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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Psilocybin Cubensis/3g) First Time: An Amazing Experience


Mar 27, 2011
Well, i'd like to start this off by saying I've wanted to try shrooms for about 6 months prior to the date of ingestion. I had heard from numerous friends that I'd have little to no visuals (wow, were they wrong) and just mainly a body high. I'm not going to include dates or names in this report, just in respect of others.

So the day finally came when I was going to take the shrooms. We had got them the day before from a friend and had roughly 11 grams dried all together.

1:00 - 1:30pm:

Ate the shrooms while walking to an undercover area (twas raining at the time) and I found they tasted somewhat like wood. I was with 4 other people at the time. No effects yet.

1:45 - 2:00pm:

This is probably the most memorable part of the trip as I wasn't sure how they were going to hit. I remember the first sign of them starting to take affect was this strange tingling sensation that overcame my whole body. It started at my fingers and then spread. These, "tingles" didn't last very long. At about 2:00 I turned on my Ipod and was listening to some Pink Floyd when it hit me. I could instantly feel the body high and was laughing somewhat uncontrollably. I stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours and started seeing my first visuals. The ceiling almost seemed at if it was flowing, but only at the corner of my eyes. I must have replayed the song "Electric Avenue" at least 5 times at this point, and felt absolutely amazing. I was starting to view the ceiling as being on two separate plains, almost as if a flat surface had more than one depth. This is when our other friends arrived.

2:00 - 3:00pm:

At this point I was walking around seeing everything in a different view. I remember there being a 4/square court and thinking, "Someone must of put a lot of effort into making that, and we just take it for granted." I was pretty fucked up at this point. I lit up a cigarette while everything was changing colours around me, and felt like the king of the world. I looked out in the distance at a group of trees and, almost miraculously, they started morphing together and spinning into this beautiful geometric vivid green pattern. At this point I knew I loved shrooms. Since only 4 of us were tripping on shrooms at the time, the 8 or so other people went to pick some up from a dealer.

(Just as a side note, I found that holding my knife gave me a sense of calm, and made me feel like I could do anything)

3:15 - 4:30pm:

At around 3:15 we walked over to a local convenience and there we unexpectedly ran into a friend. He invited us over to his house (knew we were tripping) and the 4 of us happily accepted. This walk seems very distant and I can't really remember it that well, but nothing spectacular happened. After about half an hour, we arrived at his house. I can't even begin to tell you how good lying on that couch felt. I went to go on his computer and ended up logging in to facebook after about 10 minutes. The letters were almost melting off the keyboard, so I found it VERY hard to type. After about 20 minutes of useless bullshit on the computer, one of my friends challenged me to a friendly fight. I happily accepted and ended up almost breaking the kids nose. Luckily, I got distracted by the vivid bushes on the map Jungle in call of duty black ops and went and played that for about an hour.

5:00 - 8:00

The body high was still evident at this point, but nowhere near what it was in previous hours. I walked home and crashed on my bed (god it felt so good), and then opened my laptop to talk to a friend about what I had experienced.

All in all, this was definitely an amazing experience. I find smaller things in life more important, and view normal things in a different light. My first time tripping was with 3 grams, and I honestly didn't find them to be that strong. The Pink Floyd definitely helped calm me down. If I had any advice to give to people wanting to try shrooms, it would be GET RELAXING MUSIC ON YOUR IPOD!

Alright, thank you all for reading this, and I wish luck to anyone wanting to try shrooms in the future!

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Good report Refusion! Shroom experiences for me feel like a rollercoaster ride for the mind. Sounds like you had a enjoyable trip :) By the way I love your location.
Haha, thanks for the reply! And I found shrooms to be somewhat relaxing in a way. They let me forget about everything else for the time being and just enjoy myself.
Sounds like an awesome first trip I'm glad you enjoyed them. Mushies are my favorite.
I will be doing them again in about 2 weeks! This time upping the amount to roughly 4 grams dried. Should be a rather interesting experience. :D
hey there!

nice report! glad you had a good trip!

careful when you change up the dose, 4g might be a little high if the quality is right and the potency strong and one is caught unprepared.

oh, and i personally avoid the computer during trips :) it eats up a lot of trip time and its mostly useless anyway.

i find it interesting that you felt like fighting and holding knives during the trip, i mostly feel like hugging trees and other people.

hehe i laughed at the whole "8 others went out to get shrooms from a dealer" part.
Yeah, I think i'll stray away from the computer the next time. And I have a perfect set for the next trip, so I think that 4g would be a good dose. :)
Sounds like a good time man, I recently had my first trip and had an incredible experience just as you did!
sounds like fun man, glad to hear im not the only one who trips and plays black ops- lol