little bit weird. I kept laughing at everything, music seemed to take on a colour and I was just feeling good. I began to watch Alice in Wonderland. I watched maybe 20 minutes before it just got too intense for me. I didn’t understand what was going on so I turned all of my lights off, put the Chemical Brothers on and lay down to trip.

My first ‘hallucinations’ were quite odd. It looked as if little round rainbow coloured men were dancing in front of my vision, hundreds of them and all in perfect unison. I liked this and was quite content to stare at the wall for a while. I could feel the mushrooms taking me under their wing and I felt safe, calm and assured. It was going to be a good trip. Within another twenty minutes the shadows in my room were actually moving. Twisting around like vines, the walls of my room seemed to be closing in, not in a scary way but in an awe inspiring sort of way. After another couple of minutes I went into the bathroom and literally got caught in the mirror. I could not turn away, I could see myself but in an alternate reality. It was amazing, I would move my arm and it seemed that the other me moving its arm was a different timing. I experimented with this awhile, completely absorbed in my own reflection.

Then I returned to my bedroom and felt like I needed more shrooms. So I chopped four more grams up, ate them with yoghurt again and felt incredibly satisfied. I then changed the music to C-mon & Kypski and lay down on my bed. The music was incredible, the album called “static traveler” was very psychedelic. I then seemed to get this amazing sense of insight into how others viewed me. All of the shit I get up to and how everyone would see it and how my family was always trying to help but I never accepted it, just these thoughts about myself that I had literally never been able to distinguish before but were now so clear. It was looking at me from another’s eyes and it was so refreshing, I felt so happy. Time then seemed to fragment, I couldn’t piece it together, couldn’t understand it. My digital clock would display these numbers yet I had no idea what they meant, they meant absolutely nothing to me. There seemed to be no minute, time was how I judged it. It was a weird sensation, I felt I had power over the flow of time and just by looking at my clock I could speed or slow it.

So I then began to look at this self reflection thing again and was thinking about many deeply embedded issues and just things going on in my life which I don’t really want to share and the way I viewed and had this clear understanding of these things made me cry. I was sobbing with happiness, so glad to understand myself. It felt weird and wrong because I’m not a cryer but I had no control over it. It was as if all these pent up emotions and worries were flowing out with my tears. This beautiful feeling of clarity was lifting me up, making me feel amazing. I also began to have this feeling of pure ecstasy for life and what I could gain through it. I can’t explain it very well but it felt as if the world was made of icing, this beautiful creamy substance that I could feel and taste.
I then went out into my balcony where I am growing weed plants, contemplated throwing my phone out into the streets (not sure why) and instead settled with destroying three precious weed plants. There was no reasoning or logic, just a need to do it which I obeyed. I also had this feeling of being a giant, it was so strange moving around my room because each step I took it looked to me as if I was going to crush something or step on everything on the floor.

Then as I lay down again in complete darkness and now listening to C-mon & Kypskis “Vinyl Voodoo” album I had my most intense and confronting revelation that swamped every other drug fuelled mind bending thought I had ever had. It was this feeling of clarity, this amazing sense that I solved the puzzle or meaning of life. It wasn’t an answer that I can describe with words just a thought.

I am going to try and explain yet I know that there is no way I have the words to describe what happened.
It was like this: C-mon & Kypski were playing the song Both Worlds and was about halfway through the song when I realized that I had solved the mystery, I was everyone, I would be everybody. I felt this feeling like each moment I had was clicking through, whatever I did meant nothing because it had already been experienced, I would experience what it was to be every single being because as I was slowly ticking through life so were other me’s one tick behind. So I would eventually go to my death and instantly in another world out there experience this world yet as another person. This explanation of it seems so primitive because I literally cannot describe it but I hope that maybe clarifies something.

Then nearing the end of my trip is when the shit really hit the fan. I was lying there with this clarity of the world and I heard a knock on my door. I didn’t know who it was but I went to open the door and as luck would be it was my neighbor. (I live in a rented townhouse) He is retired, 60 years old and used to be a cop. He told me that he had been hearing very loud talking all through the night and was wondering if everything was ok. I said yes and shut the door on his face. I was so freaked out. Suddenly holding the meaning of life was a burden, it was all too much. I tried to sleep but C-mon & Kypski turned on me. It was as if I was being surrounded, the music was following me and in a very menacing way. The closed in walls were suddenly too closed in, the shadows lashing out at me. I stepped out into my balcony and stood there breathing deeply for several minutes trying not to panic. I then decided to end my trip by falling asleep, as I lay down in bed again I noticed how incredibly hot I felt. I was burning, so I put my fan on full blast and eventually managed to sleep.

When I woke up I had this amazing feeling emanating all through my body, it was like I was radiating goodness and I felt amazing. I was incredibly sluggish though and drifted in and out of sleep for the next three hours. When I got up the first thing I did was go to my neighbor’s side of the house apologize and said I had had a psychotic episode.
He seemed really understanding and went so far as to say if I ever wanted to talk or needed something from me don’t hesitate to ask.

So all in all things wrapped up nicely and I discovered the importance of setting when taking mushrooms.
My favorite part is that you told your neighbor you had a psychotic episode made me laf
Wow; I live in a townhouse too, and my neighbor is a 60 year old guy who does the same thing to me. What a coincidence! Nice trip, I completely understand the happy feeling you had. When I tripped on mushrooms I also felt like I discovered the meaning of life. I felt free; as if I didn't have to worry, or fear anything ever again. I felt like I could do anything.
Im glad that you had a good trip. I have always been curious about what a high dose mushroom trip would be like.